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The Martian

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It was okay. Maybe not as good as I was hoping. The whole movie was a little too light (in contrast with Interstellar which was kinda dark). Was kind of hoping for dramatization closer to how Ron Howard handled Apollo 13. The Martian was fun/entertaining, and certain aspects and characters were really well done; but the overall dramatization of the thing didn't really leave me biting my nails or anything, which is kinda what you expect with a movie like this. So I'm somewhere between 2 1/2 and 3 stars (out of 4). Best scene of the movie would have to be when


Sean Bean almost reprises his role as Boromir for a hot second.

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yeah I saw this film recently too. I thought some of it was nice and sciency but other times the mission is only successful through sheer luck, mainly the "bomb" scene with totally desperate and unmeasured effects...

mainly I thought the script was too kind to teh Matt Damon character. A proper science fiction author fucker would have made him lick radioactive water off of rocks to survive... apart from the movie's main conceit he kinda got free reign to be as smug a survivalist as he liked

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If you get a chance to read the book, I suggest you do it. One of the best things I've read in recent memory. Kept me on the edge of my seat, and of course the book delves deeper into the science of his whole survival. I thought they lost a lot of the character development in the film, and missed out on some of the humor. It was funny, but the book has a lot more "oh shit" moments than the movie.

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