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A decent E1 replacement. The maps are mostly non-linear and they feel good to play, although there's a few odd design choices that lead to dead-ends in couple places. The maps are too easy, mostly thanks to an overabundance of items, but they're still fun enough to navigate, thanks to a good handle on basic architecture. The standout is easily map 5.

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These maps were a lot of fun. Mostly larger maps with some interesting features that made me think a bit occasionally, and plenty of demons to kill along the way. E1M2 has a bug due to an engine change, so if you can't play on... I think v1.2 or lower, maybe v1.3, a switch fails to properly raise a bridge leading to the exit. Chocolate Doom doesn't support that old of a version, so I had to use a noclip cheat to clear the gap, but that aside, everything else went well. It's nothing amazing, but it's a solid set of maps, and it's part of an impressive start for the modding community, so I definitely recommend trying it.


That said, there were a couple minor complaints for me. One, there's a few levels that have multiple switches that control a single secret, and they only unlock the secret if they're hit in the right order with only one chance to do it. I'm not a big fan of getting force locked out of a secret just because I didn't even realize there was a puzzle being solved in time. Two, even on UV, it didn't feel that challenging, and I don't feel like I'm that great a Doom player. Blue armor and supercharges are found on a lot of levels, even multiple in some later levels, and ammo is rather plentiful, so I rarely felt like I was in a bad spot. By the final level, I had entirely full ammo for just about every gun, so I just liberally sprinkled the map with rockets.

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Percy T


Needs more textures, but I'm a fan of the large military base type levels, especially E1M5. Worth a play for sure!

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Episode replacement. I like e1m5 (the big columns pattern on several areas). But I reached the exit too quicky on the non-linear ones. Switch after switch. 

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Crude, simple, yet surprisingly inventive for 1994. There's a lot of switches and the layout is very non-linear and sometimes quite confusing. In one level I had to idclip to the exit because I had no idea how to get there otherwise. Overall, this was a nice nostalgic experience.
Difficulty: easy. Mods: Project Brutality 3, UDV.

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· Edited by CyberDreams


This mapset is a little too "switch hunty" for my personal tastes but for a WAD designed in 1994 it's actually fairly impressive. I can see why it was included in Doomworlds "The Top 100 WADs Of All Time" list back in 2003. Michael Kelsey really seems to have a "freeflow" sort of mapping style as most maps are very non-linear. But i digress, there are plenty of switches to behold.


Also as most people know there is a bug in Doom versions above v1.2 where the bridge for the exit in E1M2 doesn't rise. Besides that, i didn't experience any other bugs while playing through the WAD using GZDoom 4.1.2 (w/Doom Strict compat). The enemy count isn't very high in this mapset so i wouldn't go in expecting a ton of enemies (the very highest is around 180-ish). It is very much based on switches and puzzles as well as exploration, although a few maps tend to be easier and more action based then others.


Speaking of easy, the last map (E1M8) is a bit of a letdown challenge wise. I suppose back in 1994 it was really impressive and i did like the design/layout of it. I guess i was just expecting a little more of a challenge, especially after coming out of E1M7. 


Overall it was a decently designed mapset for the era that's more keen on puzzles than action but it's not one that i personally would constantly re-visit. I do think it's worth a playthrough at least once though, especially if you like non-linear puzzle/switch oriented style maps.

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Very good, but E1M2 destroys good mood by bug with bridge to exit. How it's possible to not found such major problem?

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· Edited by NuMetalManiak


couldn't seem to extract the file from the download, so I downloaded the one from DSDA. it's an okay '94 episode replacement, but it's not very well done with quite a few bugs and confusing layouts. I could probably list them from the top of my head, but in all honesty why bother, the set is actually very unmemorable and there's just nothing that sticks out. for those still interested, you're looking at low monster counts, but even those monster counts don't help make the wad seem nicer at all, it's just really boring and okay.

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An excellent map set for its day - 1994. It was fun to play, and certainly worth the time to download & play!

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shit. primitive

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Unknown date

I don't know how people are managing to get this wad. The files are corrupted and can't be uncompressed.

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Unknown date


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Unknown date

^^No there weren't many better wads at the time. Like anything from 1994, it holds up questionably, but you can still squeeze some fun out of it. 4/5

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Unknown date

For 1994 wad its from the construction side very good. But its way to easy (too many ammo, health and power ups)and has some noteable errors. Exit in E1M2 is not accessable. No redkey card in E1M4 but instead a yellow that you dont need. There is also a small niche where you can stuck and a secret isn't accessable. A secret in E1M9 is also not accessable. 4/5

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Unknown date

2/5 The Top 100 feature praised Kelsey's technical skill and his facile use of the OEM texture scheme, but I cannot agree that this has "fantastic artistic sensibility". The levels are painful to play: huge with little variety in opposition, uniform in difficulty, and reusing the same color combinations and lift sequences over and over and over. Switch puzzles in particular *merely* avoid making me actively uncomfortable despite their size, rather than being engaging plot points as Linguica implies.

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Unknown date

A solid episode of quasi-E1 style that is worth a place in your "1994 worth keeping" collection. As usual, architecture is bland for today but it's fun to play.

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Unknown date

not really cool! 2/5

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Unknown date

9.9999999 out of 10

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Unknown date

gave up on this wad when unable to find the swictch to raise the exit bridge in M2... after activating what seemed like 2 dozen switches...the maps look good but the 'logic' of the problem solving just isn't there leading to frustration and hence ruining any enjoyment

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Unknown date

Please stop trying to compare a 1994 WAD to modern WADs; it's just stupid. I'm impressed this episode came out in 1994; no doubt my favorite from this year. ~vf

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Unknown date

This is a solid effort... I'll give it a 5 out of 5 because it's from 1994. Yes, I agree. Lets not compare this to a modern recent level. Remember this wad was created in the early days... even before Doom II. 5/5 full respect.

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Unknown date

This is dated August 1994. It's an E1 replacement, one of Doomworld's top 100. The design has lots of tricks that were state-of-the-art at the time. Nowadays it looks retro in a good way, and it's still fun. E1M1 is an epic opener that's a bit too switchhunty, E1M2 is a bit Death Star, and the rest is similarly good, although nowadays it feels a bit long-winded and easy. The levels are all mid-sized. E1M8 is simple (by that time you have loads of rockets).

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Unknown date

I had a lot of fun beta testing the Level for Michael. IT ROCKS!! Watch for the secrets! If you think they're hard to find now, you should have seen the original draft!

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Unknown date

Another timeless classic from summer '94. The author's obsession with switches was indeed legendary, but the exit on E1M2 is broken not because of that. It exploits a bug in DOOM present in versions up to and including v1.4 beta that was subsequently fixed. Either play with that or with prBoom-plus "-complevel 0". - N_A

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Unknown date

too much frustration, too little action. but as '94 wad it certainly get a bonus star, so ****

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  • File Reviews

    • By yurikasupershotgun2311 · Posted
      i love fungus abortion thank you :) my girlfriend said i suck at doom and she lowkey kinda bullied me but its not ur fault i love ur level mr or ms or mx guest :)
    • By Lmao · Posted
      I like it, now we need an official quad-shotgun 
    • By Mizuki_Jun10 · Posted
      DOOM: Awesome, Episode 1. For me, it was worth playing this episode because I particularly like Episode Replacements!   Just now getting to know Giest118 thanks to this level design work, I realized that he is very talented in organizing symmetrical layouts in a consistent way, like well-placed and built rooms, which really makes you recognize good architectural work on the maps, and in my gameplay, that was what I noticed the most potential in overall.   However, this episode lacks a lot of elements in general, and they are quite specific, since this episode is not bad, but I would enjoy it more if it executed those specific elements better, such as: enemy positioning, texturing, charisma, etc.   The enemy positioning really isn't that pleasant, with them being placed repeatedly, thus making the combat monotonous and extremely predictable many times.   And although the texturing is far from being considered bad, it rarely reveals details and a very high quality positioning, we rarely have misaligned textures, but overall, we don't have something high level, however, being realistic, many of the details in the maps do justice to the quality, but not enough.   We had very good moments here and there most of the time, nothing incredible, the level that caught my attention the most was E1M6, this level is a classic! And it made me love the episode as a whole, however, it doesn't hold up to the quality of the entire episode alone.   The final battle was quite monotonous due to the layout, and too many heavy enemies without the player having better resources, and I dare say that it was quite disappointing to have a final fight like that, I wish it were better.   To recap more directly, the maps are good, but they are not that memorable, with many of them holding unimpressive moments, with E1M4 being a good example since it was the level that best describes what I said earlier. The enemy positioning could be better, the architecture is very good, the details are good, at times it is lacking, and it lacks more of the positive aspects that E1M6 has for example.   I can say that DOOM: Awesome, Episode 1, is an average episode, unfortunately.
    • By Daemonic Synergy · Posted
      Good stuff. A very pleasant surprise. I stumbled upon this by chance. Someone mentioned it and I realized it was something I had not played before. I dove right in completely blind and I'm glad I did. Not too complex or overwhelming, but with enough action to keep you consistently engaged. Right up my alley.  
    • By Alexandra · Posted
      Appreciate the maniacal level of attention paid to texture alignment in these lo-fi E2-styled spaces. An easy, gentle appetizer for the harder WAD you'll play next.