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PSX/N64 music samples OR request for PSX Doom level completion theme as Audacity proj

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Does anybody know where I can find working links to the psx/n64 doom samples? I am experimenting with mixing the sounds with a different song. If someone could recreate the psx doom level completion theme as an audacity project, I would be really happy, as it would save me a lot of time. However, I could do with just the samples, if need be.

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There are some packs around the place, and a Soundfont too- not too sure where to look~ A Google search might turn up something!

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I know about that. That wasn't what I asked for.

edit: I apologize, Somehow I confused "soundback" with "soundtrack", and thought you were referring to this.

Thank you.

edit 2: Wow. I don't understand how they made those gruesome sounds into synthesized musical instruments. I'm probably missing something though.

edit 3: Now, can someone which of those samples were used for the level completion theme?

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If that is DOOMSND.sf2 that was linked- try looking at the patches from bank 0 and go past 30- you'll start hearing strings and stuff iirc
Edit: However it seems some of the title stuff is made up of samples anyway...all trimmed and placed in order =/

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I couldn't find the strings and guitars and whatever "real" instruments were used in that zip for some reason.

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The guitars are in samples- like I said above "clips" of the music cut up into samples~
If you have a Skype I can show you what I have and whether it would be any help!

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Fair enough, if it's voice chat you dislike I wasn't expecting it :P
Just IM really, but that's fine!

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Fine, I'll say it.
One of the reasons I don't like using skype is privacy, but the other is its closed sourced nature.

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It's okay~ In short you're not going to be able to get the samples from certain parts, as they are baked in and arranged already, however there are similar sets you could find if you have a peek around several sites, one being here:
May be able to find something to suite your needs C:

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Didn't Aubrey Hodges post on these forums sometime ago? Maybe someone can contact him and get him to visit this thread and he can discuss how he went about making those haunting tracks for the console versions of Doom & Quake.

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Piper Maru said:

Didn't Aubrey Hodges post on these forums sometime ago? Maybe someone can contact him and get him to visit this thread and he can discuss how he went about making those haunting tracks for the console versions of Doom & Quake.

It's pretty much known by now how he created the console soundtracks: digital sampling! It was pretty much the way to create music in the mid-90's.

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and what do you think nearly all the modern music in this day and age is made with... Virtual synthesizers (digital), samples (digital), A CPU calculating away at data. Nothing new, nothing special.

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Isn't the music still up for sale somewhere? Not that I'm going to will anyone away or towards buying them, I'm just wondering.

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In the PSX Doom, only the songs played during the actual levels are constructed from the samples, all the other songs used in the game are prerecorded cd audio tracks.

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...so I pop in my copy of PSX Doom into my PC...and ITunes comes up and says OH HI LOOK SOME THINGS! ...tracks are named and everything!

So yeah it would seem the PSX tracks are Redbook audio (non-sequenced tracks played from the CD) and the rest as we know is still doing by the game itself with the samples pitched down.
Because the N64 (obviously) doesn't have a CD drive most of the game music played on games is done the sampled way to save space, but the "CD" tracks are cut up into lower quality samples and played in order.

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Xegethra said:

Isn't the music still up for sale somewhere? Not that I'm going to will anyone away or towards buying them, I'm just wondering.

I'm pretty sure you can buy them from Aubrey Hodge's website. Great stuff, I think Sanity's Edge (Toxin Refinery) is my favorite track.

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I have looked into this before. Aubrey said he was given the samples for the game by midway. He no longer has any, but some can be ripped from the game. You can get the snare, that piano sort of instrument, and some synth, no guitar. I havnt been able to find one that sounds the same.. the level competition has even more stuff in it and not used in the n64 version, you would need to make it from scratch..

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if you guys want anything from aubrey within reasonable questions, I'm pretty good friends with his brother Eugene (worked with him on several corporate networking projects in cincinnati) and he was always willing to relay questions and info to aubrey for answers.

in fact, a couple of years back I was talking to eugene about some of his brothers doom 64 work and how it was created... he called him right up and he went on about all the neat little tricks you'd never expect to create all that creepy music. I asked eugene "man, the doom community would love to hear from your brother" and eugene was like "I'll see what I can do."

nor even a few days later I do beleive he came here to the forums and answered some questions for the first time (least I think it was this forum).

edit: actually, funny story behind that. I had been working with eugene for several months before I even knew about the association. He was implementing some network updates for a client, and I was the project manager at the time, and while he was busy working... I kicked back at my desk and loaded up some doom 1 on doomsday. He eventually came around to ask about something, saw what I was playing and busted up laughing. he's like "ah, my brother would be proud.". I'm like "whys that? doom fan?"

"no man.. he made the music for the game..."

at first, I thought he was talking about bobby prince, but he said "no... the psx and doom 64 version. not the pc version"

not believing him, I whipped out my phone (because at the time, I couldn't remember aubreys last name, but had the psx doom soundtrack on my Google music folder on my phone) and sure as shit, his last name was the same as eugenes... hodges. A quick Google check and that inevitable "let me call him for you" shot down any uncertainty I had.

sure as hell, there was one of my favorite game soundtracks creators bro's standing right there and I had almost never known it. you can't imagine the questions I had. I was always particularly fond of several tracks which shared very spooky simularities to many tracks from the x-files composer, mark snow. absolutely loved the horror tunes from the 90's... and aubrey pulled it off so well in console versions if doom.

small world!

but it wasn't my first run in with someone who had been part of dooms creation... few years prior, one of the applications developers, Anthony wilson I think was his name, had worked for midway some years prior and built some tools used for texture mapping/detailing in doom 64 and some other midway games at the time (NFL blitz I think too). I had discussed that with eugene as well once he had told me who his bro was, and he's like "gonna be a psx doom dev reunion at this rate, lol"

just interesting who you run into out there in the world.

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