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180 movie - reminding you that pro-choicers are Nazis

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Barely watched it, but I lol'd at the neo-Nazi. I have to wonder whether that was just acting or if he found a legitimate nutjob.

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Oh, for fuck's sake, Ray. What this man won't do.

EDIT: This makes me ill. He's equating the tortures of the holocaust as being equal to the workings of an abortion clinic. They're is a big difference from murdering and killing an unaware fetus, Ray.

GreyGhost said:

I wonder how long it took him to find 14 dummies who hadn't heard of Adolf Hitler?

Well, not everyone's played Wolfenstein, stupid.

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Aliotroph? said:

We can only hope he gets splattered by a random act of God.

(Previous statement not intended to imply there is a God.)

Lord, he only brought up the Nazi shit to purposely make his interviewees/viewers emotional and add weight to his flimsy argument. He did this same shit with his vandalization of the Origin of Species. He exploits tragedies to justify his narrow-minded shit, and what is tragic, is people are lapping up this fool's cum by the buckets.

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Technician said:

Well, not everyone's played Wolfenstein, stupid.

I suppose that's the video game generation for you, if it lacks regenerating health and/or bunny hopping - they don't want to know. Not like the good old days, when topics like the Holocaust would be handled in school with tact, due consideration and a practical example - such as gassing and cremating a few lab rats in the science room.

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GreyGhost said:

I suppose that's the video game generation for you, if it lacks regenerating health and/or bunny hopping - they don't want to know. Not like the good old days, when topics like the Holocaust would be handled in school with tact, due consideration and a practical example - such as gassing and cremating a few lab rats in the science room.

I just read one commenter singling out government schooling as the cause of this ignorance. I guess the government is too busy pumping evilution into our kids brains. Ironically, I can only think of home-schooled kids being sheltered enough where Hitler and Nazism has not been seen capitalized a million times in today's media.

skaman86 said:

I can't believe how many people don't know who Hitler is.. LMAO

"is he like an actor"???? WTF lol

Comfort is a born liar, so I wouldn't be surprised if he fabricated most of this shit.

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First I heard in the movie was Ray Comfort's voice and then I knew that this video was all about lies and bullshit. There is no reason to listen to anything that man puts out.

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Yeah same here. After reading the rave "reviews" on the box, and being told by a friend it was "interesting", I thought maybe this would be the first good pro-life argument I'd ever seen. Then I hear "Hi, I'm Ray Comfort" and I'm like shiiiiiiit.

here is the only good ray comfort video

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Heh, and then he stares at her anyway when she leaves.

She was awesome, handled the little tosspot well.

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I'd better not watch the 180 movie because I know if I do I'll just feel pissed off all day. I am familiar with Ray Comfort, though; I remember watching some of his anti-evolution stuff, co-starred by a former child actor, evidently the most famous and charismatic fundamentalist he could find. For some reason, the one argument from those videos that keeps coming back to my mind is, "It actually takes more faith to believe in evolution than to believe in creationism." Okay, that just goes to show that Ray Comfort doesn't believe in God out of conscious effort (which I respect) but because, for him, it's the easiest, intellectually-laziest thing to believe in, as he thinks that the physical evidence for creationism outweighs the evidence for evolution. This is obviously wrong, but even if it weren't, physical evidence shouldn't be used as a basis for faith, anyway. This is a contradiction of terms. We have faith in the things for which we have no evidence. If you only have faith in God because of misinterpreted physical evidence, you're not being faithful, just a crappy scientist. My Christian friends agree with me on this so this isn't just the opinion of a knee-jerk atheist.

NINJA EDIT: Flanders is a dweeb but also a faithful, non-judgemental Christian character and thus does not deserve to be associated with Ray Comfort. Shame on you geX!

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Actually. Flanders is very judgemental. But he's also one of those guys that actually read the bible and took to him some of Jesus advice aswell as those of the old testament. Like "let the one without sin cast the first stone".

That being said. I don't agree with your faith argument.

What are these things we believe on faith that we have no evidence for?

Also, Ray Comfort has repeatedly been pointed out to by scientists that has talked to him that he doesn't understand or know the way evolution theory works. On several points he has been pointed to things he has been evidently wrong or false about. Still this doesn't stop him from repeating the same arguments. He doesn't care about evidence, he only cares about lying for jesus.

He said repeatedly that he KNOW that god is real and there's really nothing anyone says that can tell him otherwise. Pointing out to him that knowing anything beyond any doubt is impossible, let alone that a skydaddy that there is no evidence for at all is improbable in the highest degree.

He also has done things he must have been aware of being wrong, deceitful and or illegal on. Like his debacle with his "anniversiary version of the origin of species". He made this print of the book where he made a foreword lying about Hitler basing his ideas on the theory of evolution. As well as spreading falsehoods about Darwin and so on. On addition to this, he had removed select peices of the original book. When asked about that he claimed it was because of economical issues that the book was cut down in size.

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Don't worry about it kristus. Creaphis deliberately took a contrary position just for the sake of writing an incredibly long argument.

(in all seriousness though I agree with the things he said)

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skaman86 said:

I can't believe how many people don't know who Hitler is.. LMAO

"is he like an actor"???? WTF lol

It's probably modified like the James O'Keefe / ACORN "Prostitution" hoax. What you do is you ask one question to get a certain response, and then use movie magic to change the original question, making the response seem reprehensible or stupid. It's the same concept used for Space Ghost: Coast to Coast.

For all you know, the real conversation could have gone like this:
"Do you know who John Wayne is?"
"Is he like an actor?"

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Whatever this is about, it's probably something too American for a poor Euro Pinko Commie like me to grasp. And I'd happily leave it at that.

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I didn't know who Ray Comfort was and so I looked him up. As soon as I found out he started Living Waters, I knew this guy was an idiot and that the film would be utter crap. I've had my fill of run-ins with people who follow the Living Waters stuff.

But I'll watch it anyway. I need a good laugh today.

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kristus said:

Also, Ray Comfort has repeatedly been pointed out to by scientists that has talked to him that he doesn't understand or know the way evolution theory works. On several points he has been pointed to things he has been evidently wrong or false about. Still this doesn't stop him from repeating the same arguments. He doesn't care about evidence, he only cares about lying for jesus.

He said repeatedly that he KNOW that god is real and there's really nothing anyone says that can tell him otherwise. Pointing out to him that knowing anything beyond any doubt is impossible, let alone that a skydaddy that there is no evidence for at all is improbable in the highest degree.

I agree with everything you've said; however, I've seen videos where he nonetheless comes across as a skilled debater. It's actually kind of interesting, because while there's no real "substance" (ie. factual basis) behind the stuff he says, he can present in a way that could seem very convincing if you didn't know any better.

I find him a great example of how face-to-face debates aren't always a good or useful thing. In an ideal world, a debate ought to be a process of rational argument/discussion - two people seeking to answer or refute each others' points, so that the audience can determine which is the most convincing point of view. People like Ray Comfort basically circumvent that - he basically uses a repertoire of soundbites and gimmicks. He's a salesman and a showman, with a tried and tested pitch he's used hundreds of times.

People have criticized Richard Dawkins for refusing to take part in debates with creationists, and with this in mind it makes a lot of sense. I think if you put Dawkins on stage in a debate with someone like Ray Comfort, there's a good possibility that he'd lose - not because he's wrong, just because he's not as skilled a debater.

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Starts out as bad documentary on Nazis full of misinformation, segues into comparing abortionists to Nazis, ends with full-on trolling people into saying they're bad Christians, even if they're atheists. What the fuck is this bullshit?

Oh, he's that banana guy. I see.

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Almost everyone in this entire film was fucking stupid. Every, single, person.

I don't even know where to start.

"I'd kill Hitler, his mother, and everyone related to him..." Is there no hypocrisy in that statement? So because of Hitler's doing, you wish to kill other, likely more innocent people?

I mean, that is just one of the few other things I have picked up on. The host himself is just as fucking stupid. Killing a man based upon his own ill will, suddenly makes you justifiable for taking his life?
Bring up an 80 year old event that has been nearly forgotten simply because you are Jewish and felt that it is important? Christians have died, Gypsies have died, Homos, Blacks, etc. And the only things they contribute towards the holocaust are mere history lessons or dark humor based jokes.
Need I bring up the crusades? How many other people have died based on religion? No, because its history, and that is all it is. It takes little impact now, and it isn't going to be repeated. Do you think some random attention whoring neo-nazi is going to recreate the holocuast? To hell he will, if said person even had the balls to even go that far.

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Ok, I tried watching it and then got so disgusted by his obvious abuse of cognitive biases to prove his point that I had to shut it off. But the part about killing Hitler reminded me of this:

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Hah. When my campus systems group tried to research this movie to figure what it's all about, they stumbled upon some malicious sites and thought it was the DVD, so they went out and told everybody to throw them away.

There is a not a god!

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I'd kill Hitler, his mother, and everyone related to him

But his nephew fought for the US in WWII. WHY DO YOU HATE OUR TROOPS?!??!

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I have a friend that did the heil hilter and goosestep in Germany on a vacation. He was arrested for 2 weeks before they let him go. When he got home he was fired from work for being a nazi sympathizer. No he's not a nazi sympathizer... just a dumbass.

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