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What are the important things to know when making a website?

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I would like some advise if you don't mind, as I'm starting to learn html and wish to make a website. Thank you for any and all constructive replies.

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Quick load times and easy navigation are two things I definitely value in any webpage. Avoid garish colors as well. I know basic html and php stuff thanks to Chungy pointing me towards http://htmldog.com/ , hopefully that helps!

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Make it easy to read. Doom textures make shitty page backgrounds; purple does not contrast nicely with red when your text is tiny; green or pink pages make your eyes go weird; etc.

It helps to test on every device and browser you can get your hands on too. Lots of the weirdness you see with websites on one specific device or browser are actually easy to fix in a few minutes, but those things get overlooked or ignored.

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The first rule is to use as many APIs as you can. Ideally, every single word on your website should be dynamically pulled by a different script from a different other website. Also, set cookies. Make sure to only display blankity-blank nothing if cookies and/or javascript are disabled. To really show your skills, use a Flash app to handle navigation between different parts of your site, there should not be any plain old HTML link. Try to shoehorn in some Java applet too. Also, we're in the 21st century, so make sure that every image you embed (and believe me, you should embed a shit-ton of images) is high-res -- I'm talking stuff like 1024x1024 smileys. Let the browsers handle image resizing by themselves, this way it's friendlier to Retinaâ„¢ devices. Scripts, CSS, and images should all be hosted on separate servers, and notably the CSS server in particular should be selected from those that have the maximum amount of downtime.

Do all this, and you'll have a truly modern website, one that is hip and cool.


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