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Mo. Teenager Shot by Police, Riots Ensue

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Satyr000 said:

The fact that these officers are walking around pointing their gun at anything that moves does not show that they are untrained to use the equipment they are given. It shows that they are being told to scare people and bait people into reacting.

Under many aspects, the citizens of a foreign country under U.S. occupation would be treated more fairly by the U.S. occupation forces (which would also be held to a higher standard of conduct) than the U.S. law enforcement treats their own citizens.

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So you counter the argument that they're not trained to use the weapons they were given by pointing out that they don't know how to use the weapons they were given? Going around waving your guns around like a dumbass doesn't indicate the product of intense training to me, it indicates a dumbass given a weapon he was never trained to use. What they're doing is going around creating panic and unrest - things I don't generally expect out of people properly trained how to do their jobs. I guess you can argue that there's some ultimate long-term goal in creating panic unrest, but I sure don't see it, because all it seems to be doing to me is convincing people that our police don't need to be militarized.

Now if you could provoke the crowds without making it obvious that they're being provoked by the police, then you could start to make an argument that we need this kind of force. As it stands, it's easy to dismiss those arguments, because it's easy to say, "Yeah, of course people are overreacting, because the police have no idea how to handle crowd control!"

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geekmarine said:

Going around waving your guns around like a dumbass doesn't indicate the product of intense training to me, it indicates a dumbass given a weapon he was never trained to use.

A military unit can be fully trained, and yet be composed of hand-picked scumbags. A more "noble" version of this is when it's composed of people who think that police/military are a kind of "super citizen" with a license to bully (or worse) lesser citizens. Throw in a sense of entitlement, the knowledge of being practically unaccountable/unpunishable for their actions, and you can explain quite a lot.

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Satyr000 said:

people...are refusing to admit to things like the militarization of Americas police force. Because in doing so they have to face the reality, they have been hiding from for years.

Yeah, this has been a thing in general and a huge problem for at least 20 years. Why is this only an issue now?

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I spent the weekend in St. Louis. There were peaceful protests in Furguson.... because there was a riot at a carnival. It just wasn't called a riot. It was called 300 people pushing, shoving, throwing things so they were thrown out.

I can't seem to find online articles about it since there was a riot at a Shoe Carnival, but it was on the local news coverage.

There was also a pro Darren Wilson (cop that shot Michael Brown) rally: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2732734/Warranted-justified-Supporters-rally-Darren-Wilson-claim-shooting-Michael-Brown-unavoidable-say-death-threats-wont-stop-campaign.html

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Maes said:

A black's life in the US must be worth less than the life of an Iraqi to G.W. Bush.

According to the police / government, it would seem so. This shit is fucking disgusting.

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myk said:

Poverty, discrimination, repressive or indifferent authorities, a lack of general public spending and access to education or decent education, low-paying but strict jobs, and a society that enthrones getting richer than your neighbor.

If you ignore these factors, you start to narrow crime down to "individual choice" or "moral error". That erases the context and ignores social responsibilities, and breeds spaces for racism and fundamentalism. Not surprisingly, economic libertarians and religious conservatives tend to favor the same party, if any.

Indeed, aside from not addressing the factors I noted above, the general tendency to lower taxes specifically means neglecting the poorer population, which encourages crime and thus the costs of security. You tend to create a police state where businesses will likely prefer to export their products to another state or country than face any costs entailed in watching the locals flourish.

If economic policy is mainly driven by private profit over the immediate welfare of the local population, lobbies won't stop at lowering taxes. They'll also push for initiatives that make it easier to fire people and to pay them as little as possible. Why work in a low paying job with the constant threat of being fired when theft or drug trafficking would pay off much better? If businesses aim to avoid contributing to society by not paying taxes or by not being bound by labor laws they find costly, why wouldn't poorer people be encouraged to follow their example by flaunting the law or losing respect for their neighbors?

Oh boy, are you fucking kidding me? So sick of you apologists excusing criminal behavior. This scumbag stole from some guys shop and used his size to threaten and push him off. There are shitloads of other people who come from very very poor socioeconomic situations, but instead of resorting to thievery and murder figure out other ways and move to being productive members of society. There are so many people who move to the US and become citizens without much more than the clothes on their back and they work hard and create businesses. "Magically" right? But oh no-they're victims! I thought they'd be forced to resort to gangbanging, murdering and looting!

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babo said:
Oh boy, are you fucking kidding me? So sick of you apologists excusing criminal behavior. This scumbag stole from some guys shop and used his size to threaten and push him off. There are shitloads of other people who come from very very poor socioeconomic situations, but instead of resorting to thievery and murder figure out other ways and move to being productive members of society. There are so many people who move to the US and become citizens without much more than the clothes on their back and they work hard and create businesses. "Magically" right? But oh no-they're victims! I thought they'd be forced to resort to gangbanging, murdering and looting!

You ridiculous little fuck. If you continued that vitriolic rant any further, you'd probably reveal Michael Brown as the original inventor of the Holocaust.

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Do you really expect people to respect a system that consistently targets them and beats them down? No, poverty and racism don't force anyone to commit crimes, but it sure as hell takes away any incentive to respect and obey the laws when the people in charge make it clear you're gonna be trampled on whether you obey the laws or not. And hell, we can see this practically every day with some new story about a police officer violently attacking someone who has done no wrong, who wasn't even resisting arrest. If you grow up learning the police are gonna beat you regardless of what yo do, what motivation is there to obey the law?

It's not a defense or a justification for lawbreaking, but it is basic human nature. Law is a social contract - we obey the law because we expect that if we do, others will respect us and our rights. If we're not being respected, and our rights aren't being respected, it doesn't guarantee that we'll turn to a life of crime, but it does mean that we're gonna grow up lacking that incentive to respect the law.

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The Daily Show had a healthy list of unarmed black teens / non teens shot by cops. Los Angeles rioted over Michael Brown's shooting.

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geekmarine said:

Do you really expect people to respect a system that consistently targets them and beats them down? No, poverty and racism don't force anyone to commit crimes, but it sure as hell takes away any incentive to respect and obey the laws when the people in charge make it clear you're gonna be trampled on whether you obey the laws or not. And hell, we can see this practically every day with some new story about a police officer violently attacking someone who has done no wrong, who wasn't even resisting arrest. If you grow up learning the police are gonna beat you regardless of what yo do, what motivation is there to obey the law?

It's not a defense or a justification for lawbreaking, but it is basic human nature. Law is a social contract - we obey the law because we expect that if we do, others will respect us and our rights. If we're not being respected, and our rights aren't being respected, it doesn't guarantee that we'll turn to a life of crime, but it does mean that we're gonna grow up lacking that incentive to respect the law.

We've been over this. Nobody opresses them, the media just portrays them as victims and that's what they grow up this. How do you explain immigrants-including those from africa-coming and working hard and becoming successful productive citizens? But Oh, I thought the white man was bringing them down!


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In some ways, immigrants have an easier time. Cops don't have as many stereotypes about them to work with, though that's not to say that stereotypes with immigrants never come into play. However, it's less likely to come to into play than it is with black Americans. And there's absolutely no question that cops target that group in particular, whether guilty of any crime or not. Yes, it's possible to rise above all that, but it's easy to get dragged down to just doing what's expected of you.

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I'll believe that conservative bullshit about hardworking immigrants always doing well when I see some stats. I bet most of them end up working at Subway or as cabbies like they do here, or worse. I still view the USA as a dangerous third-world ghetto half the time.

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babo said:

Nobody opresses them

No oppression? None at all? You're clearly detached from reality, living in your own bubble. There's far too many documented incidents of all sorts of people in power denying blacks their rights or opportunities either directly or indirectly to say that there's "no oppression". It's systematic and has been caused by cumulative effects.

Things didn't magically get better overnight once the civil war ended. There were Jim Crow laws, "colored" facilities, and many (non-black) people from all walks of life in the south still negatively stereotyping blacks as a whole. The black civil rights movement occurred roughly an entire century after the civil war, that shows how long-term the consequences of slavery are.

Because of the undeniable systematic oppression of blacks and the poverty it results in, they have far less opportunity than the less disadvantaged. With the way our society is set up, opportunity begets opportunity and wealth begets wealth. You can't "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" if you don't have any fucking boots to begin with. Note how school funding in the US works: schools are funded through property tax, property values in poor areas are lower and are thus taxed less, leading to crappier schools.

We don't live in a vacuum, cause and effect exists and is in play anywhere and everywhere you can think of. It's called entropy. The world isn't as you want it to be, it is as it is. We need welfare to balance this severe disbalance. Welfare queens do exist and they do suck, but that is absolutely no reason to get rid of it when the more hardworking poor wouldn't even have a chance without it. To be fair, I do think that the welfare system needs to be tweaked to prevent welfare queens from popping out children for extra benefits, but this is another issue and I still firmly believe that we need welfare, maybe even strengthen it.

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babo said:

We've been over this. Nobody opresses them, the media just portrays them as victims and that's what they grow up this.

Black communities and black individuals in particular are perpetually held to unattainable standards by the rest of society that whites are simply not held to. Their deeds and actions more heavily scrutinized.

I'm not sure where media representation comes into this, but the picture I see from the media and society at large is that black communities are cesspits of drugs, gang violence and utter destitution. An abject hellhole filled with savage and lazy people that only want to game the system, not work and collect welfare and possibly kill you. Then on the other hand, any success at all is treated with disdain and cynicism. Credit is not given where and when it is due so-to-speak. Neil Degrasse Tyson of all people has had the old affirmative action insult thrown at him, not merely by random internet jackasses, but by television personalities on air.

I'm a whiteboy living in whiteburg and the black population is about maybe 2%. In all my years working in construction I've only ever worked with 1 black person, probably 8-9 years ago. Not in the same company, but we worked on the same jobsites probably 3-4 days a week on average. So I got to interact with him and see him interact with everyone else fairly regular. He was a young guy, maybe 19 and he was well out of his element given the demographics of white construction workers, but he was willing to learn and he showed up everyday like everyone else did.

He lasted maybe 6 months and I'm surprised he lasted that long tbh. His work was good enough for what it was, but he was inexperienced. He was only ever given the scantest of direction in how to go about doing his job and many times failing to do what he was told because of that. Situations I know damn well a white person would have been given hands on training for certain things and given far more slack in making minor mistakes here and there.

Maybe this seems like a trite point, but this guy was getting shit thrown at him everyday for the smallest of things. It finally culminated one day with a 'public' tear down and firing from the foreman just screaming at this guy over something to do with a fucking extension cord. I have never once seen someone on a jobsite get this angry. I've seen frustration, I've seen stern but calm talking toos over serious things that cost money or set work back days. But getting screamed at in front of all the other subs while they joke and chuckle about it quietly is very telling in how white people view blacks.

tldr: Black guy doesn't meet impossible arbitrary standards set and is derided and fired for his 'failings'.

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Well looks like Furg police will now be wearing body cams. People are saying this is a bad thing because it will prevent walk up crime tips. Well why would that be an issue? If someone takes the camera or breaks into a police database to obtain the footage?

There's a famous ghetto mall security guard that wears them. He gained national fame for tasing a mother in front of her kids. Tasing is better than murdering.

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Kinda taking, "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" a bit literally there, but from what I've heard, the results have so far been positive in places where police cams have been implemented. Ideally, it makes police more aware of how they handle situations, knowing that if a dispute arises there will be video evidence of how an encounter went down, and gives the population more faith that the police will conduct themselves properly. And as I've stated before, not just here but in other threads, credibility is absolutely crucial when it comes to the police acting as a crime deterrent. Even if corruption isn't an issue, the mere perception of corruption can lead people to have less regard for the law. And the mere action of making it known that issues of corruption can be addressed can inspire people to have more faith in the system.

There may be flaws with the system, but done right, it could go a long way to help establish credibility and accountability, and thus help foster the relationship between the police and the community in a positive way.

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I'm happy with chest cams on cops for the safety of all involved, because a dash cam only catches what the car is looking at. I'm not as happy when I see runners wearing chest cams or idiots at bars wearing them. I see people get thrown out of bars for wearing google glasses.

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geo said:

There's a famous ghetto mall security guard that wears them. He gained national fame for tasing a mother in front of her kids. Tasing is better than murdering.

Wait, what's the story behind this? I can't get anything beyond that shouting + brats coming to the screaming choir.

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CorSair said:

Wait, what's the story behind this? I can't get anything beyond that shouting + brats coming to the screaming choir.

Yeah, but I can't remember the story. I think the real issue was that they were distracting him so someone else could deal drugs. I found this though http://abcnews.go.com/US/mall-cop-turned-viral-sensation-doesnt-regret-tasering/story?id=21276078.

Looks like he was fired and still stood up against crime and was charged with battery.

He has a youtube channel or did, but I can't seem to find it. He's tasered plenty of people. He's a lone guard in a shitty mall with a lot of drugs. He's making a difference. That's a job that he can only do good at. Amazing he hasn't murdered anyone.

Mom sues cops after they tasered her 8 year old: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCoQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F2014%2F08%2F09%2Fus%2Fsouth-dakota-taser-lawsuit%2F&ei=B6IEVJaBOoyRgwS-5YKYCQ&usg=AFQjCNE5CJiLqixrmlYf8dnOfGFoidLHLA&sig2=x-yBzocNvi89FxErcG0evQ&bvm=bv.74115972,d.eXY

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To be fair, tasering a kid is a bit harsh. But that Atlanta cop can get some props. All those poor black people having to watch some niggers throw a screaming fit.

I like how her kids join in the screaming too, yelling "GAAY!" or something. That one guy with the stroller looked like he wanted out of there, but wasn't sure if he would survive the bitch-rage if he tried to get through.

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StevieCybernetik said:

Michael Brown was 18 Highschool graduate who was basically gunned down in the middle of the street in front of his family, neighbors, and friends. Then, he was left there, in the street, for hours and hours while cops just stood around idle until people started to peacefully protest. In the last 24 hours, this entire thing has practically escalated to a damn civil war, and there are reports of local police going up to peoples homes there and firing tear gas grenades into their homes even if they're not at all involved with the protesting.

First off, US media is a total fucking joke. They are so quick to start bandwagons, leave out important pieces of information, and brainwash dumb people. This is the same shit like from the Trayvon Martin incident. At first they portrayed Michael Brown as a "gentle giant" even though there was video evidence of him assaulting a clerk (or somebody) at a local convenience store and walking out with stolen shit. The media also failed to inform people that the cop who gunned down the kid was getting beat up by him. The cop suffered a fractured eye socket. He even ordered Brown to get his hands up, but like a typical wanna-be tough guy, Brown attempts to charge him which was quite possibly the dumbest fucking thing anybody can do when a cop has you at gunpoint (especially after hitting him in the fucking face).

You can thank our retarded media for being the catalyst for the rioters making them think that Michael Brown was shot because he was a "black male" when in fact they can hardly give a damn about when white people get killed by police officers.

And also, I'm all for peaceful protesting, but I don't support it when it gets to the point when it becomes criminal activity such as looting, shooting, and burning down buildings.

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So, if he beat up the cop, how come he was 30 feet away and needed to charge? I mean, if he was right there fracturing the cop's eye socket, don't you think he would have had him in reach already?

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Membrain said:

So, if he beat up the cop, how come he was 30 feet away and needed to charge? I mean, if he was right there fracturing the cop's eye socket, don't you think he would have had him in reach already?

Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Mo., police officer whose fatal shooting of Michael Brown touched off more than a week of demonstrations, suffered severe facial injuries including a bone fracture near one eye and was nearly beaten unconscious by Brown moments before firing his gun, a source close to the department's top brass told FoxNews.com.

“The Assistant (Police) Chief took him to the hospital, his face all swollen on one side,” said the insider. “He was beaten very severely.”

According to the well-placed source, Wilson was coming off another case in the neighborhood on Aug. 9 when he ordered Michael Brown and his friend Dorain Johnson to stop walking in the middle of the road because they were obstructing traffic. However, the confrontation quickly escalated into physical violence, the source said.

“They ignored him and the officer started to get out of the car to tell them to move," the source said. "They shoved him right back in, that’s when Michael Brown leans in and starts beating Officer Wilson in the head and the face."

The precise extent of Wilson's injuries are unclear. The source told FoxNews.com on Wednesday that the officer had sustained a fractured eye socket in the incident, and repeated that assertion early Friday morning, in response to a conflicting report on the severity of the injuries.

"The source claims that there is "solid proof" that there was a struggle between Brown and Wilson for the policeman’s firearm, resulting in the gun going off – although it still remains unclear at this stage who pulled the trigger. Brown started to walk away according to the account, prompting Wilson to draw his gun and order him to freeze. Brown, the source said, raised his hands in the air, and turned around saying, "What, you're going to shoot me?"

At that point, the source told FoxNews.com, the 6-foot-4, 292-pound Brown charged Wilson, prompting the officer to fire at least six shots at him, including the fatal bullet that penetrated the top of Brown's skull, according to an independent autopsy conducted at the request of Brown's family." http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/08/20/missouri-cop-was-badly-beaten-before-shooting-michael-brown-says-source/

To answer your question: no because right after he battered the cop in his car, he tried to escape but re-approached the cop in an aggressive manner once officer Wilson said "Freeze." Now in case you don't know, "Freeze" means don't fucking move.

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Hellbent said:

Re: OP
Hasn't Alex Jones been warning about this for years now?

This is nothing new...

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The man robbed that shop. Are people really still questioning this? The only thing in question was how the cop handled the situation, which we have no footage of(?). The man harassed a small older man, so I'm actually giving the cop a little bit of leeway with his testimony. The biggest question for me was the police unloading several rounds into a corpse.

What are some of the witness accounts? Sadly I think today's cops are just taught to kill and not shoot to incapacitate.

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