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Doom Challenge

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Complete Barrels O' Fun (map 23) with 500 kills for a bronze medal, 555 kills for a silver medal and 600 kills for a gold medal.

Restrictions: Must be done on skill 4. (Skill 5 is not allowed).
Par: 20 minutes

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I think he means using a port like ZDoom which displays and updates the kill count dynamically, as well as track lost souls.

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Mystery Man in 3D said:

Hmm, then the only way you could pull this off, is let the Pain Elementals live until you have the required kill count.

It has to be nightmare then surely..

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Mystery Man in 3D said:

That's what I figured.

Well I'll give it a go, but I'll stumble at 30 probably.

EDIT: First go 25, WOO only 475 to go..

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is this even possible with the ammo supplies on the map? or are you supposed to find a calm room with two monsters and have them infight and respawn forever?

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dew said:

is this even possible with the ammo supplies on the map? or are you supposed to find a calm room with two monsters and have them infight and respawn forever?

There is the berserk pack, I guess if you were brave enough with those pinkies..

Well if we use ZDoom for the kill count, can we have respawning items too?

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That was actually easy (given the interpretation I had of the original challenge, anyway). There is a block monster linedef on the big door that opens the second heightened part at the start, so you can just hang out on that right side and watch lost souls eat each other.

Here's a misnamed demo for GZDoom 1.6.0. I only got 569 kills... Should have kept the arch-vile alive and near a demon corpse I could berserk over and over; I didn't know about the aforementioned block monster linedef until I was playing, so I didn't plan around it.

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Sorry for the late reply.

Phml said:

I think he means using a port like ZDoom which displays and updates the kill count dynamically, as well as track lost souls.

Yes a Zdoom-like port would be best for the reasons given. I did it on -skill 4. It took a lot of attempts to get 600 but I finally did it (652). Mad kudos to whoever can kill 666 before exiting. I would have recorded a demo but I don't know how to record a demo using mac-zdoom.

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Eris Falling said:

There is the berserk pack, I guess if you were brave enough with those pinkies..

Well if we use ZDoom for the kill count, can we have respawning items too?

No respawning items.

Cool Phml, though I won't be able to watch your demo anytime soon as I don't have gzdoom on my primary computer.

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I just ran this again, and by panic-running through pain elementals, I actually got 171 via infighting. Before running out and getting picked off in a single shot by a chaingunner.

Not bad for me, tbh.

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