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The future of Doom...

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Did you ever think about the future? The future of Doom? I do this all time, and I am a little scared about this. Why? Because, I think that Doom, will disapear. How? Well i don't really know, but, I tink that the game will not be played anymore. I will give to you guys an example. ZDL website is gone! Doom Builder 2 development has gone! Maybe Slade 3's website will disapear! Why? Because the people dont't play this game anymore! The Doomers will decrease. They have all new games like GTA, Counter Strike, etc. And that's why Doom, will just dissapear.

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The game came out in 23 years ago, peaple still play and even discuss about it a lot (Look at Doomworld) Also, I think it will live at least 20 years more. This game is already legendary, such legends are never truly forgotten. Look at Doom, Quake, Half-Life, CS 1.6, Starcraft, Diablo 2, The Elder Scrolls, GTA SA, Warcraft, Age of Empires II, etc. All those games have a well deserve ''Legendary'' status, thus, shall never fall into darkness for a long time. 

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I predict like 20 to 30 years from now, there's a "video game history" subject in Multimedia or just Video games design course in college.

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I think there's going to be a rise in standalone games built off Doom source ports that will cause a resurgence for modding for those games and for Doom as well. Just the same for when a new official Doom is made.


The well is very very far from dry.

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What about GZDoom Builder? It's a more up-to-date version of Doom Builder 2. Same with Slade³, it is a more up-to-date version of XWE.

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I can see Doom editing being used as a college course in pacing, resource management, etc.   I can see programmers cutting their teeth porting this game to whatever systems will exist in the future.   I can see old time Doomers keeping their old machines running at whatever cost for the sole sake of playing this game.   I can also see those same Doomers funding a Kickstarter to make editing and running Doom still possible (in the rare likelihood that it isn't done beforehand).  I don't see it disappearing any time soon.

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Oi, you stole my thread. 😤


The community should be fine for at least a decade to come. We just need something less contreversial than Brutal Doom to bring in new people.

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4 hours ago, IncognitoMode said:

Lots of people still play Doom on a daily basis.

like me. Doom is love, Doom is life

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i don't think people stop playing doom, at least for next 30-40 years. most people didn't play vanilla anymore so until source-ports will be updated people still going to play doom. if development of gzdoom end, doom will be nearly dead.

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Almost everything is shared among this community, and that's one big reason why Doom won't go down easily.

Rock-Paper-Scissors is old as Hell, but it's not gone, is it?

if development of gzdoom end, doom will be nearly dead.

I disagree. Certainly GZDoom is popular, but there are other ports out there too, like 3DGE, PrBoom+, Eternity, Doom Retro, Doomsday, etc. the list might as well be endless.

The community certainly has its fair share of talented people. Almost all the editors, ports, maps, etc. are all created in collaboration rather than private.

It's been 20+ years, but shit, look at the mapping and modding scene. It certainly is not dead. Many articles out there mention the fact that the Doom community is active even after 20+ years after its release.

Its amazing it lasted so long, and it doesn't look like it'll go away for some time. There're these talented newcomers that eventually join in, and possibly take over Doom's legacy.

Also, Doom is only a game, so chill.

Edited by Voros

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okay taking back what i say :-) , i was just mean that gzdoom is one of the most used source for editing and if gzdoom end many people going to give up on modding doom.


srry for english :-)

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I think if GZDoom stops being developed, it won't mean people will stop using it, because it's still a good modding platform with a shit ton of features. It will hold for a while.


Then maybe someone else will pick it up, or another similar port will come into the spotlight. Provided the community itself is still interested - port being abandoned because no one needs it anymore is another story entirely.

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15 hours ago, Nautkillius said:

Why? Because the people dont't play this game anymore! The Doomers will decrease. They have all new games like GTA, Counter Strike, etc. And that's why Doom, will just dissapear.

Doom has survived every big game that came out during it's lifespan, CoD, Battlefield, CounterStrike, Uncharted, Gears of War, every single GTA game, you name it.... if Doom, was "doomed" (excuse the lame pun) to be abandoned at some point, i think we are way past the time were it would had become an abandoned game

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Take a look at other classic games like Marathon or Blood or Carnivores. They might as well be abandoned, even if there is a very faint pulse.

But this community is very active like any other gaming community. Everyday, people post on the forums, chat on IRC and Discord, video chat with Skype (sometimes), while games like the ones I mentioned typical take days for even a new post to show up.

There are programs, mapsets and mods being made every time I log in. BTSX E3, Perdition's Resurgence, all those mods on the ZDoom forums, GZDoom Bugfix, GZDoom, Eternity, 3DGE etc. It just doesn't seem to end.

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People here are way to positive. Provided the doomword forum survives linguicas eventual demise everything is possible. It is hard to talk about the future other than in general terms because you might as well be shaping it with your words as you go along. If reddit stays around for the next ten years you might find doomword forum's successor there - this is what I believe.

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