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How to make teleporting monsters in Doom:Doom 2 format

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By placing monsters in an inaccessible room, but connected to the room where the player is in, so they can hear the player's gunfire, via a teeny tiny sector. Place several linedefs that are marked as teleporters and put a teleport destination. This will cause the monsters to teleport once they hear gunfire from the player. If you want them to teleport upon flipping a switch, make a door that isn't completely closed ( so it doesn't block sound) and then make the door open upon walking towards the switch, by giving it an action and a tag. That should do.

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You can also, instead of a door, have the monster be on a lower floor (32 units lower) and have it raise so the monster can move out and into the teleport lines.


Don't forget to make the monster teleport lines repeatable so that the monsters don't get stuck forever if their first teleport attempt fails.

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Also the room doesn't have to be connected to the room the player fires in, you can simply click on both sectors and press "Shift-J" to join them.

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Here's something fun: connect two sectors as mentioned so the monsters wake up when you fire a weapon, but have the sector for the monster teleport line at too high an altitude to cross. Once they're alerted, any switch or walkover trigger could be used to lower the monster's teleport sector, allowing you to time it exactly.

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1 hour ago, GoatLord said:

Here's something fun: connect two sectors as mentioned so the monsters wake up when you fire a weapon, but have the sector for the monster teleport line at too high an altitude to cross. Once they're alerted, any switch or walkover trigger could be used to lower the monster's teleport sector, allowing you to time it exactly.

That's what I've been doing in my vanilla maps, I usually have a btsx map open in gzdoombuilder constantly just to check out the neat tricks they did with the limitation.

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