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The Doommer

I'll ask all my problems Here

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After many users were unhappy from my posting , i decided to ask all my editing questions here.
I hope no one will be unhappy anymore...

I'll start with my first basic question here :

1.How to set my wad's intro music , Picture & Text ?
2. I can't create a room in the map using SLADE & GZDoom Builder. (Room in a building.) Can anyone help me with that ??

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For the intro music:

First of all you need SLADE, obviously.
Look in your IWAD (Doom or Doom 2.wad) for the lump D_DM2TTL or D_DMTTL depending whether you're using Doom 1 or 2 and copy it in your wad; once you're done that, right click it and import your MIDI file.

Same thing goes for the intro picture, except you need to look for the TITLEPIC lump, the size of the picture you import in it doesn't really matter, just don't make it EXCESSIVELY huge.

As for the "text", you have to copy the lump M_DOOM and replace it with a small picture (otherwise it'll be so huge it will eventually cover up the menu or get outside of bounds), don't forget to adjust its offset.

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Elia1995 said:

For the intro music:

First of all you need SLADE, obviously.
Look in your IWAD (Doom or Doom 2.wad) for the lump D_DM2TTL or D_DMTTL depending whether you're using Doom 1 or 2 and copy it in your wad; once you're done that, right click it and import your MIDI file.

Same thing goes for the intro picture, except you need to look for the TITLEPIC lump, the size of the picture you import in it doesn't really matter, just don't make it EXCESSIVELY huge.

As for the "text", you have to copy the lump M_DOOM and replace it with a small picture (otherwise it'll be so huge it will eventually cover up the menu or get outside of bounds), don't forget to adjust its offset.

Can't find D_DM2TLL or D_DMTLL...
Where are they ? (can't find any lump instead of ENDOOM , etc...)

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Uisng Doom Builder for my wads but i don't know how to set the action a sector to end the map.

I just found the 'Damage End Level' action.

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Can't make door on Doom Builder
Watched the tutorial but gave me unexpected result.
The action defined as 1 was different with mine and actually does not exist in my game.

Visiting Doom.wad gave me nothing but the same action which was in the tutorial.

Got confused.

Can anyone help me ?

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Sodaholic said:

Were you by any chance editing in Hexen or UDMF format?

Yes , UDMF format...

Sodaholic said:

Different action numbers for stuff in those formats.

The only door actions are :

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I chose a texture from Doom , but my game is a Doom II in UDMF.
Resulted the following on testing :

The Texture on 3D mode is :

What should i do ?

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The Doommer said:

What should i do ?

One of three things: include the desired texture with your PWAD, tell users to load doom.wad and doom2.wad and then your WAD as PWADs (in that order), or use another (available) texture.

You can't use textures if they're not loaded into the game! Doom 2 cut quite a few Doom 1 textures, actually. Be aware of that when mapping.

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Sodaholic said:

One of three things: include the desired texture with your PWAD, tell users to load doom.wad and doom2.wad and then your WAD as PWADs (in that order), or use another (available) texture.

You can't use textures if they're not loaded into the game! Doom 2 cut quite a few Doom 1 textures, actually. Be aware of that when mapping.

What about the door actions problem ?

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The Doommer said:

What about the door actions problem ?

A lot of your questions can easily be answered by ZDoom's wiki: http://zdoom.org/wiki/Generic_Door

Oh, and I suggest either moving your sector by 32 units or realigning the ceiling texture by 32 units. See how the lights are cut in half on the edges? Doesn't look too great.

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Kles said:

That's a HOM. You're missing a texture on that wall.

Looks more like the wall itself is missing. Doommer, did you delete a linedef?

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Redraw the sector there. Just press the insert button and retrace the sector at each vertex. Looks like something unfortunate happened there

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Foxpup said:

Looks more like the wall itself is missing. Doommer, did you delete a linedef?

Yeah , But no sector was deleted or incomplete.

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The Doommer said:

Yeah , But no sector was deleted or incomplete.

That's precisely the problem. Sectors must be closed to draw and operate properly. You went and blew its boundaries open by deleting the linedef.

As for that other screenshot you just posted, probably related if you've been deleting one-sided lines when forming that room.

Think of the space outside of sectors as a void of solid rock (additive space) and your sectors as blueprints of how to carve out this giant rock from the inside (subtractive space).

Two-sided lines are like windows where sectors connect, allowing you to see and move through the line. A one-sided line is where it touches the expanse of solid rock, it must be facing into the sector, not outward. You'll see a little notch in the middle of lines that indicate which side is the front.

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The Doommer said:

Yeah , But no sector was deleted or incomplete.

Yes, it was. Sectors are made of linedefs. A sector will therefore be incomplete if you delete one of its linedefs without closing the resulting gap.

This is a valid sector:        This is not:
    +-----+                        +-----+
    |     |                        |
    |     |                        |        <- A linedef has been deleted,
    |     |                        |        <- creating a gap in the sector.
    |     |                        |
    +-----+                        +-----+

            The sector can be repaired....
either by dragging the open    or drawing a new line or lines
vertices into each other:      to replace the deleted one:
    +\                             +------+
    | \                            |      |
    |  \                           |      +---+
    |   \                          |         /
    |    \                         |        /
    +-----+                        +------+/
    ...so that it once again forms a closed shape.

The Doommer said:

What is this and how to fix it ?

To use the technical terminology, it is an absolute mess. Your linedefs are parts of different sectors, where they should be a single sector (this is another result of improper linedef deletion).

You think you have a valid        But instead you have multiple
sector that looks like this:      invalid sectors stuck together:
        +------+                        +-----+        +
        |      |                        |              |
        |      |                        |              |
        +      |                        +        +     |
        |      |                                 |     |
        +------+                                 +-----+
To fix this, go into Make Sectors mode a click on the affected area. It will automagically make it a single sector.

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Just be glad you're living in the 21st century using Doom Builder! It automates a lot of the finnicky details when manipulating geometry that would've had to be done manually in older user-made editors (and with a less intuitive UI to boot).

As you've discovered, you still have to be careful (it doesn't do everything for you), but if this was the 90s you'd be running into even more problems.

Do you have Skype/Teamviewer and enough bandwidth to do a basic video stream? If so, I might be able to help walk you through some of the workflow issues you've been running into in realtime.

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Foxpup said:

To fix this, go into Make Sectors mode a click on the affected area. It will automagically make it a single sector.

Done that , but the same result.
I'll upload a video now...
EDIT : ZDoom doesn't allow me to record the game.
Why ??

Anyway , MAP01 has the following map :

EDIT2 : Problem solved using map analyze + copy + paste

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A second problem :

I created a door in UDMF format but it does not open.
I have other doors with the same properties but they open.

Pressing Use gives me this (on the buggy door) :

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The door most probably cannot open because the door sector neighbors with another sector which has the same ceiling height as the door. Doors always open exactly up to 4 units below the lowest ceiling height they touch.

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scifista42 said:

The door most probably cannot open because the door sector neighbors with another sector which has the same ceiling height as the door. Doors always open exactly up to 4 units below the lowest ceiling height they touch.

Yeah you're right...
Thanks a lot scifista42...

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scifista42 said:

I admit, I seriously feared that your answer would be: "What to do then?"

I'm not going to say that in these things...

MAP01 completed...

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