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Doom 3 Leak Makes CNN

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As is the trend, Doom 3 leak news has made it to CNN.com. Of course if you've been paying attention to news sites the past few days then it's pretty much common knowledge and such. However, the article has some interesting facts and stats, so it's worth a read and whatnot.

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on one hand this article is very late, on the other hand its almost sensationalist

"yarr there be pirates on the internet"


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Can't these people just wait for Id software (and the others working on Doom III) to work there magic and finish the game BEFORE trying to play it?!?!?!?

I mean damn. These fuckers should just get there pannies out of a bind and damn well wait! I can...I want to play the complete game

For fuck sake..

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DOOM Anomaly said:

dang, the leak is spreading faster than a plague, or a virus.

The only difference is, people complain about viruses.

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More than "sensationalist" it's that it's a article in "CNNmoney" which is about corporate matters and reflects certain interests (those of a producer or a dealer... and not necessarily a player's.)

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myk said:

More than "sensationalist" it's that it's a article in "CNNmoney" which is about corporate matters and reflects certain interests (those of a producer or a dealer... and not necessarily a player's.)

So very true.

And yes, it’s old news, done, over with. That’s the media wheel rolling though.

For some reason a old skit from Conan popped into my head. It was about Five Hooks the Pirate. He had the arms, legs and a head made from five giant hooks.

"Yarrrr, I'm Five Hooks the Pirate."
When Conan asked Five Hooks how he talked he just replied "....yarrr."

Getting back on topic to Doom III, I'm looking forward to hearing the media and political backlash about the violence. My day is never complete until I hear about a congressman or religious zealot going ape-shit over our art.

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This time around we have more dirt on the pigs so we can tell the damn hyprocrities to sodomise themselves with their surplus toes.

For example, how can they possibly complain about a video game when Dick Cheney was meeting with the Taliban and the heads of energy companies a month before 9/11/01 and refuses to release the details (what is known is that they they wanted to put an oil pipeline through Afganistan and the Taliban refused). Or people who attempt unionize at central and south american Coca-Cola plants disappear or are slaughtered by death squads and Coke's board of directors is interlocked with those of newspapers. Or how Monsanto or Monsantoma is giving two year olds cancer and alergy problems and has actually managed to give men breast cancer. Or how the FDA will approve ANYthing by large companies and yet will rip unapproved products from the hands or life support of needy patients. The FDA is composed of the heads of companies and they recently gave the "thumbs up" to cloned animal meat. Only a very small percentage of clone attemps are successful. Guess how 99.999...% turn out, but I guess the meat is acceptable.

CNN's a piece of shit.

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