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About This File

You, B.J. Blazkowicz, have done it! (Don't all the REoL TOUGH stories begin with that line?) You have flushed out the evil demon scum inside Castle Solarge in the Rockies! Since your trip back home from this torture, you sit with your Rotisserie Gold chicken and Bon-Bons to see what terrific buys the Home Shopping Club has. You turn on your TV, and to your disappointment, all you see and hear is static. You flip through all the channels, but nothing comes in. You then called the cable company to see if anything is wrong, but, the phone seems to be dead. "This is too weird", you say to yourself. You then got dressed in your classy black tank-top and stained shorts to go down to City Hall to see if they have any insight on what was happening. So you walk out of your apartment complex, and head to the safe N.Y.C. subway system to go there.

After waiting 10 minutes for a train, you get on and sit next to a weird-looking fellow, and one of NYPD's finest, a drunk cop. As the train is about to make it's next stop, the power goes out! Once that happened, the weird person attacked everyone in sight. The easiest prey for him was the cop. He then claws at you with his sharp claws.

This beast clings onto you like spaghetti sauce on light clothing, and smashes out the subway doors. As he took you down the tunnel, letting you walk on the 3rd rail, You saw a blasted out portion of the tunnel ahead. In this hole, was a teleporter. The beast removed his clothing to reveal his true identity. He was a CYBER-DEMON! "I am SICK of how you treat us when you're around" Cyber said: "Now you are going to pay the ULTIMATE price for your actions! This teleport takes you to to a retreat for Cyber-Demons, called Euthanasia." As he talks, you try to get out of his grasp, but he clenches you harder. "Euthanasia is a "funhouse" for disgruntled Cyber-Demons that want to kill Space Marines with a rocket blast that will kill people like you, being such a blast, you may not feel the pain, or scream from it. Now, YOU'RE our new prey." He then throws you into the teleport into Euthanasia, and all I can say is, Are you feeling MIGHTY LUCKY? You better, or else!

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Short but hard level due cyberdemons threat. I had to downgrade in HNTR skill, but despite of that, I enjoyed overall gloomy feeling. Visuals are decent for wad from 90's (if you like brown bricks a lot). I've never run out ammo or health in that skill. 

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Badass level heavily inspired by maps 11 and 14 of Doom 2. Very scary because of cyberdemons observing every area. I looked in the editor once because I didn't realize that the path to the blue key opened.

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Typical map from the 'a poor map gets better by adding monsters' niche school. So far about the simple and monotonous gameplay. The rest is at best mediocre. Overall: small 2* because it was made in 1997. BTW 5* legendary? Nofi, but :lol:

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Unknown date

Legendary :)

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Unknown date

For me the best level he made. 5/5 coldfusio.

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Unknown date

A classic. Brutal, challenging, and exciting. I spent entirely too much time playing this one, and I didn't even find all the secrets.

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Unknown date

Very nice! very sweet enginerity, thou a few detail missplacements, Liked the Library, maybe a little tough to handle all the bad guys, but hey, thats what it all about! 3 stars from me! -Pete

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Unknown date

This is impossible.

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Unknown date

Very good level by George Fiffy, who was quite notorious in the early days for his rather difficult stuff.

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Unknown date

Keeps you on your toes. A rare gem, this is.

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Unknown date

hurt me again...5 stars...

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  • File Reviews

    • By Darman Macray · Posted
      These levels are short, sweet, and pack a lot of punch. Complete with a humorous end-text-screen containing a healthy dose of silly shock-humor, this is a masterful triumph of Heretic map-making, and most certainly a must-play wad.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      A really frantic and fun DM map with pretty neat stuff like invisible pillar in the middle of the arena, doesn't have anything to do with the title but the level can become a BFG spamming fest soon, especially with bots. Less fun in SP but the arch-ville+bunch of nazi combo is a nice feat.
    • By Fireseth · Posted
      Only six enemies (played on UV) and no working exit. Other than that, it is a pretty detailed map for 1995. I enjoyed the general design and the poisonous vats of acid. Very cool, but not practical for good gameplay.   EDIT: Just discovered this is a ideally a DM wad… haha, for that purpose, it seems good. My original rating was 2/5, will change it now.
    • By CravenCoyote · Posted
      Lots of traps and monster closets. Some switches are activated by shooting but there's nothing to really tell you about this because they look the same as other switches.   Texturing is good and enemy placement proved rather difficult at times. There aren't may health pickups on UV so it was a fight to get through.
    • By costadevale · Posted
      It's pretty good for 1994. If you don't mind having no health items at all (except in a few maps) and the outrageous amounts of cyberdemons per map, you should give it a try. It's pretty challenging and I like it. E2M3 is a bit 'eh...' though.