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Blue Streak Doom v1.0

   (5 reviews)
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For single player, read the story below. You basically wander around killing everything in sight Where have I seen that idea before??!!! There are some neat tricks, you may have to watch the demo to complete it properly but try to figure it out yourself! Ultra-Violence is VERY hard and nightmare is just stupid!!! If you can complete it on nightmare, record a demo and send it to me!! I'd like to see it done!!! Find the vacuum cleaner and suck brains out!!! It's great fun! Do it to your mates in a multiplayer game!! They make a kinda slurping noise!!! Visit my web page shown above for some screen shots...

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I admit I was expecting something horrible when I saw the first room but it turned out not so bad after all. It's mostly just very basic rooms but there is some fun horde slaughtering and figuring out the way was somewhat entertaining. Also cool new graphics (weird chainsaw replacement, chainsaw zombies, etc) and it's interesting how two out of three levels exist solely for storytelling. Overall kinda poor but it has its moments.

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Unknown date

Three maps from July 1997, with custom sounds and graphics in separate files that I didn't bother to load. Gets off to a bad start with Map01, which can only be described as a series of undetailed 1994-style rooms one after the other, except that it's impossible because of a cyberdemon that blocks you; Map02 is a single square room with no baddies; Map03 is a larger square room - dark - with one monster and no exit. DO NOT WANT.

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  • File Reviews

    • By costadevale · Posted
      It's pretty good for 1994. If you don't mind having no health items at all (except in a few maps) and the outrageous amounts of cyberdemons per map, you should give it a try. It's pretty challenging and I like it. E2M3 is a bit 'eh...' though.
    • By entropy122 · Posted
      What the actual f*ck is this map. I love having 4 rockets, a shit ton of bullets and like 10 shotgun shells to take out a revenant, and whatever was in that cage. Doesn't look too bad, maybe this negativity is cus im no expert, also rather unskilled at the game?
    • By Pepo · Posted
      thank god Underhalls was the map that followed this mod as that level was able to remind me what actually competent level design looks like.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      Not that bad, even kind of interesting find the secrets in the map! But yeah, that switches jungle is a awful choice really.
    • By Walter confetti · Posted
      A basic and nice looking showroom type of map where monsters are trapped inside glass prisons, no exit and no way to play this with any modern source Port like DSDA-Doom and GZDoom, but works really well in Crispy Doom. It was a pleasant experience.