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I noticed DoomShack has been offline for the last few days... anybody know anything?

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Guest faceuk

I noticed that too. You don't think..... no couldn't possibly have....gulp.
I might have to press my black suit.

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Guest doomgod12345

i sure hope not, i wonder what happened to doomnation i dout we will ever see them back, i hope we dont start going extinct

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Damn, your rite. First DooMNatioN, now DooMShacK...
Next: DooMHQ, then NeWDooM.
But if so, they'll be back as soon as DooM3 comes out! I know it, err, I hope. Man, I miss DooMNatioN. Don't anyone know the email address of anyone from DooMNatioN? C'mon, someone here has to know the scoop!

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ActuallY, YoU MusT BE AbouT ThE OnlY OnE WhO _Doesn'T_ KnoW ThE ScooP. FraG CoM, WhosE ServeR HaD DooMNatioN ON IT ShuT DowN BecausE TheiR ServerR CrappeD UP AnD TheN TheY RaN OuT OF MoneY OR SomethinG. HoweveR, IT NoW LookS AS IF FraG CoM ArE BacK (GO TherE), SO MaybE DooMNatioN WilL ComE BacK ToO.

(This message was brought to you in ph00l speak, the language of people who like to put capitals on the end of words for no good reason)

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No offence to Doomfreak, but Doomshack has sucked ever since Justin left. One of the most unprofessional news sites of any sort I've ever seen. Imagine if the newspapers had stories saying "sorry, we couldn't find any news today. Make some news so we can report it damn you!"

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Guest Duke Nukem
doomgod12345 said:

i sure hope not, i wonder what happened to doomnation i dout we will ever see them back, i hope we dont start going extinct

Even if DN comes back it will never be the same again. Won't come back because Cyb probably wouldn't run it. BOOHOO!

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No offence to Doomfreak, but Doomshack has sucked ever since Justin left. One of the most unprofessional news sites of any sort I've ever seen. Imagine if the newspapers had stories saying "sorry, we couldn't find any news today. Make some news so we can report it damn you!"

Didn't you WORK on the Doomshack at one point?

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Guest fraggle`

ActuallY, YoU MusT BE AbouT ThE OnlY OnE WhO _Doesn'T_ KnoW ThE ScooP. FraG CoM, WhosE ServeR HaD DooMNatioN ON IT ShuT DowN BecausE TheiR ServerR CrappeD UP AnD TheN TheY RaN OuT OF MoneY OR SomethinG. HoweveR, IT NoW LookS AS IF FraG CoM ArE BacK (GO TherE), SO MaybE DooMNatioN WilL ComE BacK ToO.

(This message was brought to you in ph00l speak, the language of people who like to put capitals on the end of words for no good reason)

rofl look at your username though

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