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The UAC Dam Facility

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UAC has called you in to save their collective ass once again. Seems some troops stationed at their (This is the story Rio hydroelectric plant have gone berserk and for the all of the (with the help of a few dozen denizens of Hell) seven levels, not have taken over the plant. The blueprints that just the first.) the UAC suits show you during the briefing reveal that in addition to the main dam, there's a sewer, vault (?), and storage area in the facility. More interesting, there's a vast network of tunnels and chambers within the mountain that the base was built into. UAC believes that whatever caused the marines to go berserk originated within these catacombs. "Your mission is to infiltrate the base and purge the invasion force. Once the dam facility is secured, descend into the catacombs and destroy whatever it is that's in there. If you survive, find a way out of the mountain and signal for pickup." "That's all?" you smirk. "Easy money." The suit doesn't smile. Instead, he points to a sign.

---------------- | | | NO SMIRKING. | | | ----------------

In his droning monotone, he croaks "It's time." Then he chokes on the Jolly Rancher he was eating. You shake your head, as you watch his body spasm. You knew this story couldn't stay serious for long. Your briefing over, you board the waiting UAC shuttle. You're dropped into the heart of the complex, and your mission begins...

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Unknown date

It's certainly large, but I was put off by the dark crate maze near the beginning. The maze just goes on and on and isn't worth the effort. The idea must have been that, because E2M2 had a crate maze, then a level with a bigger and darker crate maze would be better than E2M2. It's tedious if you use IDBEHOLDL, and unplayable otherwise; there's a light switch, but it makes things worse by lighting only part of the maze, ruining your night vision.

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Unknown date

A very good map. The only negative is that there's one slightly annoying puzzle. Perhaps there's a clue somewhere for the "combination" but I didn't find it, and had to use trial and error.

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  • File Reviews

    • By CravenCoyote · Posted
      Lots of traps and monster closets. Some switches are activated by shooting but there's nothing to really tell you about this because they look the same as other switches.   Texturing is good and enemy placement proved rather difficult at times. There aren't may health pickups on UV so it was a fight to get through.
    • By costadevale · Posted
      It's pretty good for 1994. If you don't mind having no health items at all (except in a few maps) and the outrageous amounts of cyberdemons per map, you should give it a try. It's pretty challenging and I like it. E2M3 is a bit 'eh...' though.
    • By entropy122 · Posted
      What the actual f*ck is this map. I love having 4 rockets, a shit ton of bullets and like 10 shotgun shells to take out a revenant, and whatever was in that cage. Doesn't look too bad, maybe this negativity is cus im no expert, also rather unskilled at the game?
    • By Pepo · Posted
      thank god Underhalls was the map that followed this mod as that level was able to remind me what actually competent level design looks like.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      Not that bad, even kind of interesting find the secrets in the map! But yeah, that switches jungle is a awful choice really.