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Zeratul 982

Special Triggers List (tags 666, 667...)

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Those effects happen at these levels in Doom and Doom 2:
Doom E1M8- Phobos Anomaly:
(Tag 666:) lowers tagged sector(s) when baron(s) are defeated;

Doom E4M8- Unto The Cruel:
(Tag 666:) lowers tagged sector(s) when spider mastermind(s) are defeated;

Doom 2 Map07- Dead Simple:
(Tag 666:) lowers tagged sector(s) when mancubus's are defeated;
(Tag 667:) raises tagged sectors(s) until 16 pts away from nearest sector height when arachnotron(s) are defeated;

Also, in any Doom 2 level (except the ones above), you can tag sectors to 666, and they will open like doors if the Commander Keen sprites are defeated.

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Guest charon v9

thanks for the list...I've been experimenting with these and am actually rather pleased with the effects even though they are limited to certain levels and enemies with just straight doom...but it still can make for some interesting instances/boss scenes....hehe....yeah..there we go...Commander Keen on a stick..the leader of the armies of darkness......


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Great! I can have the balck baron I am working on replace comander keen, and when it is defeated a door will open up revealing something...

Also, don't forget that on e2m8 defeating all cyberdemons ends the level and on e3m8 the same thing happens with spider masterminds.

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Yeah, I know that. It just doesn't require a tag for it to happen. That's why I didn't list it.
Speaking of which, you can end a level in a different way in Doom 2 as well. Put in the sprite "Romero's head" in a level. When it's defeated, you'll see that one explosion effect around it and the level will end. Try hiding one of those inside a sector that you can shoot a rocket into, or maybe create a crusher along with a couple of barrels in it. Tag the crusher to a switch or line to simulate a "self-destruct" effect. Something similar to that was done in Requiem's "The Reactor."

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These tags are executed in monsters by special code pointers in dehacked. If you look carefully, there there for the macabus, anachron, cyberdemon, spider mastermind, and commander keen. Batman doom is a great example of use with the 666 tags.

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Although everyone seems to know what's going on, I'll post this just for fun, its the entry from the DeHackEd/BEX codepointer reference I'm making for the Eternity Engine editing docs. The 666 effect code pointer is named BossDeath in BEX (and inside the game's source too, for that matter).

Type: General
Available in: BOOM, MBF, SMMU, Eternity
This is a complicated code pointer used to cause magic 666 / 667 sector tag effects on specific levels of the game. The effects are as follows:

In Ultimate DOOM:
If all Barons die on E1M8, lower all floors tagged 666
If all Cyberdemons die on E2M8, end the level
If all Spiderdemons die on E3M8, end the level
If all Cyberdemons die on E4M6, open all sectors tagged 666 as Blazing Doors.
If all Spiderdemons die on E4M8, lower all floors tagged 666

On game map 7 only:
If all Mancubi die, lower the floors of all sectors tagged 666 to the lowest neighboring floor.
If all Arachnotrons die, raise the floors of all sectors tagged 667 to the height of the shortest lower texture around the outside of the sectors.

Giving this pointer to creatures other than those listed above will cause no effects, ie giving the pointer to Hell Knights and expecting floors to lower on MAP07 is a no go. The pointer must be called by the right creature on the right level, or nothing will happen.


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