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Doom 2 story

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In Doom 2, had the survived humans (if any) abandon Earth?
Or did they begin re-building everything after the invasion was over?
If Earth was truly abandoned, where would people go?
Or was the Doom-guy the only human survivor? I think it's a sad ending to the human race...
Maybe, maybe not? Or am i taking too seriously everything?

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Well, let's see:

"You have won! Your victory has enabled humankind to evacuate earth and escape the nightmare. Now you are the only human left on the face of the planet. Cannibal mutations, carnivorous aliens, and evil spirits are your only neighbors. You sit back and wait for death, content that you have saved your species.
"You've done it. The invasion is over. Earth is saved. Hell is a wreck. You wonder where bad folks will go when they die, now. Wiping the sweat from your forehead you begin the long trek back home. Rebuilding earth ought to be a lot more fun than ruining it was."

Does that answer your questions?

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I prefer DOOM's story over DOOM II's because in the 1st game the player is totally alone. In the 2nd it's like he receives orders at some point...

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Wasn´t there a giant rescue starship (a futurist Noah´s Ark) where the survivors were brought to? I remember there was a switch in the Circle of Death level that disabled a forcefield or something to let that ship go. Or maybe it was just in my imagination :)

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Before map07:
"Ahead, you see an outpost of hell, a fortified zone. If you can get past it, you can penetrate into the haunted heart of the starbase and find the controlling switch which holds earth’s population hostage."

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Grazza said:

Before map07:
"...find the controlling switch which holds earth’s population hostage."

Exactly this part. Could mean different things though... what was the switch actually controlling?

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Tetzlaff said:

Exactly this part. Could mean different things though... what was the switch actually controlling?

I dunno. You could try the Fan Fics / Fan Pics forum. I'm sure there are people there who have thought long and hard about every aspect of the story.

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Exactly this part. Could mean different things though... what was the switch actually controlling?

The switch was the same as the one that popped up a few weeks ago in a Thread about blowing up the entire universe or something. Or was that with a button? hehehehe

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Grazza said:
I dunno. You could try the Fan Fics / Fan Pics forum. I'm sure there are people there who have thought long and hard about every aspect of the story.

According to the story in the help file, there is a big fiery wall around the star port, preventing the evac ships from leaving earth. I assume the switch turns it off.

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Ok, just to sum the Doom 2 story up:

Demons have invaded the star port - go and throw those unwelcome guests out and shut down that fireceiling they've placed over the base!

You throw the switch, the remains of humankind evacuate and go into space, leaving you alone (seems rather ungrateful to me). From space, your commander (who's with the evacuated survivors) tells you where to find the entryway of the demons - go and see if you can shut the door so that the unwelcome guests can't gatecrash our parties ever again.

You find the portal, but there's no machine that you can shut off, so you have to go to Hell to see if you can somehow shut it off on the other side - if not...well...then at least you can give the assholes some payback - they've ruined our planet, let's go ruin their world!

You kill the big bad Icon o' Sin, which blows up and devastates all of Hell, killing all the demons (Bullshit imho!) and you return to Earth. Now Earth is saved, the evacuated humans can return to their beloved planet and rebuild Earth which ought to be a lot more fun than it was to fuck it up and everyone is happy......except me who's supremely disappointed with this cheesy-ass ending - killing one demonlord automatically wipes out all demons from Hell and Earth, psaw!

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deep down in our hearts we truely knew that all the demons were not dead and would be coming back.

too much of a story would have ruined doom, but it is nice to have a little bit of one. better if there is one for people who want one, they can read into it.

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