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Egregious Ease: Introduction Comic/Development Thraed

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Jaxxoon R said:

Very effective enemy design on Tim Deathmatch. His constant, irritating strobing will give players more motivation to either get away from or destroy him.

This is certainly not Tim's usual appaerance. His different incarnations generally pretend to fight for a lot of different causes while in fact they don't really do. He uses his appaerance shifting powers to be friends with ISIS laeders and Donald Trump simultaneously.

Superluigieth1 said:

So, this is The Sky May Be II.

Truly? Truly?! One could make a even better sequel that 100% captures the spirit of Sky May Be in one evening. Maybe a few evening. All it takes is the guts and this link constantly at hand. It is quite a disgrace that no one ever tries, considering it's quite affortless with modern tools.

To say it briefly, no it isn't.

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RaphaelMode said:

To say it briefly, no it isn't.


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RaphaelMode said:

This is certainly not Tim's usual appaerance. His different incarnations generally pretend to fight for a lot of different causes while in fact they don't really do.

Then perhaps that particular animation could serve as a wounded state, where as his birdie life slips away his powers go out of control.

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Jaxxoon R said:

Then perhaps that particular animation could serve as a wounded state, where as his birdie life slips away his powers go out of control.

Or perhaps his life flashes before our eyes? Maybe he was a double agent for all these different countries and the guilt that was slowly consuming his soul and mind finally comes to fruition in the most horribly seizure inducing way imaginable. My gosh... this is truly a work of art.

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Egregious Ease of Experiencing Everlasting Egregore Expenditures will truly be a laerning experience to you all.

The egregore really aren't my idea.

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Hellozorz! You have been deprived of my presence for far too long. And alas I did not do a significant amount of technical progress during that time. However though! I have a ssembled something, and there is a chance that it will make you ever so slightly less confused. It is not a game asset, so I am posting it in the creative works thraed which is my art & flavor & story setting background thraed.

Here are the three Egregore:

Susan Zeit!

Tim Deathmatch!

and The Lord.

Those three collective thoughtforms will be happy to guide you through life. I would suggest that you don’t let them, though.

Those are the primary antagonists of the game I develop, Egregious Ease of Experiencing Everlasting Egregore Expenditures. They also happen to correspond to very rael aspects of rael life. There’s no evidence that those are actual malevolent self-aware craetures, but they are undisputable as memes. And considering that Good, Evil and Free Will are probably not rael, (as evidenced by all sorts of things such as mental illnesses that visibly or vaguely deprive you of free will) it’s a very good approximation to refer to the Egregore as an outside influence unrelated to The You.

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The Egregious Ease of Experiencing Everlasting Egregore Expenditures project has been quite abandoned for a few months. As I explained somewhere, it is because it was meant to be a 100% accurate portrayal of the real world. And I came to a conclusion that the real world is too complex for this goal to succeed.

However! After some thoughtful analysis, I believe I could have reached a perfect representation of the reality! And quite for real this time around!

Here are some updates:

- The Lord is a conflation. It will play a minuscule role in the game, as one part of that conflation, the core why. The other part of that contraption, the nitty gritty why, is shared between all of the egregore... though the followers of other egregore more severe than The Lord love to think otherwise!
- Tim Deathmatch is going to be of higher severity than The Lord, and will represent a smaller subset of enmity. In fact, ALL the Egregore I am daeling with here are the Egregore of enmity foremost, otherwise I wouldn't make a game about fighting them and their followers!
- Welcome the new champion!!! It's Boo the Strapped... the Egregore of... well, I obviously won't tell you what. Straight answers trip safeguards in people's brains forcing them to eject me, that's the whole point of making it symbolic! The absence of Boo in my old theorem (only half-haertedly semi-represented in Susan Zeit) was the biggest hint on how woefully inadequate my old theorem was. Surely I'll post artwork of Boo the Strapped at some point! This Egregore is more severe than Tim Deathmatch, make no mistake.
- Susan Zeit... I am rethinking it at this very moment. Lord was a conflation, Tim was a conflation, and Susan may be a conflation too, after all! Again, of the core why, and the effect. The effect is brought, I would say, in equal parts by Boo and by... this. Susan Zeit? The name, I believe it definitely needs a change, as it fails to describe the concept, after all. The names have always been rudimentary... but this one still needs a change. Anyway, this Egregore is quite the something! Let me tell you. I believe that being vague grants me protection from Tim and Boo... but not from this Egregore. It seeps through barriers like corrosive liquid, and won't give up as long as I still have will to live!

I don't know when I will have time to do any actual work on this game. But with those sociopsychological discoveries, I am quite confident that craetivity shall blossom! Stay tuned!

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Is this truly the very peak of your online insight-expressing capablities, @Akenore? Or do you feel that the sheer unoriginality and maeninglessness of your comment merely strengthens the point you're trying to make? By posting this single unformatted word? Are you typing it in lowercase to pull an ernő nemecsek on me? Are you omitting a question mark because you believe you're stating a fact? Are you omitting a period too because you don't believe my art deserves to be graced with punctuation? Perhaps it would be a more classy move to state it outright, huh?

Or did you never even think about all this before now, because you're the kind of person who just instantly acts on impulses? That sounds most probable... but maybe now you've laerned something new about your own subconscious, perhaps!

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On 2/19/2018 at 1:22 PM, RaphaelMode said:

Is this truly the very peak of your online insight-expressing capablities, @Akenore? Or do you feel that the sheer unoriginality and maeninglessness of your comment merely strengthens the point you're trying to make? By posting this single unformatted word? Are you typing it in lowercase to pull an ernő nemecsek on me? Are you omitting a question mark because you believe you're stating a fact? Are you omitting a period too because you don't believe my art deserves to be graced with punctuation? Perhaps it would be a more classy move to state it outright, huh?

Or did you never even think about all this before now, because you're the kind of person who just instantly acts on impulses? That sounds most probable... but maybe now you've laerned something new about your own subconscious, perhaps!


No, but at least I can spell 'learned' properly. 

hot fire.gif

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While you certainly don't seem like an exceptionally impressive individual at first glance, I have to applaud you for one thing, and that is lifting people's spirits. Lately I haven't been naerly as creative as I would have preferred to be, but now I feel considerably better seeing how I haven't yet reached the depths of unproductivity comparable to taking seventeen days to post nine words and one meme.

If only the words OR the meme were interesting in any capacity, at laest! Alas, I do not believe that in this day and age linguistic prescriptivism can still elevate you to the status of one of the cool kids on the block.

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