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   (2 reviews)
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About This File

This is essentially the same WAD as WSTOWER.WAD except it has been converted to Doom 2 format and I have added all of the additional demons and items (like the supershotgun) which can be found in Doom 2.

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Unknown date

The original WSTOWER isn't in the archive, although it seems to have seduced some designers (there is also a version for Doom II called WSTOWER2). This is a large and entertaining level that is surprisingly tough for something so old. The updated version is much more polished than the Doom II version, which left all the faulty design elements untouched. It's often overkill (the three-cyberdemon fight on a ledge, the room with the demons) but it's entertaining overkill.

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Unknown date

How many megaspheres does one level need?

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