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About This File

The year is... - well, take your favorite year from the future. You are a student at Ganymede University of Technology, experimenting with time travel. By mistake you travel about 50 years into the future. You had learned earlier from a history book which had been brought back from the future that at that time Ganymede will be taken over by a military regime, using your University as headquarters. Fight your way through Ganymede Tech and find the time port that will bring you back to your time...

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Crashes ZDoom - which can be solved by running a nodesbuilder once. Quite large cannonfodder level created in 1996, but looking like enthusiastically being made in 1994... Simple architecture, boring texture use and a horrible lot of mismatches. Gameplay @ UV faces the player with about 500 low-tier enemies and a cybie; if you like simplicitly, it may give you about 20 minutes of shooting. Overall rated as 1996 map: small meh mostly for the effort.

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Two linedefs have invalid sidedef numbers, Prb+ has no problem with that. A large softcore slaughter map with lots of shotgun fodder and places to go. Don't drop into the Cyber's arena, there's no way out.

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Unknown date

EW!!!, DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS!. It is all pure mockery style. And this is 96!?. Even the early 94 levels had better gameplay and rooms. Skip this one. -Torn

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Unknown date

I can't even start this ;_; It crashes every time X_X

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Unknown date

Probably somebody's attempt at crafting something bigger than he could handle. First of all, you need to fix many outright mapping errors that will prevent most modern engines from starting the map (leaving out minor HOM and stuck objects). Then you'll be left with a big (for 1996) level with 500-so monsters and a mixed bunch of styles and touches. 1/5 -Maes

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  • File Reviews

    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      A really frantic and fun DM map with pretty neat stuff like invisible pillar in the middle of the arena, doesn't have anything to do with the title but the level can become a BFG spamming fest soon, especially with bots. Less fun in SP but the arch-ville+bunch of nazi combo is a nice feat.
    • By Fireseth · Posted
      Only six enemies (played on UV) and no working exit. Other than that, it is a pretty detailed map for 1995. I enjoyed the general design and the poisonous vats of acid. Very cool, but not practical for good gameplay.   EDIT: Just discovered this is a DM wad… haha, for that purpose, it seems good. My original rating was 2/5, will change it now.
    • By CravenCoyote · Posted
      Lots of traps and monster closets. Some switches are activated by shooting but there's nothing to really tell you about this because they look the same as other switches.   Texturing is good and enemy placement proved rather difficult at times. There aren't may health pickups on UV so it was a fight to get through.
    • By costadevale · Posted
      It's pretty good for 1994. If you don't mind having no health items at all (except in a few maps) and the outrageous amounts of cyberdemons per map, you should give it a try. It's pretty challenging and I like it. E2M3 is a bit 'eh...' though.
    • By entropy122 · Posted
      What the actual f*ck is this map. I love having 4 rockets, a shit ton of bullets and like 10 shotgun shells to take out a revenant, and whatever was in that cage. Doesn't look too bad, maybe this negativity is cus im no expert, also rather unskilled at the game?