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MTF Sergeant

What if a strong combination of human army forces from all nations invade Hell??

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Let's not include Doomguy in this scenario. I'm imagining this: The armies of all nations of the world come together to a peace settlement and together, try to invade Hell and take on the demons themselves. They go to Mars, to the UAC base and enters the portal to Hell. What's next? Body dumps?

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A thousand years of bloodshed and unrelenting combat as mankind captures a meager and highly contested foothold within hell, which they use as a vector to enter and plunder other realms for resources.

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*walks into the battlefield with a stereo*

*Loads up Justin Beiber's Baby*

*Puts on headphones to block the noise*

*sets volume to full blast*

*hits play*


But in all seriousness, humans have nukes. We can take down a huge chunk of their army very quickly.

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3 minutes ago, DynamiteKaitorn said:

*walks into the battlefield with a stereo*

*Loads up Justin Beiber's Baby*

*Puts on headphones to block the noise*

*sets volume to full blast*

*hits play*


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2 hours ago, TFK said:

Let's not include Doomguy in this scenario. I'm imagining this: The armies of all nations of the world come together to a peace settlement and together, try to invade Hell and take on the demons themselves. They go to Mars, to the UAC base and enters the portal to Hell. What's next? Body dumps?

Probably a drunkfest if you include slavs there, too.


In other cases: this mashup would die in, like, 5 min max?

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Humans secure a large territory for themselves, and move their heaviest industries there so that they don't have to care about pollution. A hundred year laters, Hell becomes unlivable even for demons, which are driven into extinction.

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2 hours ago, TFK said:

The armies of all nations of the world come together to a peace settlement and together, try to invade Hell and take on the demons themselves. They go to Mars, to the UAC base and enters the portal to Hell.

I'm going to set aside the question of how we get, say, twenty million soldiers to Mars in the first place, and I'm going to give this an attempt anyway.

Also going to assume that we're using stock Doom/Doom II monsters and not custom ones.


Version without nuclear attacks:

I'm also assuming military technology has somehow stagnated, so no plasma or BFG for Earth, but that's okay, because of the below.

The arachnotron and cyberdemon would be, obviously, the largest threats, even to vehicles, and I expect that lesser monsters could be potentially threatening to them, assuming their fireballs are actually plasma or otherwise just superheated. That said, the cyberdemon is a large target (assuming 1 meter = 32 units, he's 344 cm, or 11 ft 3.3 in tall), and the difference between his rocket and an M1 Abrams 120mm round is likely to be staggering.

Also, we have to account for artillery and air power, which the base!demons have very little of. Yes, there are lost souls and cacodemons and pain elementals (and souls), but they move so slowly that they'd never be able to catch up to an A-10 Thunderbolt, let alone anything like an F/A-18 Hornet.

Artillery: major dilemma here. Artillery takes a moment to set up, which would give the demons time to take it out, but the flip-side of this coin is they don't have to set up on the front lines. An M198 howitzer can fire a 155mm round about 22 kilometers, but with an effective range of a tad over 18 kilometers. An HE round can do more damage than the BFG ever could, with a death radius of 50 m (164 ft), suggesting a single shot would probably do in even Hell's strongest if they were struck directly.

Infantry does have a place here. Those tanks and infantry fighting vehicles would be quickly destroyed or otherwise taken out of commission if the smaller demons were able to swarm them, so heavy caliber weapons would most likely see use to put them down as quickly as possible.

Conclusion: the only way for Earth to lose is if we run out of ammo, really, which is possible, since the demons are functionally limitless.


Version with nuclear attacks:


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There's also a surprise factor here; demons are most likely not expecting them to be the ones invaded. I doubt defenses would be readied enough to hold off what we would have by the time we have a strong foothold in an area of Hell. And, like Aquila mentioned, we'd have missiles able to destory the heaviest of resistance, possibly set up by the time they're ready to fight back properly.

Then, of course, since it ain't on Earth... Go ahead and launch some Satan rockets in there once our fellas are done with most of the ground stuff.

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In all the Doom games I haven't seen any evidence to suggest that hell could with stand being trampled by 6 billion humans. We would have to be ruthless "red army style" but we would win.


However the re-animation of our battle dead would be a issue. 

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It's hard to me to have hope in a human victory in hell when they basically lose having home advantage in Doom 2

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Then they will bring democracy there on the wings of tomahawks. Because the dictator Satan oppresses his people.

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I recall a series of books based on such variation of such premise:

Hell spills over into Earth, invading and trying to conquer as end-days begin. However, last time they checked on humans was middle-ages, and couldn't really hold candle to modern weaponry. It actually really bit them in the ass as well, as humans then invade hell. 


I can't remember the name, sorry. In context of Doom however, demons have been augmenting themselves with technology rather effectively, unless that was UAC work. Frankly, I'd expect a standstill of sort. 

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3 minutes ago, floatRand said:

I recall a series of books based on such variation of such premise:

Hell spills over into Earth, invading and trying to conquer as end-days begin. However, last time they checked on humans was middle-ages, and couldn't really hold candle to modern weaponry. It actually really bit them in the ass as well, as humans then invade hell. 


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I'm sure it'll start out strong and then go to Hell (pun intended) when a third to a half of the forces are possessed by demonic spirits and turn on their own squadmates.


And then, there's the enemy that is Hell itself. Twisting, changing, corrupting - malevolent in its own right. And the terrain, non-negotiable. Good luck driving those tanks across the great voids and chasms, mires and bogs, quicksand, fields of huge spikes that make any Earth anti-tank fortifications look tame by comparison.

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22 minutes ago, Linguica said:

Could Doom Guy's dad beat up Satan's dad?

Well, God is Satan's dad, so no. Of course, Doom Guy has the same dad, so if you consider the Omnipotence Paradox, things get kind of messy. 

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Plot Twist: Those armies find their own men being possessed and turning against them. For some reason, Doom Guy is never capable of being possessed. Not sure if that's because undead but Doom 3 shows living people being possessed so who even knows?

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Hell wins hardcore style. The average human is much weaker and slower than the demons and doomguy, they aren't as headstrong as doomguy as well. Plutonia even hints that humans trying to fight back usually ends in a shitshow, the noobs failed to freaking spawn camp against demons on portals they themselves control lol, TNT had the demons fuck the fuck out of humans as well, horrified them then proceeded to toy with them. They are also extremely vulnerable to lost souls (basically it isn't just a oneshot, it also mind controls them! imagine a pain elemental controlling an entire army), they also won't have the dexterity to keep up with revenants or the stamina to continue to evade a baron attacks until it dies (and it'll possibly oneshots them with any attack). Humans also need supplies which would be a nightmare to do around hell. 

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On 6/16/2018 at 7:50 PM, riderr3 said:

Then they will bring democracy there on the wings of tomahawks. Because the dictator Satan oppresses his people.

That's unrealistic :Y Hell would need oil for the USA to even think about bringing democracy to them.

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We can't measure hell so anyone's answer could be correct. My view is it's essentially infinite and it would screw humanity over with all forms of corruption, logistical nightmares, unknown number of enemies constantly pouring through and the possibility that Demons respawn while humans do not... until they join their ranks.

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