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Guest Atheist

I wonder if the community can handle doom3?

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Guest Atheist

I assume that after Doom 3 is released, doomworld.com will cover it in the same manner it currently covers 1&2.

Since it is going too be a 2000/2001 release, it WILL support mlook, jumping, and high res. It might actually drop auto-aim completely, the same way q3 did (doubtful).

I remember when Doom Legacy came out and a alarmingly large number of doomers went absolutely ballistic, simply because they supported mlook, jumping and high res(and not "useful" features).

I wonder if this will split the community again, with some doomers embracing the new doom, and others blasting the new 3d world simply because it is a new 3d world?

What do you think?

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I think a lot of old-school doomers will play and edit the old dooms every now and then, a few won't even touch doom3.

As for auto-aiming, i strongly doubt that there will be any. But what the hell, it sorta ruins some shots anyway.

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Guest Aiylyn

I definitely will be one of the old-schoolers. I was one of those people who went Ballistic because Legacy supports mLook and jumping. Well I didn't really go ballistic, I just refuse to use any port other than Boom, which I only use to avoid the linedef visplane overflow errors. I might play Doom 3 but personally I'm sticking with the original 2 as far as editing and diving in goes.


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Guest destROYer

I have for seen it!- there will be a great divide - and those bastard quakers that shunned doom at the first glimpse of quake will come crawling back - Doomworld WILL have a rival site but I will die when umm uhh oh here we go - the chosen one will destROY the rival the doom comunity will colapse - then ill go play doomland some more - www.destroyer0.com

«one of the voices in my head told me this»

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Guest Atheist
Aiylyn said:

I definitely will be one of the old-schoolers. I was one of those people who went Ballistic because Legacy supports mLook and jumping. Well I didn't really go ballistic, I just refuse to use any port other than Boom, which I only use to avoid the linedef visplane overflow errors. I might play Doom 3 but personally I'm sticking with the original 2 as far as editing and diving in goes.


>>I was one of those people who went Ballistic because Legacy supports mLook and jumping.

Why? What could possible be wrong with mlook? I like aiming for myself.

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Well, that just removes some of the fun in doom. The autoaiming is one of my fave things with the game. Dunno why tho, i usually like aiming for myself too.

I only use boom as well, it lets me lock the y-axis on the mouse and have allways run on =)

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I don't know about the community, but I'm definitely going to still play DOOM 1 and 2 after DOOM 3 comes out. Of course, that's mainly because my computer probably won't be able to run it, but even if I do get a better computer or something by that time, I will still allow DOOM and DOOM 3 to coexist, and not give preference to either one. It's just like with DOOM 1 and 2, or all the source ports, I don't have preferences, I just use them all because they all have their strengths and weaknesses. I'll bet I'm not the only person who feels this way, so I'm not really that worried about the DOOM community breaking up. And as we all learned recently, even the Wolfenstein community is still active to some extent, and if there's still people who play and modify Wolfenstein, I'm sure DOOM 1 and 2 will be OK.

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Doom3. I really don't know what to think, man. Ever since Quake1 came out I've been bewildered, wondering what in the world happened to that software company that made this amazing, balanced, creative, and unmatched game we still hang onto called Doom(2). I'm a little afraid to look, to tell you the truth. Doom2 is in so many respects perfect, and that is even in spite of, or perhaps includes, its limited-yet-wonderful, rock-solid 2d engine. Even its bugs (most of them anyway) enrich the game, now what game other than Doom do you know that is that good?

No game anywhere has weapons as perfect, balanced, and functional as the Doom2 weapons. I feel like due to their perfection, they should be emulated in any Doom-related thing, and should a program with Doom in the title replace the beauty and balance of these weapons with something inferior, it's gonna make me want to run for the hills. Beauty may sound phoney but if you doubt this, I challenge you to take screenshots of the single shotgun firing frame sequence, gamma correct them, and tell me that it is not a complete work of fucking art, remniscent of the best MODERN weapon graphics out there TODAY. The big bold SSG reload sequence, including the all-important, evenly-timed sounds this makes, just works so well. It is a tool in itself in that no matter the game speed, you still have your strong sense of the weapon speed. It is part of the weapon's balance in deathmatch because it advertises your location to the other player for the entire reload sequence when you are close enough to him (don't forget that this weapon is the ultimate up-close weapon, that is where the balance comes in). You also know when the other guy is out of shells because he doesen't reload his weapon afterward. There is much more to making weapons be balanced than just their damage amounts and Doom2 just gets so much right on.

This brief and incomplete description of these two weapons is just the tip of the iceburg. Doom2's perfection in all of its weapons is going to make it hard for me to appreciate anything other than an approach that accepts Doom2's weapons as god's gifts to weaponry, and maybe attempts to improve a little on them (add some frames to the animation maybe hehe).

What can you say about Doom2's player movement except that it just rules? Do I really care that straferunning may have been unintended by ID initially, when it adds such unique dimension and skill to movement? Could I possibly settle for less in a Doom3?

In terms of Doom2's monsters -- the creativity here is just awesome. Just look at the Archvile. Have you seen anything close to it in any other game, to this day? Go into invulnerable mode and watch it attack a few times, can you think of any monster in any game with a more unique, creative, and wild-looking attack? Look at Lost Souls and how they behave, move, and look, and contrast them with the Demons, the proverbial pitbulls of doom. These monsters are just loaded to the brim with CHARACTER that you just don't find anywhere else. There is no doubt in my mind that countless single player doomers have been startled half out of their chair by the surprised snort of an unexpected Demon in close proxemity. It will be quite a job to make new monsters with the uniqueness and character of Doom's -- and I have to think that keeping the Doom2 monsters plus thinking up some new ones (not unlike Doom2 did to Doom1) would be the sweetest possible combination for a Doom3.

Wall textures in Doom2 are about as realistic as a box of crayons, but you know something? I don't care. Its fun that way. Realism is the eyecandy of a lot of these new games, and you know what -- its probably a lot of work to make, and it doesent particularly add much to the gameplay for me. If Doom2 didn't need realistic this and realistic that, I don't see where Doom3 would either.

Now, as for all of these add-on things such as "jumping mlook and highres", as it has been put: -- whether or not these functions will be balanced within the game is dependant on the game design itself. Doom3 with jumping will expectedly not play like Doom2 with jumping, because all of the maps, weapon placement, and monsters are designed to be done with it. This contrasts with Doom2, where jumping and mlook are overpowered garbage. If jumping is done in Doom3 discreetly, so that jumping does not dominate the player movement (ever seen those quake weirdoes trying to play CSdoom hopping thier way across map1? sheesh), it wouldn't hose it like it does Doom2.

I think that the degree to which Doom3 splits up the people who still Doom will depend on how many of the Doom people's standards and hopes are met by Doom3 when its released.

Me personally, I want and hope that Doom3 will be incredible and wonderful, and I do think that the potential there, but I am afraid to look forward to it or expect it. The past 4 years since Quake's release have done some damage in terms of my expectations of modern games -- I don't mind being one of the last people on earth still dooming, if all of the new games are missing so much. Doom2 isn't broken, you know, and it'll take something that is a clear improvement to draw me away from it. Improvement for me means taking Doom's perfection and expanding upon it, and I just do not know if Doom3 will do that.


PS. Anyone looking to IPX netparty Doom2 style on the east coast of the US, email me! woo!!

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Yeah, thats VERY true. Its Just all of the above that makes DooM. The monsters, the sounds, lighting. I'm VERY happy about the new DooM. I will probably still like DooMII better, thus, The new DooM will make the Quake community fall and we will make fun of there Quake, and they will bow to us because they will be our slaves, and id wont make a new Quake!, oh, by the way: "haha F!@#$ you mechasam"

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