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A Hidden Mountain Factory

   (46 reviews)
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About This File

This is primarily a single-player level, though you can play it in co-op - and even deathmatch, though it's not specially designed for it. The storyline: you have to infiltrate a hidden mountain factory, which produces... um... really nasty stuff. It is heavily guarded, so be careful! Stop the production and escape the facilities. Good luck!

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Cruduxy Pegg


Not much stands out about it but at least it is well crafted for 1996 and there aren't many annoying things in it. Very easy even with almost no health pick ups and you'll probably be able to bulldoze through it without getting hit once on a replay once you know where the zombies are placed.

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Kind of a mixed bag. Enemy placement felt cheap at times, at least on UV. Lots of hitscanners in tight quarters. But the map has good atmosphere, a memorable layout and nice overall design. Impressive enough for '96. But this one hasn't aged too well IMO. 3/5

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El Juancho


Excellent level from 1996, i had so much fun :D, monster positioning is REALLY good and the secrets are cool. Must play!

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Well done! Claustrophobic, dark, challenging, atmospheric. Lot of enemies, especially hitscanners, will keep you on your toes. Wish there was whole megaWAD from this guy! 

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· Edited by Argenteo


Those guys are producing some...nasty stuff. Small detailed map. Find the factory, shut it down and escape.

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this is a relatively short level focusing mostly on claustrophobic combat. there's a non-secret plasma gun which requires a bit of thinking (get a monster to open a door for you), and quite a lot of hitscanners can make it hard, especially when you get closer to the end. it's average, but it might be worth at least one play.

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Havoc Crow


On UV the level is a pretty difficult one, mainly due to very little health and the abundance of shotgunners/chaingunners all over the place, including some hard to see sniper's nests. Ammo can run out easily, too, unless you make good use of infighting. To complete this map you either need to be extremely careful at all times, or just find a secret that'll give you an edge. On the whole it's a well-designed and nice-looking map, but the difficulty feels rather cheap.

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Holy fuck? A '96 WAD that beats many contemporary ones. Good gameplay, detailed visuals, interesting room architecture. Excellent!

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a linear crawl that gives you no particularly fun items to work with - one of those old-school examples of championing balance to the obliteration of all else

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Hard and funny!)

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Unknown date

It's not that good. Pretty linear (though not quite as much toward the end) and there's not enough health. There were far better maps about back in '96. 3/5

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Unknown date

Great wad!

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Unknown date

Those who complain about the lack of health just aren't good players...still a really challenging map. 5/5

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Unknown date

This is one of the classic WAD's. Very well paced gameplay (except at the beginning). I was glad to see moving factory like structures, which really adds to gameplay. 4/5 -r_rr PS: What does this factory make thats really nasty?

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Unknown date

Very nice!

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Unknown date

Awesome balance and very stylish. A classic.

/ Grul

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Unknown date

a pure oldschool wad. just the way people like it!

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Unknown date

You could replace "mountain facotry" with "gem of a map" and have a very appropriate title.

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Unknown date

two thumbs up

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Unknown date

Not bad at all. I hated the beginning area before you go inside the mountain factory. It looked ugly compared to the other parts of the level. 4/5

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Unknown date

A simplistic but very enjoyable map from 1996. I reccomend anyone who finds this page to play it. 4/5 ~Joe Anderson

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Unknown date

very fun

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Unknown date

A good map but confusing. Worth a try. -=BlackFish=-

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Unknown date

A goodly bit of combat. Unlike so many of the highly-publicized wads of the same era, this one is still a challenge.

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Unknown date

One of the most challenging maps I have played in a long time. This is awesome!

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  • File Reviews

    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      An interesting map I tried while I was bored and it surprised me   I LOVE the weapon textures and sounds they have, they are so... WESTERN PIUM PIUM COW BOY   I loved it despite being so short
    • By ChrisOzzie · Posted
      Extremely impressive, big, detailed levels.  Gave me some slaughter map impressions with fun non-linear designs.  Had a frustrating arch-vile room early in the first level.  Felt impossible unless i found the bfg in a secret.  Otherwise great!
    • By CalavErik · Posted
      Absolutely love this megawad in its entirety, I'm playing it once a year since 2020 basically. The encounters all make me say "this bastard" in that sweet, loving way, chuckling through every trap and setpiece. I cant get the music out of my head, and me and my boyfriend now rithmically meow to the tunes(he likes them a lot too and told me to write this!). 
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      While I love the idea and how it's executed, I feel like it's made me appreciate big maps more!   Don't get me wrong, there are maps that are incredible! Especially those from episode 4!! But the idea of only having a few weapons and not having space to move, I don't like it, it's a bit doom-like and claustrophobic.   But other than that, it's good.