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Name one thing Doom 16 is missing

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More levels where you explore a few directions, looking for something (a key) to open a door etc. In this one you sometimes get a key, but it's more or less just linearly in your path.

There were those areas where you got to choose what order to take out a few demon nests in a larger area though.

Not to say I want fully open huge levels, just more of the ol' classic level design style in the mix. But this was more in that direction than any other recent FPS at least.

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More of the subtle trade off between exploration and combat that was a signature of the classic games. Too much start-and-stop moments with Doom '16.

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It should've mixed some of those platforming segments with combat. Would've made for some really intense fights. You'd have to make sure not to lose your footing while also making sure you're not gonna be killed by a demon.

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massivefanofdoom said:

One massive ram skulled baphomet like demon. (hint hint icon of sin)

It does have that. Its just not exactly part of the story. Something to poke fun with really.

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Voros said:

It does have that. Its just not exactly part of the story. Something to poke fun with really.

The Icon of Sin does play a role in the lore, though the nature of its role is left largely to the imagination.

I personally hope Doomguy stays faceless and silent. He conveyed plenty through his silent action, and I think adding goofy grunts purely for nostalgia's sake would be a bad decision.

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AwesomeO-789 said:

It should've mixed some of those platforming segments with combat. Would've made for some really intense fights. You'd have to make sure not to lose your footing while also making sure you're not gonna be killed by a demon.

The only time that happens is this really frustrating part in Hell where you jump to a platform and suddenly a bunch of lost souls spawn, and it's really easy to have them smash into you and knock you off into the abyss. Having a million bottomless pits in an FPS just seems kinda ridiculous to me. It should have been handled more gracefully.

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MrDeAD1313 said:

Elevators and timed lifts. Labyrinth type maps with good switch puzzles and key hunting.

Best post in this thread so far. That was really something of Dooms core formula. But I'm not sure how good it would have fitted in Doom 2016s design.

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I love the immediate action and attitude sort of approach but a horror segment or two (possibly best during early and mid game), similar to Doom 3 could of been a nice break between action and add some more dynamic game play.

Otherwise I echo the deathmatch and server browser comments.

There is an opportunity to add these features in future installments.

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ATP2555 said:

Other humans.

IMO the feeling of isolation is quintessentially Doom.

tuo said:

Techno-Hell theme/UAC base half-way consumed by hell

Doom 3 got that right.

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

1 Thing :
* Deathmatch, Server Browser, Arachnotron, Arch-vile, SnapMap Tech Props, Doomguy Sounds .

You forgot the pain elemental

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