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JOW: Jason Wainman's 30 Levels of Doom II

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About This File

These levels, which were the results of four months of work from October 1995 to January 1996, are some of the hardest ones you'll ever experience.

However, I did notice a few things that I felt needed improvement. I made the textures more realistic to the surroundings of the boards, eliminated some unwanted items, and installing walls where open space once was -- this would sometimes make the levels too easy to play.

Also, on some levels, I changed the passageways from the original blocky style to curves. As for keys, I redid the placement of the keys to make the level playing more realistic to its level of difficulty.

NOTE: These levels replace the original JOW.WAD, since this is a major redo of this package.

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four months and a date that goes back about 24 years tells you quite a lot about JOW. this infamous levelset is known for its boring and badly designed hallways and its liberal usage of SS troopers. layouts are flat, monsters are never flagged deaf and are always facing east, no secrets in any maps, and nothing design-wise is made to be interesting. Commander Keens are present behind cages, and the author despite saying that these are the "hardest ones you will encounter" practically spoon-feeds you any chance he gets. you'll get every single weapon in each level, with supplies stocked in many rooms, rooms that have a cyberdemon, spider mastermind (of which one of both is in every level), barons of hell, and even cacodemons will have multiple powerups, usually invulnerabilities, invisibilities, and megaspheres, plus other supplies making it pretty much impossible to use. arch-viles are super-rare and there's no pain elementals in the entire wad either. levels are real large and will have hundreds of enemies, so theoretically the carnage is actually quite worthwhile and makes you feel overpowered despite the lack of challenge. backtracking is still a problem.


would you believe me if I said there were actually memorable maps in this compost pile? yep, 10, 20, and 30 are all very short, while MAP12 is actually super simplistic and boring with the multiple "going in several rooms" thing. MAP24 took the overall longest, while maps with a lot of open space like MAP08 and MAP22 are very hectic due to no monsters being flagged deaf. it's also quite surprising seeing these maps compared to slige when they are much bigger in design. should you play it? only if you want to see for yourself just to see why people hate it.

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baja blast rd.



So bad it's good. 


End of maps tend to be marred by three keys and their associated doors being scattered in remote parts of the mazes, often requiring traversal that far exceeds what came before, despite most of the monsters being dead. So IDCLEV to next once you've cleared most of the map.

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Waaay too much ammo, power-ups and health.


Hurtfloors do not hurt you.


Spider Masterminds and Arachnotrons are usually clipped into geometry, as the author was not aware of their sprite size.


Key locations are too predictable. Once you unlock the first keyed door, you will always receive the next key immediately in the room you unlocked.


Levels are poorly implemented and pathed, meaning that you will be doing a lot of backtracking.


Very large maps on average - but without much visual variation between maps.

Extremely easy on UV, due to the above issues.


Somehow, I still played through it all - and while being pretty poor, I still had little bits of enjoyment feeling so overpowered.



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Too many very very loooong corridors that sometimes lead to dead ends, many useless empty rooms where a huge "?" appears above your head thinking "what am I suppossed to do in this room?", connecting rooms sometimes with openings and other with doors, seriously, to put an opening and next a door that leads to the same room?  And when you finally find the key or skull you needed the door is at the other edge of the huge map...


What's the point of putting lots of rooms connected by tiny corridors trying to use ALL the Doom textures in every different room (including Wolfenstein textures) ?  And over 10 Commander Keens in every map, that do nothing, they don't open secret doors, nothing....


Also, I think I needed more weapons... even with Æons of Death 6.66 with lots of weapons the ammo was full all the time cause of the mysterious obsession of dropping huge loads of ammo in every corner and also powerups... did I mention you got more than 5 invulnerabilty spheres on every map?

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I've seen better maps generated by SLIGE, because I find it hard to believe that these maps were made by hand. You get generic room after generic room with some possessed zombies and SS Officers scattered around. The SS Officers are common enemies too, with Wolfenstein textures and doors all over the place too. You'll be playing the first map thirty times here (as in all the maps feel the exact same), of which all the maps are long, boring, and frustrating to go through, not worth your time.

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Too many Wolf3D textures, too rectangular architecture. Also quite a tedium, given the size and length of even the earliest levels. Too bad not a single mappixel within them craves for a minimal amount of replay value. Some okay fights can be pulled off here and there, but it's literally all and everything remotely nice about it.

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Hard to believe these maps were hand-crafted. 

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Unknown date

I hereby award this map the prestigious "8 Gorilla Anuses" award. Thoroughly enjoy it.

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Unknown date

Authors may NOT use any of these 30 levels as bases to build additional levels. Why would anyone wish to build off of this junk is beyond me. Not to be inpolite, but I've seen SLIGE levels that are better. Also, you are correct about the hardest ones part. Execpt it's "hardest ones to not quit before it's over". Still, try again later and you might do better. Gave you a one because you still tried.

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Unknown date

'A' for effort. 'F' for Design. 'D' for Gameplay.

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Unknown date

After I passed through all twenty six levels, my life changed. I do not play Doom. I broke computer, sold my house to buy a maze. Now I live in it, and all day long I walk through rooms and corridors. For lunch, I often open the doors and kill useless monsters. I do the same for breakfast and dinner. P.S. Author, build for me more mazes. P.S.S. Allah Akbar.

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Unknown date

The first pwad I ever played

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Unknown date

I'd rather play nothing but SLIGE maps for an entire year than play this again.

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Unknown date

This is a horrendous megawad. All of the levels are plagued with simplistic layouts, repetitive textures, constant backtracking and possibly the most annoying enemy I've encountered in Doom (Nazi soldiers that can resurrect fallen enemies). Apparently, the author does not know how to mark secret sectors, because not a single level has any secrets. I see the author hasn't made a new wad in 16 years. I say that's for the best. 0/5

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Unknown date

yes, it looks like a bunch of slightly modified slige-levels

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Unknown date

All 30 levels have little varience in them. They are all textured the same, use the same themes and enemy usage even though their layouts vary. There is not one secret at all in any of the levels. This is just a boring piece of shit from start to finish. There is some gameplay at least but it too is all the same. For boring people only. 1/5

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Unknown date

i liked this!! lol top marks

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Unknown date

Shit-o-meter of this wad... off the scale. Must... reach... bathroom! *Barfs all over the floor*

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Unknown date

Felt like playing wolfenstien but with worse level design.

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Unknown date

welcome to my 100 worst wads!

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Unknown date

I only played the first 2 maps. They are quite repetetive and low on detail. Some strange texturing. Weapon and monster placement seem random. Many rooms make no sense at all. I gave up after 2 maps. Sorry.

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Unknown date

I hereby dub the author of this map .. THE HUMAN SLIGE.

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Unknown date

Best wad ever. 0/5

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Unknown date

that's really goddamned lousy :)

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Unknown date

Another one of those annoying wads that is obviously intentionally bad. There should really be a folder for "real" megawads only and put this type of sh*t in a different folder (Arcade, BCSM, Doom Jr, etc. are also examples). This isn't saying a "real" megawad has to rock the boat, but it needs to have at least some evidence of effort. Which this doesn't.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Fireseth · Posted
      Only six enemies (played on UV) and no working exit. Other than that, it is a pretty detailed map for 1995. I enjoyed the general design and the poisonous vats of acid. Very cool, but not practical for good gameplay.
    • By CravenCoyote · Posted
      Lots of traps and monster closets. Some switches are activated by shooting but there's nothing to really tell you about this because they look the same as other switches.   Texturing is good and enemy placement proved rather difficult at times. There aren't may health pickups on UV so it was a fight to get through.
    • By costadevale · Posted
      It's pretty good for 1994. If you don't mind having no health items at all (except in a few maps) and the outrageous amounts of cyberdemons per map, you should give it a try. It's pretty challenging and I like it. E2M3 is a bit 'eh...' though.
    • By entropy122 · Posted
      What the actual f*ck is this map. I love having 4 rockets, a shit ton of bullets and like 10 shotgun shells to take out a revenant, and whatever was in that cage. Doesn't look too bad, maybe this negativity is cus im no expert, also rather unskilled at the game?
    • By Pepo · Posted
      thank god Underhalls was the map that followed this mod as that level was able to remind me what actually competent level design looks like.