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Dumb Stuff You Believed When You Were a Kid

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I'll start. I thought sprites in video-games were owned by the Sprite company, and they basically had a monopoly on early FPS games and got royalties whenever sprites were involved.


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i thought that standing upside down outdoors would cause Earth's gravity to go reverse and i would "fall upwards".

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I believed that 3 older girls I knew at school were secretly witches who wanted to steal my soul.

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I believed the girls were disgusting, now I'm disgusting for them


Edit : my first post popular jajaja xD

Edited by Gaia74

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I believe a lot of dumb stuff as a kid. I think that's normal. That's what kids are for, being dumb. I always thought only old people were able to get cancer. Sadly that's not true.

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I thought people aged 18 or more were tall and big and I needed to grant them respect.


Today they just look like stupid kids as well.

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2 hours ago, Urthar said:

I believed that 3 older girls I knew at school were secretly witches who wanted to steal my soul.

Shut up Rob, we weren't going to steal it.

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I thought that tennis players just held the racquet in front of their face and the ball somehow (magically?) bounced between them.


I thought that being a "passer-by" was a job. (I had only heard the term in the context of a "passer-by" noticing a fire in a nearby building and raising the alarm. Clearly a useful function...)

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When you're a kid, the older you are, the bigger you get. I didn't know that ended. I thought taller people were just older, and giants were really old.


I knew that there weren't little people in the radio making music. Thanks to my Dad teaching me, I knew the basic principles of how radio worked. However, I did think that people were at the radio station making music live. It never occurred to me that they were playing recordings. I remember being impressed when a big star was on our local station.


When adults said vacuum cleaner, I heard bathroom cleaner, and I wondered why it was used in every room of the house except the bathroom (and the kitchen, but I didn't notice that).

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2 hours ago, Caffeine Freak said:

I thought the grade levels in grade school went on indefinitely(13th grade, 14th grade, etc.)


5 hours ago, MrD!zone said:

I thought I could trust my friends and family.




As for me, I thought women just "happen" to suddenly become pregnant :v .

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When i was 5 years old i thought Santa could teleport at will, turn invisible and hypnotize people and animals. 

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4 hours ago, Memfis said:

Until this year I thought that grapes and raisins are two completely unrelated things.

Grapes actually mean Raisin in my native tongue, French.

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I remember in second grade or something, this woman who wasn't my teacher came in to teach us about human anatomy and how blood flows through your veins and I VERY SPECIFICALLY remember her saying that your blood was blue until the blood cells in it got cleaned, thus making it red.


I think I believed that for years.

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When I was really young, I thought that anime was low-budget, because I noticed the difference in framerate between anime and American cartoons.


Not sure if anyone even knows what I am talking about, but I just wanted to get something off my chest.

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I used to think that Deathmatch maps (or as my dad used to call them, "DEHDMEHTCH"(we're Romanian)) were some sort of joke maps that had no enemies as a joke or something like that, and the "dead" part was as some sort of negative thing, or something.

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i thought that people were born at different ages. so my big brother was born when he was 8, i when i was 4, and my little brother was born as a baby.

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51 minutes ago, crazyflyingdonut said:

When I was really young, I thought that anime was low-budget, because I noticed the difference in framerate between anime and American cartoons.


Hm... now that you mention this, I dislike how many cartoons look nowadays due to their lack of detail, particularly when it comes to the characters.


I've recently checked the X-Men series from '92 again and honestly, for such an old show I have not seen many modern works that come close to the level of detail it had (I won't pretend I've spent significant amounts of time looking for lots of cartoons to make comparisons though).


Still, making side-by-side comparisons between it and Evolution and I think the characters in the original are more detailed (Evolution vs Original).

Edited by Agent6

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23 hours ago, Aizen said:


Of course you knew what a sprite was as a kid

21 hours ago, Urthar said:

I believed that 3 older girls I knew at school were secretly witches who wanted to steal my soul.

Their bfs probably believe the same now

5 hours ago, Memfis said:

Until this year I thought that grapes and raisins are two completely unrelated things.

Lol, in my language the term for raisin is literally "dried grape" 

20 hours ago, Gaia74 said:

I believed the girls were disgusting, now I'm disgusting for them


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When I was about 5 or 6 I asked my Dad where babies come from, in a panic he went "They come from belly buttons!" or something like that. I honestly believed babies came out of belly buttons for ages after that.

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