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Death.Beaver: // Chainsaw DamageType?

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I'm trying to either assign a DamageType to the Chainsaw and/or have the target Actor recognize that the damage is from the Chainsaw. I want damage/death from projectiles and Chainsaw. I've tried various things with A_SAW, A_JUMPIF, etc. but the best I could do was crash ZDoom to a lovely error-reporting window.

I'm inhereting from a Hexen Actor that has a "Burn" state and my Decorate is simply:

ACTOR TreeCon1 : ZXmasTree 800
	Painchance "Fire", 256 Painchance "Plasma", 256 //etc...
		XMAS A -1
		GOTO Spawn
		GOTO Spawn
	Death.Plasma: GOTO Burn //Burn already recognizes "Fire"

ACTOR RocketBurner : Rocket replaces Rocket {DamageType Fire}
ACTOR PlasmaBallBurner : PlasmaBall replaces PlasmaBall {DamageType Plasma}
So simple if I only want damage/death from just a projectile or two, but "ACTOR EBeaver : Chainsaw replaces Chainsaw {DamageType "Beaver"}" doesn't work.

The following also seems to achieve what I'm going for without having to assign a DamageType to all the projectiles(if I want Death from ALL projectiles), and hitscan damage won't kill it. I would still need it to recognize Chainsaw damage seperately.
ACTOR TreeCon1 : ZXmasTree 800
	Health 21
	Painchance 256
	PainThreshold 1 
		XMAS A 0
		XMAS A 1 A_Respawn (false) //no spawn cloud
		GOTO Spawn
		XMAS A 0
		XMAS A 1 A_JumpIfHealthLower(1, "Burn")
Seemed rare after minimal testing that a projectile wouldn't kill it in one shot, which is fine. I haven't looked at exact damage range of everything (weapon and monster) but I suppose this could be adjusted with Health, PainThreshhold, and DamageFactor. Also, I didn't consider the radius damage from the "Burn" state with regards to neighboring trees. hmmm

Anyways, Chainsaw DamageType...How do I do it?

The Eager Beaver,
ZDoom-r3601, Doom UDMF

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The problem here is that the chainsaw uses A_Saw with default parameters, which means that the weapon's damage type is ignored. You will have to redefine the attack state. You can keep using A_Saw, but you will have to make it use a custom puff (not BulletPuff), and put the DamageType on that custom puff.

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ACTOR SteelPuff : BulletPuff {Damagetype Steel}

ACTOR Beaver : Chainsaw replaces Chainsaw
        Weapon.SlotNumber 1
		SAWG AB 4 A_Saw ("weapons/sawfull", "weapons/sawhit", 0, "SteelPuff", SF_NOUSEAMMO, 65, 2.8125, 0, 0)
		SAWG B 0 A_ReFire
		GOTO Ready
Gez, thanks a ton. Seems to work. :)

EDIT: Added Weapon.SlotNumber so that I can select the Beaver.

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