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What you think about death?

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I really don't know what to say. Some people look at the "end of life" like something similar to a "transition state" between "being alive" and some sort of "eternal life".

I don't think this is true (this is, of course, my humble opinion, I might as well be wrong).

I see death as something natural, like something you can't avoid. But apparently some people think of death as something positive. Like, I die, so I'm going to live happy forever because, of course, God is kind enough to keep us happy, dead or alive. But that's really not the point. I want to know what you, Doomworld, think about the fact that we (the people) die.

Is it cool, not cool, irrelevant?

Would you like to be immortal? Like, living 200 years or something like that?

Sorry, I don't know how to put this, but it's a question I've been asking myself for a long time, and I'm curious about what you guys think.

Just don't die trying :)

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Death? Yeah he's a nice guy. I dated his daughter once. She was great for scaring crowds. We had to break up a while ago though, the relationship didn't work out :\ But Death is cool.

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I don't want to die young, I definitely don't want to live forever though - This planet is pretty cool, but the human species is kinda lame. I mean we do cool things - Science, technology, etc - but we do a lot of horrible shit too, like constantly killing eachother en masse and fucking this planet and all other speices as hard and as rough as we can, it honestly sometimes seems like we're just deliberately trying to destroy it.

Anyway my point is I'd like to see a bunch of the good stuff this place has to offer, so I guess I'd like to knock about for 70-80 years. That sounds like enough time to see some truly amazing things, then get the fuck outta this crazy place.

A good friend of mine died recently, cancer came and just completely destroyed him in a matter of 3 months. The last time I saw him early this year he seemed chipper as ever. He lived a decently full life - He was about 65, but it's just crazy to think how fast everything can all go. My take on death, and a fairly common opinion seems to be that it sucks harder for the people who love you than it does for you, despite the fact that you're the one dying. You miss friends when they're gone. It makes you wonder why it has to be this way, it makes you want to turn back the clock, and it makes you feel empty when you remember them. It is natural though, and you remember the best things about them.

I guess what I learned from his passing is that the best thing you can do is leave your mark/influence. Even if only on a few people. He had a great influence on me and so even though he's gone he most certainly won't be forgetten. In a sense, he lives on through me and the others he cared about. That basically sums up all I know about death.

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Seeing weird dreams first. When decayed, the remaining subconscious fades out.

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Death is all around. Every time I talk with my mother she gives me the weekly death report. I know the one time she doesn't give me that report she'll be the one that has passed.

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I would like to be immortal because I'm curious how world will look like in the far future. I don't believe in afterlife and think this belief shows how arrogant our species is ,,oh we are so special we will go to another dimension when we die because there is no way universe can manage without us''.

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When we die, there's nothing that follows; you blip out of existence. However, I hope that I'm wrong.

Even when I kill an insect, I feel some remorse considering the fact that a life has been completely wiped out. I don't even kill spiders; I move them outside of my house.

EDIT: Though, I have no remorse for killing Roaches/Giant Waterbugs, they make my skin crawl. Also, bed bugs, termites, and mosquitoes, because they're destructive.

They look even more disgusting when they're dead; because you have to see their underbelly. Even worse is if they're not quite dead yet, and you see their legs flailing around.

EDIT 2: As I'm thinking of enemy placement for my Alien maps, I sort of envision the Xenomorphs as giant roaches. So I place them in areas that remind me of places you might see a roach and get startled; like darkened corners. Even the movement of the wandering xenomorphs i modeled after roaches; crawling around frantically, then coming to a halt to survey its surroundings; back into the frantic crawling. Roaches are creepy, disgusting, and startle me, so I want to translate that into my maps with the xenomorphs.

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I think death would probably be much like sleep, but you're dead. Atoms are made of 99.9% space, that alone is a fairly crazy thing to grip.... I like thinking we're living in a coded simulation created by humans or living "things" in the future, that perhaps created a really insane simulation much like we create games.

But who the fuck knows. I do know humans have heads far up asses, every where you look are offended emotional cripples that don't have enough sense to stop for a second, sit on the couch, and think about how crazy existence is in the first place. Death is like a smirking revenge to people that take themselves too seriously and fuck up existence for every one else, with things like religious wars and stupid bullshit.

Every thing's stupid bullshit but death. That may or may not be real.

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What do mean you mean I only have one life? I'm a gamer, I have many lives!

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Kontra Kommando said:

Even when I kill an insect, I feel some remorse considering the fact that a life has been completely wiped out. I don't even kill spiders; I move them outside of my house.

Spiders are cool, I usually do the same unless I can't determine if they're dangerously venomous or not, then I usually get them out of paranoia that they're gonna climb into my clothes or my bed and bite me when they get pinned. Fuck flies though, they're nasty and germy and eat poo and are dirty thieves that try their damnedest to steal my sandwiches as I'm making them.

I'm really protective of food, considering it's sort of the only physical object with true universal value and I sort of need it to live.

About me dying, I'm fine with that, it must happen, so I can't not be. Thing is I can't really be of use to anyone as a dead guy, so I make an honest attempt to not be so. And if some fool/bear tried to murder/eat me I wouldn't have any of that. But I'm fine knowing that there's a tiny chance a meteorite will crash through the ceiling and instakill me, or that I could have some undetected internal organ deformity thing that could do me in, or that I could develop some terrible fatal ailment. Cuz whaddya gunna do, right?

I'm also fully expecting my consciousness, y'know, the "me" thing to cease to be completely when I die. Hey, that's just what all the solid evidence so far points towards, so it's the idea I've gotten used to, and I've gotten well used to the idea. In my opinion it just means life is just that more valuable.

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I don't believe in an afterlife or any positive outcome from death (barring the cessation of agony I suppose), all life is coded to avoid it so it can't be such great shakes. I'd like to live a long life provided I get to keep my faculties, some degree of dignity and am not too much of a burden on my loved ones. There's too much to see to want to life fast and die young.

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i know it sounds far-fetched, and I've mentioned this in another thread a while ago, but someone proposed this to me:

We're all made out of matter that can not be destroyed. We're composed of this matter, which makes us, us. Even if the possibility of that matter recombining to to make us, the world, and universe as we know it exactly the same is extremely small; the possibility is still there. If time and space are infinite, than even something with a small possibility has to happen; infinitely. Further, it has happened already; infinitely.

Perhaps we have already lived this life, and will continue to live this life; before birth and after death.

Not sure if this is the case, but it sounds interesting.

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i like to think reincarnation is a real thing. I'd prefer not to find scientific research that would negate it -- its just a belief.

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Clonehunter said:

I hope that we just kind of dream forever.

While the brains stop working?

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"Press USE to respawn"
In real life, though, death is pretty interesting to me. It's like black holes - there must be something inside, but no one can make sure.

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When I die, I would like to go back in time to the 90's and grow up with all the cool 90's games and all the other crap, including a smarter self.

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Death is like a final permanent sleep with no dreams. I hope humanity invents immortality during this century, so I won't have to die :( I'd happily embrace immortality, even if it means seeing close people die (if they don't become immortal as well). At least I keep living so I have time to explore the Universe. Dismissing "living forever" as something bad is just denial of all the cool things you could do if you had all the time (you can still die from violence, so there still is risk).

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SavageCorona said:

I'm surprised Sean Connery isn't on here. The bloke's bloody ancient by now.

He's actually been on there before, albeit only once... and it was twenty fucking years ago!

I think he'll be on there again next year though.

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