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   (3 reviews)
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About This File

Conventional DOOM wad designed around 3 key solution. Pretty straight forward. Really designed with cooperative play in mind but is a challenge for single player. All skill levels playable.

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Unknown date

Bad: A few ugly texture misalignments; A couple of unmarked key doors; Some dull-looking areas; Too much ammo after a while; Pretty linear. Good: Decent challenge, at points; Plenty of action; Many windows for fighting between rooms. Overall: Fair enough, but not exceptional in any regards. 2/5 -VV

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Unknown date

This is the Doom I version of id=5684. It's an entertaining old level from April 1996, in a retro style; the Doom II version is almost exactly the same, but with a super shotgun. The layout is a borgasmord, a castle dungeon outdoors techbase maze (surprisingly there is no "hell" section). It's nothing nothing spectacular, and it's not very hard, but it moves quickly. You can only get 4/5 secrets (the fifth is a mistake).

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  • File Reviews

    • By ballshitsnakes · Posted
      i wanna meet Ice59 and give them free therapy
    • By Morgan J. Sheridan · Posted
      A misunderstood masterpiece.
      Harbors an immaculate artstyle, grueling difficulty, and an extremely clever use of engine quirks.

      Wow.WAD is truly too good for its time, and is an example to be followed.
    • By Li'l devil · Posted
      This wad has the exact same design philosophy as Slaughter Until Death, and thus it's almost as uninteresting to play. The only major difference between TEU and SUD is that TEU has a lot more enemy spam (rooms choke full of enemies of one type). I think TEU also has a bit more interesting looking rooms, but still not much to look at.
    • By Li'l devil · Posted
      Mostly boring. There are very few interesting rooms and fight scenarios, everything else is just unremarkable. But this wad was released just 3 months after the first mapping tools appeared and at the time this was one of the very best. It's a historical artifact that should be studied, but shouldn't be played!