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[old wip thread] Alienated

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Well since I play everything with Brutal DOOM v19 Sperglord Edition I would not be a good play tester for you. At least not what is expected here in the forums, but those screens look great. I get an "arena" style feeling from them. The first one is really interesting.


As far as a better name goes, do you have some map names? Or a bit of a story?

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So about the name thing, I don't want it to sound similar to Ancient Aliens. So no aliens, and nothing ancient. It doesn't need to make much sense, or have something in common with the theme, it just needs to sound cool.

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Digging the visual style. I'll keep an eye peeled. c:

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Try "Extra-Terrorestrial"

Screens look slick btw :)

Edited by Catpho

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The screenshots look amazing!

I don't think having the Alien word on the title will sound so similar to Ancient Alliens btw.


Hell's Testament

Eagle's DarkStorm

Ethereal Nightmare

Heroes Storm

Daemon Skyyard/Skyward

Tides of (something...)


Don't kow if it helps, that's the only titles that was in my mind at the moment. I know maybe there are better ones.

Edited by Kepehn

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Hi there! I love the screenshots. I would be happy to playtest. Could you share a link to the wad? Would it be okay if I streamed my test sessions on twitch?

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4 hours ago, Lorenz0 said:

Also help me come up with a better name than Alienated.

Reach For the Stars

From Stardust to Stardust

The Final Frontier

The Heavens Above

The Dragons of Eden

The Cosmic Connection



I may or may not have stolen the last three from books written by Carl Sagan.

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Alienation is honestly a great name, just my 2 cents, I know you want to avoid Alien though. For some reason the name Aurora Axis appeals to me as well.

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Hard to come up with names sometimes...


StarZone 666

Lacerated Realm

Deth Thrasher

Hellzone Prime

Cosmic Interference

Hell Amid The Stars

Proxima Horizon

Star Phage 7

Escape Velocity

Nefarious Nebula


I was gonna say HellStar but somebody used it for a DM map. Maybe Hellstar "enter word here", HellStar Horizon or somethin'. :D

Edited by Doom_Dude

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Hell Over Earth

No Demon's Sky

Invasion of the Space Cacos

Bloody Milky Way


More serious propositions:

Abyssal Sky

Event Horizon

Roche Limit

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3 hours ago, Gez said:

Hell Over Earth

This one


Those screenshots look great! I loved Ancient Aliens for its colorful nature, and it looks like you're making something that could wind up just as interesting and beautiful as AA. Can't wait until release! (At least there's a shit ton of other WADs to play until then)

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Not a serious title but one I'm surprise no one hasn't thought of it yet in this thread:



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@Lorenz0 I had time to play map02 yesterday.


Map 02

I really liked the visuals and layout of this map. It’s compact and challenging. I also liked how the map opens up gradually as you progress. Additionally, it looks like it would be a good deathmatch map.


I have a few thoughts to maybe make this level even more awesome:

  • I thought the location of the super shotgun was clever. I missed it the first time and made it extra hard for myself when it was time to kill the arch-vile since I only had the shotgun and the chaingun. If that’s what you were going for, nice job! However, I felt like that hallway with the super shotgun was too long to really feel trapped by the spectres that teleport. Maybe you could shorten the hallway? Also, you might want to place the spectres on an instant-raise platform (or whatever scripted equivalent exists for the same effect) to create a bigger surprise. The teleport fog alerted me very early that they were coming my way, making them less threatening.
  • I liked the first nukage room with the small platforms but I was short on ammo when it was time to kill the 2 hell knights and the baron there. Maybe an extra box of shells in that area would make that part of the progression more feasible?
  • The blue key room is cool. I wonder if there might be a way to make it a little more interesting, though? I felt like I didn’t have much room to dodge the numerous projectiles, but it was a good challenge.
  • The location of the blue door was not immediately obvious (probably because the texture blends with the walls), but I found it when I paid closer attention to the level design, so it might not really be problematic.


I'll keep testing your maps as time allows. Let me know if these ideas are helpful!

Edited by Gerkhin

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@Lorenz0 I was able to play a couple more of your maps! Here is my feedback:


Map 04

I like how well-rounded this map is. Also, I enjoyed the “flowery” decorations and shapes that are mostly visible on the floor. That’s super nice!


Here are some comments I have for this one:

  • The first cyberdemon encounter is great, especially without the plasma gun. I could hide just enough to be less exposed but not enough to avoid being bothered by the demons. You might want to raise the switch that the cyberdemon is protecting by 8 units to prevent things to climb on it, though. Cybie can get stuck on top of it with recoil (it happened in a playthrough as a result of infighting with revenants). Also, I think that a crate of rockets is placed a little funny and looks like it’s sitting on top of the switch.
  • The way rooms are connected make the map flow very well. There’s pretty much no backtracking. However, the impression of having a choice about where you can go first at the beginning of the map is kind of misleading--just like Sandy Peterson’s Downtown (map13) in Doom II. If you don’t get the plasma gun first, the map is extra difficult. Especially when you reach the trap with the hell knights. I like how this trap feels like a great homage to the similar one in Doom II’s The Factory (map12) but it’s also pretty brutal without the plasma gun. Similarly, the first cyberdemon encounter is too much of a piece of cake when you have that weapon. It would be great to find a way to balance this a little bit more.
  • The arena of the second cyberdemon encounter looks amazing but feels a little bit too easy and empty. I like how you put arch-viles in the pillars that protect you from the cyberdemon but it didn’t really put me in a less comfortable situation to handle the cybie. I’m not sure what to do to make this part harder. More arch-viles? A smaller arena?
  • Also, I didn’t feel like arachnotrons did very much for me in this map. I was able to neutralize them without a problem. However, one of your arachnotron in your map 03, for example, is placed in a hallway and is so distant that it’s difficult to kill and dodge its projectiles at the same time. Maybe the baby spiders should be replaced by other demons in map 04?

Map 08

This map is more “slaughtery” than the others. Not my favorite thing but I think many people will get a nice kick out of it :)


I don't think that there is much that needs tweaking in this map:

  • On the platforms where the mancubuses are, the torches block their projectiles. I’m not sure if that’s what you intended but removing these torches would make the mancubuses a little bit more deadly.
  • More ammo? I ran out of everything when the mastermind came into the arena. Getting out of the situation with the two cyberdemons and many cacodemons was very fun.


Keep up the good work! Your maps feel good.

Also, for the record, I play your maps on ultra violence by default. I didn't look to see if monsters and items are different in other skill levels.

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looks absolutely wicked, Lorenz0. I really like all the circles and other non-rectangular shapes. I think some of the shots in that latest batch look like they could use a tad more lighting contrast - but nonetheless it all looks awesome.

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Looks like this is cosmic/space themed? If so then a name could be "Below the Infinite" since space is practically infinite. I am new to beta testing, but I would happily play your wad.

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