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General Rainbow Bacon

Mod idea: extra berserk effect

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So I was just thinking, what if we made a zdoom mod to make the berserk pack do more than just make you strong enough to punch monsters to death? What if we made it so strong, you could break through walls and damage things that you normally couldn't? And of course, access secret areas not accessible without it?

I have no idea how to do this so it would either be up to the zdoom gurus.

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The Doom engine does not support destructive walls, so you'd have to fake it Duke Nukem 3D style with scripted effects. Like you buy the map damaged, then put 3D floors or something to mask the holes, and scripts triggered upon impact that hide the "intact walls" to reveal the damaged ones beneath.

It'd be tedious and gimmicky.

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No, you could make the walls impassible and then hit them to make them damaged. You could use SetLineBlocking([tag], BLOCK_EVERYTHING) to make the tagged walls blocking. The wall would then need to be "Player Shoots" to activate a script which calls SetLineBlocking([tag], BLOCK_NONE) (Might need to check to see if it's actually BLOCK_NONE) and changes the texture on the wall to a "broken one" (you can add in flying debris and sound effects too). To make this happen for the berserk fist specifically, you'd have to check to see if the berserk is in the player inventory and make sure the player has the first equipped when calling the script.

Perfectly feasible and certainly functional, it'd just take a little time to set up and you'd have to make sure the player is aware that this concept is in play in some way (cracked wall textures or something, with perhaps a small scripted event to introduce the first one the player will see). What this certainly could not be is just a weapons mod, as it requires the map to be set up for it.

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Geez, there are much easier ways to made destroyable walls. "raise to lowest floor" and that's all.

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