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Rifle Infantry

Post your alternate universes/settings.

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Ever created a setting/universe/alternate universe/alternate universe setting/erotic Pong fanfiction- be it in your head, written down, or just anywhere else? Then here's the place to share it and discuss yours or others. You can also post images and whatnot related to it. And if you have questions- things you want to work out, ideas to ask others, or just anything you're not totally sure about regarding your setting- you can slap it down here too.

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I sort of have a odd universe I created in my head without ever completing it or putting much more thought. I have thought about it in bed waiting to fall asleep.


It's an alternate reality that mimics our world up to the point of medieval or dark ages. Its environment is dark and gloomy with the Sun constantly smothered in smog and dark clouds but visible enough to know it's there.


Most plant life and trees exist but are stagnant in a dying state. It won't grow nor die. It's an ominous environment with the constant sound of wind, yet you only feel a light breeze. Indeed the place is ominous but somewhat relaxing. It would appear there may be no animals or people but you can come across old abandoned looking cabins and camps with no one in sight. You can light a fire if you wanted, but it doesn't produce heat nor much light.


This world is actually home to a deadly shadowy creature that likes really slow hunts. It tracks people in our world and attempts to force them into its dimension (not sure how, maybe via dream?). Once there, you are actually game and food for it, but it's slow, really really slow. You could live in this dimension for years without seeing the creature nor another person. You have no need to eat, drink or even sleep. Everyone is also a mute, as if they are in a dream state.


That's as far as I went. For some reason this helps me fall asleep sometimes.

Edited by Chezza

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12 minutes ago, Chezza said:




Did you flesh out what the creature itself is like? I'm picturing some kind of floating shadow that just disintegrates you, myself.

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@Rifle Infantry told me to post my shit in here




As World War II drew to a close following the Russian nuclear bombing of Berlin, the world watched as millions of lives were extinguished in the blink of an eye. The sky was red over Berlin that morning: June 5, 1949.

Fear of the Reds propagated unchecked through the States the following decade. The world remained silent until 1960, when the revelation of nuclear technology took its root in the Department of Defense. Having developed and tested their own WMDs by the mid-sixties, America openly declared war on "the Red Menace". With superior weapons, superior manpower and superior training, it was a sure victory. With nukes to back them up, America would be victorious.

The war was over in seven weeks.

Canada, fearful of the US' willingness to use WMDs so frivolously, occupied most of the northern states within the first two weeks. Too strained by the Russian forces advancing from every other direction, their attack supplemented by a myriad of private military forces, most of the rest of the United States became a scorched wasteland. On December 25, 1967, the American Exclusion Zone was created - a swathe of land stretching from California to Missouri, reaching from Canada to Mexico - wherein there was only martial law. With no critical services and with military police their only neighbors, the survivors fended for themselves for a time. Some made the trek to the 13 colony states to the east, seeking refuge; some stayed. Those who remained had ration shortages, dirty water, and bands of outlaws outside of the "protection" of the military police to contend with. Some found survival too daunting a task and took their own lives.

The development of consumer quality-of-life inventions declined rapidly as all attention on secret state developments were diverted to the miniaturization of nuclear warheads. By 2023, it would not have been uncommon to find the richer half of the 13 colony states in their homes, attached to their computers, none more advanced than the Amiga 500 or Commodore 64. But Pentiums?... Flatscreens?... Cellphones?... You're kidding, surely.

On April 16, 1979, in Delta, Colorado, a pre-war Canadian immigrant father bore two children with a woman of Mexican-American descent. Their names would become legendary: Damian and Lanie Barrett, later known as Diema and Dust. They were orphaned at seven years old; their father left that morning and never returned. Their mother, too, left their ruined hovel and was never heard from again. Damian did all he could to care for his sister, but she wanted none of it. They separated at age eight, not to hear from each other again for nearly four decades - after the two of them had lived full careers through extranational operations with what remained of their state's military. It was no such thing anymore -- it was a resistance that happened to have some more gear laying around than usual.

In 2021, MCPON Damian Barrett quietly disappeared. It was as if he had never existed, and with a man as world-renowned in the SPECWAR community as him, the 'resistance' got worried. Diema simply vanished, and that was no bueno. It was shortly after that Gunnery Sergeant Lanie Barrett heard from her brother for the first time since she last saw him in Delta. He had a plan in mind, and needed her help as a decorated Marine. He would be starting a new kind of business; a private military company, but one outside of the scope of national interests. Of course, by this time, Dust had heard far too often about her brother's heroic exploits. It was like living in his shadow from hundreds of miles away.

They would be picking fights with the worst of the worst, startup costs supplied by their own deep pockets. They would enter the world's warzones without regard for international regulation or the laws of war, forcing their hand to the outcome that best served the interests of no nation, but of the people that inhabited them. They would save lives, and damn what the world thought of that. She knew they would be labelled terrorists internationally, unable to go home to their native land. But what name does the state have for the revolutionary with a gun, other than 'terrorist'?

Of course, men much more willing to embrace that label were just around the corner as the advent of man-portable nuclear arms dawned in 2023.


It's not the most bulletproof universe in the ... universe, I'm still iterating over it actively every day and there's more going on in the world at large but I felt like this was wall-of-text enough. There's random bits and pieces that when cobbled together give you a picture of 1945-2038 or so, and while it currently focuses on Dust and Diema's exploits as a sovereign military entity with 300 other people involved, I want to expand it far beyond just that group. Obviously intended to be a military-fantasy type of universe, inspired quite largely by Metal Gear, with lead characters that takes cues from almost every major military-themed game franchise and 80's action movie hero you could think of

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3 hours ago, Rifle Infantry said:

Did you flesh out what the creature itself is like? I'm picturing some kind of floating shadow that just disintegrates you, myself.

Honestly I haven't and it kinda changes. Sometimes it's essentially a xenonorph but less aggressive and sometimes it's a shadowy cloud but with glimpses of snake like tentacles. Sometimes it's nothing at all. I think much of the world is formed by my frame of mind and intention to sleep.


You know what I think is a really cool fictional universe? Warhammer with the warp. I love the idea of enough belief or raw emotion in our universe slowly forms and feeds an entity in the warp's dimension that follows the rules of our belief. All the Gods we believe and even Santa Claus may become real over time. Then they may become strong enough to start interfering with our dimension to further increase our belief in them. It's fuel to them.


But entitles that are formed by emotion and action alone aren't bound to rules of belief. Rage and anger that's so frequent has created a God of Rage known as Khorne.


It's a very interesting universe.

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Yeah, dreamed up a few. Mainly, my quite run-of-the-mill D&D campaign's planet, Takál. Here are some highlights (dunno how much longer the images will be up, I've stopped paying the Weebly bills since I no longer update the hosting website).


Map of main conflict area, or Protagonist(Talmora) - Antagonist (Korindor) country borders:



Protagonist capitol:



Boss dungeon!



Pitched some settings to publishers during my years as a game-designer too, but never got any original material developed into games. Precious few get that chance! My favorite was "Bane" - one about a breed of galaxy-infesting aliens that had developed in an unbroken line from Trilobyte-like creatures (no extinction catastrophes on their planet, ala dinosaur-wipe), to become psionic near-immortals, seeding planets with self-growing structures, their data fed via black-holes to planet cores after detecting their locations from civilisations that had developed radiowave communication. Cue gigantic organic structures sprouting from the ground, coiling across the continents, setting up for an approaching gigantic resource-sap that'd leave the planet near-dead, and keeping the planetary inhabitants (e.g. earthlings) culled, by establishing a smoke screen tyrannical religious order that outlaws any technological advancements from gunpowder and beyond. E.g. swords & psionic cities, with swords & gunpowder outlands beyond. The player would choose from three available characters (tyrant priest, mercenary and new-order knight) whose stories intertwine, making choices towards one of three possible endings (earth-death, being placed undying in an alien trophy cabinet and earth independence).

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A long time ago in high school I started to write a lame story that I never got around to finishing, however the underlying plot was pretty good and within the story existed an alternate universe or apocalyptic scenario.


To save time and space (and because it's not refined and may sound very lame) here's the synopsis:



The year is 2008. Things are how you would expect; people go to work, kids go to school. Everything is normal. A sudden shift in temperature is being reported along the west coast of the United States, it seemingly cannot be explained. To further add to the mystery, it's currently summer. The main character is me in real life (surprise surprise). I hear about this news on my way home from work one day. That night, I notice it starts to get colder here too on the east coast and I can't seem to get any satellite signals and everything goes out, including the power. I am left in darkness and decide to go to sleep because there's nothing else to do.


I wake up the next morning suddenly. It's really cold in my room and the power is still off. I get up and look around. The walls and floors are frosted over. I look outside and there is nothing but snow and ice... everywhere. The world was iced over, overnight. How did this happen and why? No answers to be found anywhere. I decide to go out and try to find some answers. Nobody is around, my whole town has become a ghost town. Cars stopped in place, doors left open, and stuff like that. I can't find anyone. Why am I alive and nobody else is?


The next parts of the story basically involved me setting up some kind of base and trying to get radio equipment to work. I need food, and so I journey out to find a grocery store. Once inside, I discover I'm not alone. There is some kind of ethereal being outside. Picture a dark cloud of fog and a cape and floating red eyes. Shit was epic when I first imagined it. At this time, I'd imagine it being like a drone of the alien race in the story (read below).


So let me explain what's really going on:


An ancient alien race that can only survive in extreme cold goes from planet to planet, freezing them over and harvesting the resources. Any living things on the planet are unfortunately frozen over and blown away... anyone deep below the surface would survive. But why did I survive? Well... this gets weird and it's basically the "plot twist" of the story. Basically me and my brother (I don't actually have a brother) were once a part of this alien race. We wanted out, and so we colluded with an alien surgeon to "make us human" in a sense, but we still retained some of their abilities... notably being able to survive extreme cold. We escaped the mothership undetected and eventually crash landed on Earth. The crash was rough, I had suffered some memory loss. After the crash, I see my brother (who I don't know who he is due to said memory loss) and he appears to be dead. There's nothing I can do for him and so I leave off and try to find a new home on Earth. I am able to speak English and would appear human to anyone else, including doctors. Our alien tech was that good.


Fast forward ahead... while setting up a base on a frozen over Earth, someone else finds me. It's my brother but I don't know that. He knows who I am but pretends he doesn't as to test me. I explain to him what I remember about the crash and that I didn't know who he was. A showdown ensues and he's torn between going back to the mothership and hating me or trying to fix my memory. My brother was the "bad" brother so to speak, and he wants to go back to the mothership and rejoin them. I want to stop him and stop our alien race from doing this to planet after planet.


The rest of the story I haven't written or thought of.


Thoughts? Ideas? Areas to improve? I'd love to refine this plot and actually make this a short story or something. I'd love to see this as a movie too.

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I made a fantasy universe myself (well, i thought of a few, but this is the one that actually got development), it's for a web novel i'm writing (is "web novel" even a actual term?), and it consists of two main dimensions (so far, there may be revealed to exist more, it depends on what happens at the end of the story arcs i have planned).


One of the dimensions is a primordial one, where, basically, everything is originated from, called the Paradise, there the Elder Gods habit as the most high being on this plane (there are four of them), and minor creatures, though still incredible to us, exist below them. There are still other things to them, but 


The other dimension, named Mundus, is very much like earth at the time the book is set, which in nature is basically the medieval ages, though in the past, the world was completely lifeless, it was when a portal to the Paradise was open that it was created, and subsequent things, like humans themselves, death, chaos, destruction and other concepts, all of them bad in a sense, where unleashed on to Mundus everytime one portal was naturally oppened to the Paradise. When humans started to evolve themselves on Mundus, they eventually found traces of each portal opening and decided to replicate said opening, and after years of exploration, they managed to gather everything necessary to manually open one, and with said opening, a new "evil" was unleashed, Magic, which in this universe is the control of Mana (basically, a being "life force"), the way it works is actually pretty similar to Nen from Hunter x Hunter, where there are types Magic and such.


The story of the novel itself is not about the world, and tells more of a closed tale, with characters, villains, twists and such. There's one chapter written already, though it's in my native language, and i would have to translate it, so i may do so latter, (and if anyone shows interest in it ofc.)


This is the biggest post i've written on this forum and it isn't even about Doom lol

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18 hours ago, DILDOMASTER666 said:


That's positively awesome. It'd make an extremely solid story and background for a ZDoom megawad at the very least.


Question: How far into the fantasy side of "military fantasy" does it go? From the Sketchbook pictures it's clear that one of the main characters is at least one of the million variants of humanoid wolves in fiction; is everyone like them or is that a special condition?

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Do AU's of favorite media franchises count? Because sometimes I like to imagine an AU or two of some of my favorite franchises, like the Love Live! anime.

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Just now, taufan99 said:

Do AU's of favorite media franchises count? Because sometimes I like to imagine an AU or two of some of my favorite franchises, like the Love Live! anime.

Sure- go right ahead!

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Not everyone is like Damian and he is an endangered species (Mexican gray wolf), but there are plenty of sentient races that are not "human". Otters, raccoons, wolves, the list goes on, you get the idea; history on this subject diverges at a much earlier point in human evolution that's outside of the scope of the story itself. They tended to gravitate towards human population centers when those became a fixture of society, to the point where non-human sentient people in the wild became less common than their civilized brethren (reflecting the state of humanity today). Although it is somewhat rare to encounter a dominantly non-human population center, there are a handful sprinkled mainly in Africa and central Europe and they tend to rely on nearby human civilization for services and trade. It is intentionally left unclear how their genetic makeup relates to humans and whether or not they are considered "human" by law and one plotline in particular asks this question. ("Humanity created WMDs. Humanity created the rifle you're pointing at me right now. Why fight to save people who made tools like this to kill you and I?")


Regarding how deep it delves into military fantasy specifically, only just enough for the main characters to be action heroes. No giant robots, but plenty of large-scale fighting couched in nuclear-deterrence demagoguery and lots of listening to Bloodstained Anthem on repeat while describing climactic battles.



Edited by DILDOMASTER666

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So I have an AU where the members of μ's (pronounced Muses) from Love Live! School Idol Project come from different schools, instead of only Otonokizaka.


The 1st years (Hanayo, Rin and Maki) are from a private boarding school.

The 2nd years (Honoka, Umi and Kotori) are still students of Otonokizaka.

And the 3rd years (Nico, Nozomi and Eli) hail from Uranohoshi (the school Aqours (from Love Live! Sunshine!!) comes from) or another conservative cultural/religious school (given that Uranohoshi is actually a Catholic school).


While it's still just that right now, I may or may not flesh it out more.

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2 minutes ago, DILDOMASTER666 said:


Oh, so Dragon Ball-style "mostly humans but there are sentient bipedal animal species that are part of society at various levels". That alone is an interesting concept; I can imagine things like patterned (more visible for species with poor/nonexistent color vision) traffic lights, visible poison warnings on chocolate bars, and other such modifications to society.


I myself have repeatedly thought about a modern fantasy equivalent to Earth, but as soon as I start putting in monsters and magic, I get hung up on the historical changes that'd bring. Ultimately it's why I haven't done significant writing on such an "alternate Earth"; I can't imagine that countries and society through history would stay the same with such alterations. So far, then, my efforts toward settings have been centered around making my own world and countries.

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On 1/30/2018 at 4:27 AM, Chezza said:

I sort of have a odd universe I created in my head without ever completing it or putting much more thought. I have thought about it in bed waiting to fall asleep.


It's an alternate reality that mimics our world up to the point of medieval or dark ages. Its environment is dark and gloomy with the Sun constantly smothered in smog and dark clouds but visible enough to know it's there.


Most plant life and trees exist but are stagnant in a dying state. It won't grow nor die. It's an ominous environment with the constant sound of wind, yet you only feel a light breeze. Indeed the place is ominous but somewhat relaxing. It would appear there may be no animals or people but you can come across old abandoned looking cabins and camps with no one in sight. You can light a fire if you wanted, but it doesn't produce heat nor much light.


This world is actually home to a deadly shadowy creature that likes really slow hunts. It tracks people in our world and attempts to force them into its dimension (not sure how, maybe via dream?). Once there, you are actually game and food for it, but it's slow, really really slow. You could live in this dimension for years without seeing the creature nor another person. You have no need to eat, drink or even sleep. Everyone is also a mute, as if they are in a dream state.


That's as far as I went. For some reason this helps me fall asleep sometimes.

Wow wow wow. Wow. I absolutely love what I'm reading, it almost sparks a fire within me lol.


It does resemble the world in my head, although mine is probably even more incomplete and also messier since I never put too much thought into it to make it more logical, if at all maybe, but then if it was 100% logical it would kind of ruin its purpose, in a sense, I guess, and I just gradually shape it more when something inspires me or when I want to spend some time within it and feel that something's missing/lacking, and rather than writing another long post that'd be pretty similar to yours I'll just point out (some of?) the differences, similarities, and some other things instead:


- It's not limited to medieval stuff and features material from different historic periods as well as some sci fi and fantasy elements inspired by different movies and games, most notably Chaosrealm, Netherrealm, Outworld, and a little bit of Orderrealm (the pyramids more precisely) from the Mortal Kombat games in which these worlds are either seen or explored, like in Deception. It could be best described as a world which looks like it's divided in more periods of time in different corners and functions as if each part is its own little universe, with its own rules and laws, and that sort of thing, almost entirely disconnected from one another.

- As of right now, there is no real daytime except for the MK inspired parts perhaps, but not even that can be described as actual day, it may be bright but there's no actual source of light (such as a sun). I've never actually thought about this before, there's only perpetual night and darkness where either a blue or blood moon shines most of the time, winds howl bestially, the atmosphere tends to be either crystal clear, very thick, or something in between, like a funeral, very gloomy/mortuary, and it usually doesn't rain. This is mostly inspired by the feelings invoked inside of me when I listen to Immortal's Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism, and when it does rain it tends to come in the form of storms, but if I am to add real daytime what you have there would definitely be in mine as well, along either dark or bright cloudy/misty, rainy days, and when the sun is present the sky would most probably resemble what's seen on the cover of Bathory's The Return.... . The clouds would sometimes change their color into purple or blood red which also changes the entire atmosphere into something reminiscent to Quake, and behind them can be observed the great vastness of the universe, stars, nebulas, galaxies, very distant planets, or an endless, void like blackness which feels like sucking you and your essence when you stare at it for too long and carry you somewhere else, and other times the sky would be partially covered in fire, similar to Doom64 in certain situations actually. Both ironic and odd, the air is always breathable regardless of meteorological conditions.

- There's only 3 seasons (no damn summer), but it doesn't affect the creatures. The seasons serve more as a means of creating and enhancing the atmosphere more than anything else. Furthermore, it only ever snows in the medieval corners, and there are occasional eclipses.

- There are no arctic regions.

- Food, sleep, drink, etc. is not required for survival here as well, although you can do all of them if you so desire. To survice you "feed" on some kind of energy (which is seemingly infinite) the whole world radiates.

- The futuristic corners have next to no flora and fauna, but there are also lots of dense, beautiful forests seen in the medieval/ancient ones (there's obviously castles and ruins as well btw), whereas the desolate and apocalyptic zones have almost none, except for dead, black trees, which tend to be small in size. The stench of death and decay fills the air sometimes here, there are present partially or completely dried up rivers, seas, and oceans, volcanoes and lava/blood floors. Despite enjoying what my mind could conjure up there, one particular area is not welcoming even for me. The endless black, desolate, and putrid zones, which resembles salt flats but much, much more unpleasant than it sounds or looks, which tend to be a refuge for when I'm in pain, only to have the feeling (surprisingly?) amplified. These particular areas are more like places of spiritual torment than anything else, shrouded in a strong sense of despair and hopelessness. Nothing really grows or dies in my world either, but changes somehow in seemingly impossible and random, or chaotic, ways. You could might as well stay there for years and not notice anything or any change just like in yours, all the changes and actions are spontaneous.

- There are various inhabitants of the planet, some resembling humans while others resemble more typical aliens, werebeasts, dragons, infernal, macabre, sinister, fantasy creatures, and some faceless, hooded, black, almost smoking shadowy folk, some of whom not having tangible or physical bodies. None of the creatures ever leave their territory and don't engage in activities with each other or even in conversations, it's like everything and everyone is on their own, completely disconnected from the rest. The inhabitants of the world can however, be very dangerous and prey upon each other or something else entirely if they want to. I don't know what exactly sustains their life, perhaps the same energy I mentioned before, I didn't think about this too much.

- As of right now, except for some ruins in the medieval parts, there are no buildings or constructions of any kind similar to our present, at all, like this period was skipped altogether. Oddly, I have never actually spent time creating a fortress for myself (I'd most probably be some kind of monarch), and it would be intimidating or even threatening.

- You can't feel much in my world for some reason, including emotions. It's very limited in this aspect. I don't know the reason. Similar to what you said, you could probably just light up a torch or start a fire and while it would work just fine, it doesn't radiate any heat. You can, however, definitely feel the wind and the coldness in some areas, all that can be experimented has the tendency to typically be negative.

- Except for the futuristic parts, there's no society or economical system. How things actually work in other places I don't know, I suppose they just... exist, but are not explored on a deeper level and at first sight appear to have no such actual structure. It probably doesn't really have to, after all it's not a real world and is not supposed to make complete sense, let alone abide by the laws of our universe.

- There are some places which are entirely nightmarish and of unspeakable (and indescribable) horror, where reality changes every moment, each version being worse than the previous. This one is inspired by the world of the Daedric Prince Vaermina from the Elder Scrolls series.


For now, I think this is all there is to it. It may not make a whole lot of sense, be very original given the number of sources of inspiration, and the similarities, but it serves it's purpose. It is also the one place I can call my sanctuary, with all its flaws, incompleteness, randomness, and whatnot (suits me actually), while still being most genuinely pleasing, relaxing, inspiring, invigorating, and empowering to my being at the same time (aside from that one particular area) in all its chaotic, macabre, terrifying, medieval, natural, and futuristic splendor.


"I will take my majesty, as flames caressing higher..."

Edited by Agent6

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OH! Yes! Precisely the thing I need to distract me from the important stuff I should be doing right now!


A couple years ago I started developing my own language, called Rahzemjeriilak (obviously I don't have a custom font for it, the actual letters in this spelling are: Rah-Zem-JeR-iiL-Ak). The alphabet, basic punctuation and numbers are all finished, I just need to rework the grammar, word structures and spellings so that the language doesn't become too restrictive (my most recent iteration is insanely strict and I don't want to limit the communications in the way I accidentally have). There are only 22 letters in the alphabet so this ain't no replace-the-weird-symbols-with-latin-letters-to-make-perfect-English kind of language. The symbols that represent each character are specifically designed to be as inconvenient as possible when trying to write them by hand (not a single one of them can be written with less than five separate yet intersecting straight lines, and the number of lines in a character determines whether it is a consonant, vowel, punctuation mark or number). I won't describe the structures, phonetics or grammar I've come up with because I'll most likely ditch the current system and replace it altogether (it's just bad).


Now, I've started creating this language, what will I do with it? My idea is to pull a Tolkien and create a fictional universe around the language I've made. Except I don't really want to create a fantasy universe, this is much more of a Science-Fiction universe.


Basically, humans have advanced to the point of developing warp-drive technology. During the first manned test of the technology there is a major system malfunction and the ship ends up jumping to the coordinates of a recently discovered planet suspected to be life-sustaining. The crew of the ship are stranded on a planet that does support life, and has evolved life equivalent to what was seen on Earth during the late Triassic period. From Earth's perspective it appeared as if the ship disintegrated instantly into space dust, and the subsequent loss of contact was assumed to mean that the crew were dead.


Thanks to other critical system failures they experienced an energy surge that essentially wiped the language centres of their brains, rendering them unable to understand any of the languages they once spoke. Their intelligence was unaffected, however, and they soon developed their own language from scratch. This language eventually became Rahzemjeriilak as it gradually evolved over the many generations of offspring inevitably produced because they're humans so of course there's going to be a lot of procreation happening. The language was not the only thing that evolved, eventually the humans adapted so much to their new planet that they were no longer humans, but still looked sort of out-of-place when compared to the native life. They also became the dominant species on the planet due to a major jump-start in intelligence compared to the native fauna.


Because the laws of physics have a sick sense of humour, there is some severe time dilation between this planet and earth; this means that while only a handful of centuries have passed on Earth, many millions of years have passed on this planet. Eventually the humans from Earth decide that they are going to explore the cosmos with their now perfected warp-drive tech, and inevitably come in contact with the now former-humans (I haven't come up with a name for the species yet). Because the people living on the planet have had many, many more years to evolve compared to the humans from Earth, they are only vaguely recognizable as being the descendants of humans. And because humans are humans, conflict breaks out thanks to simple misunderstandings and ignorance due a major language barrier; not to mention the fact that the new species' vocal cords produce sounds too high-pitched for humans to understand and instead just hurt their ears, whilst the hearing range of the new species has shifted so much that human voices are too low-pitched to be audible. Other stuff happens, but I haven't decided what yet.


I originally typed up a three-page-long post, I've condensed it quite a bit here. It turns out I put way more thought into this universe than I realized.

Edited by Skeletonpatch

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Reviving this old thread with fashion. I have so many of these alternate universes, it gets silly. I did, however, condensed and mashed up a lot of them to create "main alternate universes". Yup. For every genre or idea there is an alternate universe, sometimes it is the same planet with diffrent timelines, sometimes its multiple planets within the same time span, stuff like that.


So, for my urban adventures, I pick modern day Earth, with some things shifted for my use. For instance, in my variation of modern day Earth, we tend to walk among "energy benders", people who can manipulate energy, similar to the way elemental benders in "Avatar: The Last Airbender" do. Of course, they cannot just make all energy dissappear or make godlike beings out of themselves, they have to focus and specialize, create special tools and devices to help themselves, and they gotta form a society already :D Energy benders, for instance, can focus a lot on being fast as fuck, and if they decide they would use their energy bending for some zapping or enhanced parkour, they would practice "particle recycling" (similar to the way jet engines, and by extent, warp drives work, only way too much downscaled). If an energy bender wanted to make explosions or make heat, they would have to hone in their mind and body in a instance that, by a simple gesture or thought, they could make fireworks :D It gets more and more colorful as it gets. I recycle the usage and concept of "energy benders" across every "world" I make, like, having magic users not summoning demons and spirits to grant power, but warping some matter, recycling air, or similar "bendy" stuff.


While also, along energy benders, there exist the "unusuals", a caste of young children and teenagers who alter their image and their strengths by the will of their emotions and personality. Unlike energy benders who are often independent, "unusuals" like to band together, and they often have their own corners, and even rooms, inside their respectable schools. Regular people, out of some reason, despise "unusuals", and a lot of "regular" kids find bullying "unusuals" to be real fun. Unusuals, as a result, often wear protective armor, either platemail or kevlar, depends on the individual, but as long as it grants protection from harm, an unusual would have it on his body. Unusuals are often recognized by the fact they wear tactical armor in public; something that is quite "unusual". Unusuals don't really have a specific name they like to call themselves, but often form "protection guilds" within schools, like "Order of the Plated Heart" for example, which grant guidance and protection to the otherwise innocent unusuals. You can tell how much a unusual is being abused by the armor he is wearing. If he is wearing some strange greaves and or boots, with nothing else, he probably only got "dipped" before getting protection and support from other unusuals. But, if you happen to see a power-armor clad unusual, or a robotic individual (some unusuals "shape out" their own skin and muscle in favor of "steel"), then that kid surely didn't have a great childhood. So it is always a bit sad to see a character who doesn't even have a square inch of skin exposed; it often means they have it rough. A lot of drama involving these unusuals happen in form of stories; most often its the "least harmed" unusuals who still want to be "regulars", be themselves, and yet not be a subject of ridicule, and so they often get flak from other "experienced" unusuals for not wearing protection and not hanging out with other unusuals, while regulars want to teach some sense onto the unsuspecting unusual.


Here is a example of that:

There is this one boy, who has pale skin and quite bright hair to follow. His form is quite "fragile" so to speak, as his form is similar to a "moth" so to say. For his "fragility" he can float and fly into the night without effort. His best friend, an tactical-armor-gasmask-clad friend implores that he talks with the Forgekid (guy who helps with "forming" armor) and gets protection, at least in form of light armor which would protect his legs and his arms. Of course, even a pair of boots give quite a restriction on his free floating form, so he is relucant. Then he meets another unusual, which is another "moth child" (its rare for unusuals to have similar "powers" and meet each other), this time its a she. Unlike him, she just doesn't have a single care of this world, and not even her friends can talk into her to get some protection. The two meet of course, and spend a lot of nights flying around the city, dodging criminals, helping out people, and just flying around the night lights, "dancing". So here is the problem. They don't want to get protection, and by extent, have a hard time flying, but they understand the point of the protection they are implored to seek. They narrowly dodge dangerous people at 2am all the time, and are afraid of being caught. But they love flying and dancing at night, so the story unfolds.


I guess, unusuals are supposed to mimic bullied children who are special in some sense. Unusuals are by nature quite friendly and docile, not a single one exists that wishes harm upon anyone. It can happen that a unusual like that pops out, and then it is trouble (instead of forming armor, they form weapons. Shit happens). Unusuals don't preserve their unique willpower as they get older; as soon as they finish puberty, their reality-bending "powers" get minimized down to at most 10% of their "true" power (usually its 1-5%). In return, people don't despise grown up unusuals, they turn out to be great people and all, and depending on how "experienced" they are, they can be social butterflies or shut-ins who are paranoid of the world. That is why it is often good news to have a "unusual" grow into adulthood with merely nothing more than a pair of gloves as his protection :D


I also have a whole theatre of original characters who are either mundane, posses some form of a special ability, or are similar to the energy benders and unusuals described above. I split most of these groups by interest, age, location, and mood. I have two-three "active" groups of characters (fit for a roleplaying session tbh) as of now, and I used to have 5 of them active at some point. Most of these are highschoolers, yeah, but some of them are middle school kids. These are all protagonists by the way, and if I were to start counting all my side characters and villains it might take a while to write this post.


Other than that, lemme mention another "world" I use for science-fantasy stuff: Its called Prashna, an Earth like planet which is quite smaller than actual Earth, and it mostly consists of tundras and deserts, and similar forms of it. There are some greens here and there, and the icy caps, but the main factor lies in the whole "dust" atmosphere of it. Prashna is a indirect translation of the Croatian word "prašina", which in English means "dust". This world doesn't have too much humans living in it, there are probably two three, maybe five "big cities" on it (the continent atleast), and the rest are villages and gatherings. This world draws a lot of parallels with the "Mad Max" franchise, coupled with some m-anime I had seen, and then it is like this: At least 70% of people living on Prashna are farmers who had found good soil amongst gaps of rocks and gravel, and often live just to tend to the vegetables and fruits. There aren't any wars going on, but people still own guns and weapons, and that is due to the wildlife on the planet, composed of often quite brutal animals (imagine Doom pinkies and imps) who like to raid small settlements in search for food, be it vegetables, fruits or men themselves. Almost all of the predators are omnivores, and are perpetually hungry. They originated from an alien asteroid which hit the planet in the long distant past no one can remember, spreading monsters across the continent, slowly replacing the bears and the giant elk which often prowled and grazed across the plains. Often, true heroes here are those who hunt down and kill as many of these creatures as possible. A lot of people get buried in the Tomb of Heroes if they were killed protecting their small tract of land, either from the creatures or other humans, with higher regards towards those who lasted long. Prashna is a strange world. It can happen that people who died come back from the dead, it isn't really unusual, so a lot of care goes into preserving the bodies of "heroes" in case they rise again. Meanwhile, beggars and low-lifes just rot away, not even considering reliving their lives. Indeed, those who resurrect are shown to have tremendous willpower and determination. It takes a lot of focus for one's soul to "turn on" its own corpse, and have it live again. Other than "heroes" and "warlords", there are "chi benders" (energy benders) who, instead of surviving and harnessing, live to study and know the world they live in. They can be found mediating in the plains, blending in with the stones and bushes. They often travel across the continent, instead of sticking onto a parchemnt of land like everybody else. They like helping other people, and can protect themselves using their "chi bending" skills to cast fireballs, wave spears, phantom punches, stuff like that. Its mostly unique to every "chi bender". Now, on Prashna, those aren't the only types of people one can meet. Every human being is a interesting character in their own right. Oh yeah, did I mention there are often old fortresses and dungeons found across Prashna? This is where the 30% of other type of people like to spend their days in, and that is why we have "heroes" and "warlords", who, instead of tending to the soil, they harness resources for various campaings, and fight monsters on a regular basis. Occasionally, there can be a band of "heroes" who choose to clean out an old crypt and put the souls there in ease, and a "warlord" can gather an army with which he can take over a village or a stronghold, and in turn gain feudal power. Its an interesting world, and I like to experiment with it.


This is just the top of the iceberg though, when it comes to creating universes. That is kinda my forte. But I don't have anymore time to talk, so I am ending it here.

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