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Things about Doom you just found out

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How will you do that ... shoot a rocket through a teleport line while running, then teleport in front of it?

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But a rocket from a different player or a Cyberdemon would hit ... so maybe there are "friendly bullets"?

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The shooter won't collide with its own projectiles. Otherwise they'd explode immediately after spawning.

Note how you can't detonate a revenant's rocket by guiding it back to him.

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SNES Doom uses cylindrical collision. I found this out when I was trying to recreate the E2M3 secret exit as accurately as possible, minus taking liberty with a few bad texture choices (just an exit door trim and flat as well as the proper exit sign trim and flat). As far as I can tell, I got the item placement and geometry 100% right.

If you use a Game Genie code to give you some absurd amount of health, the enemies never target you, even if you attack them (but they do start running around). I used this quirk in order to try to get the exact enemy placements for the secret exit room. Using this code unfortunately means that any damage or health pickups you take will immediately kill you. I had to slowly inch by the Soul Sphere to get to the new exit room, the unpredictable and shitty collision code meant it only worked half the time, all while my radiation suit timer was ticking down.

I also recently found out that the Japanese version of SNES Doom allows you to pick any skill level on the later episodes. Unfortunately, I ended up wasting my time when I found that the secret exit enemy placement in the easy filter was identical in the medium filter.

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vdgg said:

Hm, the player does not get damage from a direct rocket hit (his own rocket), but splash damage yes. The former is a real surprise for me. Does anyone know if there are source ports in which you can kill yourself with your own rocket with a direct hit?

Heh, don't you know that Adam H(?) can outrun a rocket? :-------D
I think that's old joke somewhere in the demo txt-files.

Anyways, you don't have to wallrun :P Except against BFG projectile.

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I just found out Duke 3D's christmas expansion has a small E1M1 recreation. How did I never know this? It pleased me greatly.

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Ragnor said:

I just found out Duke 3D's christmas expansion has a small E1M1 recreation. How did I never know this? It pleased me greatly.

I didn't know this either, great find.

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Avoozl said:

I knew that a while back, too bad it's such a terrible fexpansion though.

Oh yes it was. The actual maps in it sucked even worse than the new enemies.

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LigH said:

But a rocket from a different player or a Cyberdemon would hit ... so maybe there are "friendly bullets"?

ZDaemon trolls -and their victims- know that all too well.

Also, in deathmatch, it's possible to get hurt and killed by your own projectiles if you respawn in their course. Dying from your own rocket/PL/BFG spamming is not unheard of, if you are bagged while your load is still in flight....

This is possible because the respawned player is considered a different object by the engine.

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Maes said:

This is possible because the respawned player is considered a different object by the engine.

Which is normal, since the original object is normally still around -- as a corpse.

To be more explicit, when a player respawns, a new player mobj is spawned, and attached to the player.

typedef struct player_s
    mobj_t*		mo;
<snip a  ton of other stuff, lookup d_player.h if you're interested>
} player_t;
That mobj_t pointer is how a player_t keeps track of its current mobj. A player will keep the same player_t structure throughout the game, but the mobj_t changes each times the player spawns or respawns.

Interestingly, the mobj_t structure has a pointer to a player_t too. It'll usually be NULL (since stuff like barrels, medikits, and monsters do not have a player) but that means that you can have several mobjs all pointing to the same player, while the player can only point back to one of the mobjs. And this ability for several mobjs to share the same player is what allows voodoo dolls to work as they do.

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mrthejoshmon said:

Oh yes it was. The actual maps in it sucked even worse than the new enemies.

I'm not too impressed with it either so far, but that reference? Huge grin right away.

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Also the turbo command line parameter was added by John Carmack so that Shawn Green could beat John Romero at deathmatch.

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Oh, okay. It's in level 3 (Land Of Forgotten Toys) - you need to go through the first couple rooms of Hangar to find the yellow key.

The best touch is that, in this area, the music switches to the E1M1 music, remixed to include a bunch of Doom sound effects.

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Avoozl said:

I guess it's the only game/expansion with an E1M1 reference.

Rage has one, as most of us probably already know. Does this count as how you've meant it, right?

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Jaxxoon R said:

Isn't that the extended shotgun sprite from the Doom Alpha?

Holy balls, it is. Nice find! I would certainly have preferred the SNES version over the 32X version had they not screwed the gameplay up, and had the sound driver used better timing.

scifista42 said:

Rage has one, as most of us probably already know.

I suppose I should applaud id for doing that, but it pisses me off more than anything, as it's a perfect demonstration of their laziness. I get that they couldn't do the fog based lighting, but why'd they have to make it fullbright? And why is the scale so small? And why'd they make the sky a freaking wall texture rather than a dedicated skybox? And why'd they use the completely wrong textures for the outside? And why'd they tile only half of the wall texture?

It would not have been that much effort to make the scale right, add some lighting, and not fuck the textures up. Such laziness! If they were gonna screw up that bad, why did they even bother? It only serves as a reminder for how half-assed they treat their old games, just like the hackneyed effort to censor the Wolf levels in BFG edition. It doesn't bother me that they censored it (international release, they'd have to skip over Germany otherwise), but that they did it so lazily.

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Jaxxoon R said:

Isn't that the extended shotgun sprite from the Doom Alpha?

Looks like it. The only wad I know of that's got the full sprites would be the DooM sprite fix project, but even then you have to modify it in Slade. I've been meaning to do that and see how it feels in game.

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Platinum Shell said:

The only wad I know of that's got the full sprites would be the DooM sprite fix project

They're actually in some of the early shareware versions. I haven't checked to see which version it was removed in, but it's certainly in 1.0.

EDIT: Also, I knew about this for quite a while, but felt like sharing the trivia anyway. In 1.0 and 1.1, the swastika in E1M4 was inverted. The orientation was corrected in 1.2. Jaguar Doom also censored it, but differently than PC 1.4 did. The PC censorship chose to move the vertical connecting bits horizontally outward. Jaguar Doom instead deleted the vertical appendages altogether.

I just checked the wiki to see if this info was already there, and it's not. Guess I'll add it.

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One of the early game lines from Blackbird in Strife is "'Trust no one' is the name of the game". I just noticed that it's nearly true: "Trust no one" is the tagline on the box art.

Avoozl said:

I guess it's the only game/expansion with an E1M1 reference.

Look at the 2:00 mark.

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I just learned that joining sectors is a good way to make sound travel across the map without having to physically join the areas.

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MAP07: Dead Simple has one pillar made of BROWN1. The rest are made out of Stucco or some other brick texture. There is apparently no secret or other reason tied to this.

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Not sure if I've already said this, but only recently did I find out Knights and Barons freely infight on PSX Doom.

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