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Any wads similar to Doom the Way id Did?

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I'm a huge fan of the original doom level design and loved the DTWID mod. I was curious of anyone could suggest wads that were inspired by classic doom.

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Awesome suggestions. I finished Fava Beans from Marcaek's suggestion and it was short and entertaining though the puzzle like level designed got me stuck a few times. That's exactly the kind of wads I like.

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Marcaek said:

Bak2hell is alright if you clip past the torches at the end of E3M4.

go back to the start and fight the cacos you ran away from like a man

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2002ado is my favorite Doom 1 wad forever (even if a better wad comes out, the memories about this one are too strong) but I wouldn't say that it's similar to DTWID, it'a lot more modern in style.

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Oh yes, forgot one of the earliest ones: SerEtInf which is actually Serenity, Eternity & Infinity merged into one single Megawad. But quality-wise it is very 1994'ish...

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joe-ilya said:

Nobody mentioned "flashback to hell" at all. :(

It's great, but it doesn't feel like DOOM1 at all—mostly because it's a riff on DOOM2, but also it's got a "feel" that's entirely its own.

fabian said:

Oh yes, forgot one of the earliest ones: SerEtInf which is actually Serenity, Eternity & Infinity merged into one single Megawad. But quality-wise it is very 1994'ish...

I love this trilogy. Yeah, it's very 90s, but being some of the first custom maps I played when I got back into Doom, I've definitely got a soft spot for it.

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_bruce_ said:

BF Thud is awesome.

Isn't this "The Lost Levels of Doom" turned into a Doom 2 Megawad? Kind of?

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fabian said:

Isn't this "The Lost Levels of Doom" turned into a Doom 2 Megawad? Kind of?

Don't really know as I played the "thud ding" some years ago. Though, quite recently, I looked at some maps in the editor and it rekindled my love for the style.
By lost levels of doom do you mean the psx/zdoom project?
Or do you mean the lost episodes?

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fabian said:

_bruce_ said:

BF Thud is awesome.

Isn't this "The Lost Levels of Doom" turned into a Doom 2 Megawad? Kind of?

The Lost Episodes contains 13 Chris K maps that also show up in BF Thud.

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Your mileage may vary, but I do find end1.wad very classic-doomy.

As a disclaimer, I'm somewhat contractually obligated to mention it in every "recommend me a wad" thread, but only because it's also awesome. :P

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_bruce_ said:

Thanks for clearing that up Salt-Man Z.

Indeed, thanks, and sorry for mixing up the name of the wad. :/

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The closest experience to the original DOOM 1 is
these are imho the BEST conversions ever!

basically these are all three episodes of Doom 1 rebuilt. all maps are loosely based on the originals but still completely different.
when you play it the places seem familiar - ... but still a totally new experience with some very nice new secrets.
GENIUS WORK! These are in my top 5 wads of all time!

did a quick search and found this... don't know if the link is still working - but it should be up on idgames too

Have fun!

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