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Things from the originals you miss or wish were in the new game

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We've a thread kinda like this already but oh well. Archville and pain elemental. Actual mega armor, All the powerups from old doom or at least an easy way to make them in snap map. I wish the power ups were more like the classics as well, they just had alot more charactor. fist only as weapon. The ability to designate strafe running in snap map at least. We'll see more updates in that regard though.

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MrGlide said:


Hmm? Did they change him? I hope we see the Arachnotron and Pain Elemental in an expansion or something. Maybe the Unmaker from Doom 64 as a new weapon!

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Cyanosis said:

Hmm? Did they change him? I hope we see the Arachnotron and Pain Elemental in an expansion or something. Maybe the Unmaker from Doom 64 as a new weapon!

Ya, I don't see the summoner as an archville, but as it's own monster. The Hell rifle is alot like the unmaker.I thought it was kinda odd there were a crap tone of weapons you don't even touch in the sp. Arachnotrons would be cool as well.

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The Icon of Sin as an actual boss and not just a cameo secret. When I saw id proudly show it off, I was expecting a legitimate fight. Maybe next time.

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NoisM said:

Screams of dying marines.

This. I wish they implemented some more of the original sounds, such as the Doomguy grunts and pain sounds, the door opening sounds, the platform moving sounds, etc.

I also wish that they had implemented the original death animation of the cyberdemon. After you beat him the first time before you are warped into hell, I was expecting him to explode into a massive cloud of blood and gore just like in the original, but NO! THEY HAD YOU DO A LAME ASS GLORY KILL INSTEAD!

I also wish that they had made the Doomguy look more like the original Doomguy, with short sleeved armor.

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doom_is_great said:

This. I wish they implemented some more of the original sounds, such as the Doomguy grunts and pain sounds, the door opening sounds, the platform moving sounds, etc.

I also wish that they had implemented the original death animation of the cyberdemon. After you beat him the first time before you are warped into hell, I was expecting him to explode into a massive cloud of blood and gore just like in the original, but NO! THEY HAD YOU DO A LAME ASS GLORY KILL INSTEAD!

I also wish that they had made the Doomguy look more like the original Doomguy, with short sleeved armor.

The door opening sound is in the game. I wish they had redone some of the original songs with modern production and sprinkled them in though. Would have been epic.

Best part about picking up those doomguy dolls is the little snippet of original soundtrack that plays.

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more distinct sounds, in the old doom i can immediately recognize who i'm going to kill when entering a room, more aoe with ssg, and more slow enemies but more tough that charge slowly(old baron of hell)

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also more traps! likw monster secret traps, you open a wall and bam a baron of hell appear, nothing like that in this doom

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The arch-vile, i don't really consider the Summoner a worthy replacement despite behaving similarily.

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Well, she actually IS named Arch-vile in the game files and behaves similarly to the Doom 3 Archie, though apparently is far more dangerous on higher difficulty levels.

I do question why they changed her name though when she's so clearly a beefed-up D3 Archie.

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dethtoll said:

Well, she actually IS named Arch-vile in the game files and behaves similarly to the Doom 3 Archie, though apparently is far more dangerous on higher difficulty levels.

I do question why they changed her name though when she's so clearly a beefed-up D3 Archie.

Probably because people think revival when they think Archvile, and revival is slightly difficult to do without lingering corpses so they just named it what it does since it really didn't relate to the Archvile people think of at all.

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Arctangent said:

Probably because people think revival when they think Archvile, and revival is slightly difficult to do without lingering corpses so they just named it what it does since it really didn't relate to the Archvile people think of at all.

To my knowledge, the Archvile from Doom 3 could only summon enemies on top of their flame attack so its weird to me...

I mean there's even an armor set in Multiplayer called "Vile" in the demonic section. I guess i'm just iffy about the name change.

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I'd have liked blue and green blood for the cacodemons and barons. Not as picky with the hellknights, given their Doom 3 design.

It also bugged me that the "Tealguy" collectible wasn't called "Crashguy" or "Crashgirl" or something, especially since there was an orange one named "Phobosguy."

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the archville and summoner a barely similer imo, the only thing the have in common really is the can deal alot of dameage and try to stay away from you (d3's at least), the summoner is fast, has a wave projectile other then a tracking bomb. I don't see how people find her as such a huge threat, I mean ya, when shes on the board she needs to die first just to make sure she doesn't blind side you, other then that she's easy to dodge and easy to chainsaw, tripple rocket, nade + DB/HR. The new baron takes presidence over her when I'm playing personally.

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I miss the insta-teleporting thing the original Doom games had. The enemies popping in are WAY TOO SLOW and PREDICTABLE, letting me change my weapons, drink a cup of coffee, take a shit, and fire at them, before they fully appear and fight!

That, and the missing enemies. Obviously. Game is still excellent, but nitpicks are nitpicks.

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MrGlide said:

the archville and summoner a barely similer imo, the only thing the have in common really is the can deal alot of dameage and try to stay away from you (d3's at least), the summoner is fast, has a wave projectile other then a tracking bomb. I don't see how people find her as such a huge threat, I mean ya, when shes on the board she needs to die first just to make sure she doesn't blind side you, other then that she's easy to dodge and easy to chainsaw, tripple rocket, nade + DB/HR. The new baron takes presidence over her when I'm playing personally.

I think they could be more of a yin and yang thing in a way. Would really like to see how they would synergize together (if the arch-vile could ever be added in that is).

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Amph said:

also more traps! likw monster secret traps, you open a wall and bam a baron of hell appear, nothing like that in this doom

Because people always complained about the monster closets in Doom 3.

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hitscan enemies
punishing chaingunner closets for every stimpack you pick up
tight rooms full of barons and archviles
impossibly cryptic secrets
entire levels of platforming

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I love new Doomguy's armor, but a part of me wishes it was more low-tech like old Doomguy's.

Same for the weapons. Everything besides the SSG (perfect) is too high tech IMO. Pistol and shotgun especially. I also love the old boxy design of the plasma rifle and the shoulder-strap-thing on the BFG. No dealbreaker by any means, but I feel like it takes away from the grit.

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