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I know what you might be thinking.... "Where was that guy "hiding" when sigil came out..?

Well lets just say I did not bother with at all at the begining but now I "fell" upon it again yesterday....so I wanted to ask you guys if its worth playing it or maybe just have it for "ceremonial" reasons... I ask of this cause I have seen kind of mixed fellings about it like its crap or too dark or even unplayable.... So I'll be glad to hear your point of view on this matter...

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It's free... Download it, make up your own opinion. Simple.


EDIT: Also


I know what you might be thinking.... "Where was that guy "hiding" when sigil came out..?

I don't know who you are, where you came from, what your history here is... So you didn't know what I was thinking. :P

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Four days ago... I started to play SIGIL from HMP and today I finished it in UV... and I suggest you to play it. I had a lot of fun (also difficult situations) playing it. I started to play it after playing Ultimate Doom again. I recommend you to play it and easy difficulty levels. It's worth playing it. Now I'm playing Doom2.

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Honestly, I would have loved Sigil even if it wasn't from Romero, which I'm not sure I can say as confidently for his 2016 maps.

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Is Sigil beautiful? Yes.

Is Sigil fun to play? Kinda.

I liked Sigil because of its music by Buckethead in the first place. His tracks are so charming and perfectly fit the red-black aesthetics of Sigil. I hadn't been familiar with Buckethead and Romero's brainchild was a good introduction to his works.

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It's mean, but it's fun. If you want to see Romero turn his E4 style up to 11, play Sigil.

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I enjoyed Sigil on HMP, finding secrets in the earlier levels certainly helped me. I might try UV out at some point.


I recommend it.

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Good things: Maps look beautiful on Software Renderer, MIDI soundtrack is superior, but that's it.

Bad things: dry gameplay (not fun at all) IMO, original soundtrack must be bought and is impossible to listen to, unless you like Metal.

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I'm gonna be honest, shoot me if you want to, but I didn't really like Sigil. The layouts were pretty good i guess, but the maps looked just okay, and I didn't really like the combat that much. It's been a while since I played it, but I think there was some resource starvation that I didn't like.

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I thought it was a great challenge & the map design was spot on.

Though, it depends, really.



- Dry on ammo at first.

- Not pistol-start friendly

- Full of pain sectors

- Narrow in some places

- Quite dark

- A bit puzzle-ish

- And challenging in general.



- Slaughter

- E1M1 - E1M9

- For inexperienced

- Forgiving

- 90's style collection of maps


If you love the traits mentioned above, you'll love SIGIL. Otherwise, you won't like it.

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YES, it is dark. YES, its design is kinda frustrating at times. NO, it's not the best i've ever played.

BUT, the concept, gameplay and experience overall were kinda unique and different, compared to newest popular maps, in my opinion. For that, I think it's worth it.


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5 hours ago, Loud Silence said:

MIDI soundtrack is superior original soundtrack must be bought and is impossible to listen to, unless you like Metal.

Yeah I kind of enjoy more the MIDI versions than the real versions it kind of fits more to Doom....

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7 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

I don't know who you are, where you came from, what your history here is... So you didn't know what I was thinking. :P

Poetic.... ;)

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Well, seeing this thread convinced me to finally sit down and play this for the first time. I decided to spend the extra few bucks and get the Buckethead soundtrack as well, which turned out to be a wonderful decision.


I can see why this episode could be polarizing, but personally, I absolutely loved it. I played it on UV and, yes there are some challenging moments, but I really didn’t find it anywhere near as punishing or dickish as some people have made it out to be. I think most modern pwads taking after the Plutonia flavour of challenging gameplay have more than conditioned people for this kind of thing, and the tight spaces that Romero leaned on heavily here don’t really change that – movement is movement, reaction is reaction.


Personally, I found it very refreshing to be forced into an environment that was designed to be entirely uncomfortable, unaccommodating, and hostile. It fit Romero’s Hell aesthetic/theme very well, and reminded me why I fell in love with Doom in the first place – it’s about adaptation. It never really dawned on me just how much modern wads really cater to the players’ needs and comfort, rather than dumping them into a completely unforgiving world that forces them to overcome the environmental challenges as much as the combat ones. I’m not saying Sigil is totally unique here, much less responsible for inventing this, I just found it refreshing to see and wish I saw more of this.


Highlights for me were E5M7: Nightmare Underworld, and the final area of E5M6: Unspeakable Persecution, with most of the other maps flushing out some very fun and creative ideas/layouts in rather memorable ways. The secret map was kind of forgettable, and the E5M8 finale felt pretty flat, so it wasn’t all perfect – but Romero’s overall use of lighting and colours, matched with varying degrees of puzzle elements, cryptic progression, and unobliging to downright oppressive layouts made for a rewarding journey... for me.


I seriously loved the Buckethead mp3 soundtrack, and intend to listen to it while mapping. There were the odd maps that didn’t feel like they meshed with the chosen song, but for the most part, I found it to be an entirely elevating aspect of the experience. E5M3’s “Buildor 2” and E5M8’s “Poseidon 4-6” were definite standouts for me, the former being my absolute favourite track. I’m looking forward to playing through this again with the MIDI soundtrack, however, as I’m keen to experience it, as well.



@Steve D Alright man, it's your turn. For me, it was definitely worth setting the 90 mins aside for.

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I absolutely loved Sigil. John Romero made the environment as much your enemy as the actual demons and it made for a really refreshing experience. It’s like the exact opposite of the rip-and-tear Doom mindset though, so if you’re all about that you may be disappointed.


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7 hours ago, The_SloVinator said:

- Not pistol-start friendly

This seems to have improved with the updates. At the very least, maps 5 and 6 now have Chainguns, which were strangely absent back when I first played it.

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SIGIL is lots of fun. Very hard but I beat it more easily than Crusades by Richard Wiles.

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The people hating on this episode are (most of them) 15 yrs old kids that thinks that a good fps game is COD or CS go ....and they rant about the fact that "you cant jump , free look , crouch , or use doom 2 sprites....on a doom 1 wad... =S ) . You will also have the people adding "brutal doom" mod (this makes the wad super boring and easy while completely destroys the real feel of a classic doom episode. 


Plus this was made by John Romero himself , so that's a must play , about the mp3 music , i had no idea who "buckethead" was before sigil...the tracks are ok...but i prefer the midi files (and i can't play mp3 files on dosbox...while this can be done on prboom / choco doom / crispy doom / gz doom ) 

This wad really feels like an official 5th chapter. You should totally give it a try , it's not super hard , just as hard as you can expect any doom decent mapset to be , i recommend you to play it on Ultra Violence . 


About the wad being "too dark" avoid playing it on "hardware" render , just stick to software for the better experience (if it was not "too dar" for me on dosbox playing at 320x200 then you wont have any problems using any windows source port) . 



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I like it. though there are certain areas that were a total dick to me. I like it. or maybe tight corners are just my kind of thing

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I really like it. Can't really see any faults here. Played on UV and never had many issues with difficulty until E5M7. I don't understand the "too dark" complaint, I played it in GZDoom and never had difficulties seeing what I'm doing. I initially played it with the Buckethead soundtrack and it's good. I then used the MIDI soundtrack and I love it. Abaddon's Void is the best level in my opinion. So good that I used it as inspiration for one of my maps. :)


Also, this is relatable:

5 hours ago, Pablo_Doom_Guy said:

The people hating on this episode are (most of them) 15 yrs old kids that thinks that a good fps game is COD or CS go ....and they rant about the fact that "you cant jump , free look , crouch , or use doom 2 sprites....on a doom 1 wad... =S ) .


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10 hours ago, Pablo_Doom_Guy said:

that a good fps game is COD or CS go


me play csgo and me loves doom


On a more serious note, Sigil is good, but if you are expecting John Romero's E1 mapping style, you'll be kind of disappointed.

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12 hours ago, Pablo_Doom_Guy said:

The people hating on this episode are (most of them) 15 yrs old kids that thinks that a good fps game is COD or CS go

Trust me when it comes to perfect games these kids don't understand anything....sometimes I feel that they don't even know what REAL gaming is like....Anyway Iam not going to start a whole different matter here....I'll just let it be.....

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Personally I consider SIGIL as a "good idea, bad execution". It comes with some fantastic visuals like hell jagging its way through the architecture or a cavernous castle. The main issue however is the gameplay itself.


My biggest gripe is difficulty. To put it simply, 90% of Sigil is E4M2... on drugs.


Sigil also comes with some rather derpy map designs like an exceptionally tall door that takes ages to open up, music that is either boring or generic metal song 200 as well as an exit system that you need to get used to.



Give Sigil a try. You'll like it, or you'll ignore it. There's no wrong answer. :)

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4 hours ago, DeathWalkerGT said:

what REAL gaming is like

Real gaming is playing games, op.

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12 hours ago, PaquoCastor said:

Probably worth playing both v1.1 and v1.21. There are pros and cons of both versions.

What are pros of v1.1?

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Played SIGIL twice, on UV with the Buckethead MP3s, and then HMP with Jimmy's MIDIs. Loved it, but I preferred the former in all ways. HMP was missing a lot of the threats that made my first play so memorable.

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