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Lilium [V1.3]

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The screenshots looks awesome, downloaded!

Also, is this map have something to do with your other city maps (Doxalymine Moon, Comatose, Overdose)?

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Played the map and made a fda on PrBoom+ cl 2. I died stupidly in the staircase with the crushers, I finished the whole map later in another try. In the first attempt I had some real bad moments when I awakened the spiderdemon; and with the chaingunners after the maze with the imps, the one that spawns really far from you is a bit cheap imo.
As usual the work on the atmosphere and the visuals is fantastic. The gameplay is spot on for the map, and it's probaly one of the best you have made up so far. The teleporting monsters may seem a bit repetitive but it doesn't feel like a gimmick. After a while I noticed that the monsters don't make noises except when they are in pain and when they die. You have to be more careful than the usual but I also think that is a very fitting thing considered the mood of the map. The market was an interesting place to visit. In a secret in that area I found that there are some monsters stuck in sectors 4985 and 4988. The cardboard shantytown was the other location that somehow impressed me, though I think that it would if better if not all the buildings have seargeants in them so the exploration is more varied. I'm not really sure about the final boss battles though. To fight the spiderdemon the field is too open. After you enter past the yellow key door you need some luck with the archviles if you don't know in advance that they are there. The abadoned city with the snow looks very good, it gives also some sort of a sorrow feel, and I wonder if the shantytown in the cave was made by some people who tried to escape from the winter but in the end it seems they didn't make it. I guess that the latin phrases are taken from Elfen Lied op theme iirc. I'm also wondering if the written graffiti that appear sometimes have some actual meanings. Excellent work overall!

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Quite good. I enjoyed this.

The only bug I noticed was that sidedef 60395 needs CASBRK01 as upper texture, when crusher sector 4176 is functional.

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WAD updated to V1.1.
Changelog (in russian):


1) Исправлена недоработка, из-за которой босс-паук появлялся раньше времени боя с ним;
2) Исправлена недоработка, из-за которой зомби на вокзале появлялись раньше времени;
3) Исправлены пересекающиеся линии, из-за которых в ZDoom-портах на некоторых домах не было текстур;
4) Устранено несколько случаев застреваний монстров друг в друге;
5) Исправлена недоработка, при которой можно было залезть на мост в канализации, игнорируя трубы;
6) Исправлен баг, из-за которого некоторые монстры в канализации замечали игрока раньше времени;
7) Исправлен баг с отсутствующей текстурой в канализации;
8) Исправлена недоработка, из-за которой банки на столиках в парке утопали в них. Также слегка улучшен вид самих столиков;
9) Исправлена недоработка, при которой от паука-босса было сложно спрятаться там, где это подразумевалось;
10) Добавлена подсказка, указывающая на тактику боя с пауком-боссом.

is this map have something to do with your other city maps

Nope. Is absolutly stand-alone map.

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WAD updated to V1.2.
Changelog (in russian):


1) Исправлен баг, при котором был возможен неверный подсчет найденных секретов;
2) Сильные монстры на рынке более не атакуют сквозь ворота в начале.

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I like this one a lot! I'm definitely going to have to look at your older work...on that note, I love that you included QR codes to all of your older work. =P

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I finished it yesterday, not my favourite of your works, Lainos. I think it was really the gameplay that rubbed me the wrong way (maybe I should have played on HMP). It kind of felt like a number of challenges that get progressively harder rather than (admittedly) a bit random but more atmospheric exploration in something like Comatose or Doxylamine Moon. A lot of the ambushes seemed pretty unfair and predictable.

I do like the fact that monsters are for the most part silent and some of the areas look really really cool. I'm not big on winter settings but it still oozes atmosphere and there's a sense of desperation there. I wish I could learn more about the background as there seems to be some undisclosed concept behind it. Hell, your maps have this tendency of raising a lot of questions for me. :)

I enjoyed it though, I dig maps that focus on such atmosphere and it actually made me think that I should maybe try to go back to a set I started a while ago. Or at least make one more level.

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