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About This File

This WAD is for experts only. It's tough, but it has been done by people other than myself.

Originally it was all one level, but when I tried to play on a 486, the thing was SO SLOW as to be totally impossible to have fun. So I broke it into five levels, which unfortunately takes away from the continuity. You must start at level one and work your way through if you want to get the weapons and savage your way through as the levels were designed to be savaged through.

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Summer Deep

· Edited by Summer Deep


I initially had very high hopes for this wad, but they were to be dashed, as will be apparent later in this review.


The author, one Scot Ranney, produced a series of FUBAR Doom 2 wads in the mid 1990s. FUBAR 1 was interesting, but far too easy on account of the superabundance of health and ammo. FUBAR 2 was commendably challenging, but let down by obscure progression and bugginess.


FUBAR 3 looked like the real deal on the strength of its first two maps which are tough, atmospheric and imaginative (not to mention a bit weird - check out the way the end of the first map is linked to the opening of the second...). Map 3 starts off with the player facing up to a Spider Mastermind and a group of Arachnotrons, but it's a lot easier than it ought to have been, and really a bit of lazy design. That's followed by a complex switch puzzle which will please some, but leave others concerned for their slowly diminishing sanity. Map 4 has fairly difficult combat situations, but the sense of progression is lacklustre and some areas don't make much sense. The highlight is the exit room, for which you will need plenty of plasma, health and armour, not to mention a bit of luck.


But level 5, WTF?!! There may be some obvious or not so obvious solution which I missed completely, but really it seemed here that Ranney had decided to sign off by devaluing his own wad and disrespecting those who had taken the trouble to play it. You'll have to try it yourself to see what I mean by this, all I'll say is that this wad could and should have been a jewel amongst its contemporaries, if its author had taken the trouble to make it so....


5 stars each for the first two levels, three for the next two, zero for the last one.


EDIT (Oct 2021): My review of this was rather harsh. Just replayed it (UV continuous) and it's pretty damn good all round, meriting at least 4/5 overall. The final map does seem to be some sort of joke by the author though. The wad appears to be designed for continuous play, by the way - just try doing map 4 from a pistol start!



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Yuki Senmatsu

Unknown date

OH DEAR GODS! I remember this map. No thanks. Too much HOM effect.

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Unknown date

Five maps dated March 1996, originally one map, but split up (shades of "Artifact"). Map01 is solid, E3-themed, a bit out of date for 1996, but with a satisfyingly meaty difficulty level (when I played it first the red key became inaccessible). Map03 and 05 are a bit crap, but Map02 and Map04 are good fun, the latter a minor masterpiece of hardness except that you can't feasibly pistol-start. Might have been better as just Map01 and 02 one after the other.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Darman Macray · Posted
      These levels are short, sweet, and pack a lot of punch. Complete with a humorous end-text-screen containing a healthy dose of silly shock-humor, this is a masterful triumph of Heretic map-making, and most certainly a must-play wad.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      A really frantic and fun DM map with pretty neat stuff like invisible pillar in the middle of the arena, doesn't have anything to do with the title but the level can become a BFG spamming fest soon, especially with bots. Less fun in SP but the arch-ville+bunch of nazi combo is a nice feat.
    • By Fireseth · Posted
      Only six enemies (played on UV) and no working exit. Other than that, it is a pretty detailed map for 1995. I enjoyed the general design and the poisonous vats of acid. Very cool, but not practical for good gameplay.   EDIT: Just discovered this is a ideally a DM wad… haha, for that purpose, it seems good. My original rating was 2/5, will change it now.
    • By CravenCoyote · Posted
      Lots of traps and monster closets. Some switches are activated by shooting but there's nothing to really tell you about this because they look the same as other switches.   Texturing is good and enemy placement proved rather difficult at times. There aren't may health pickups on UV so it was a fight to get through.
    • By costadevale · Posted
      It's pretty good for 1994. If you don't mind having no health items at all (except in a few maps) and the outrageous amounts of cyberdemons per map, you should give it a try. It's pretty challenging and I like it. E2M3 is a bit 'eh...' though.