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Unexplored Themes?

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15 hours ago, magicsofa said:

Miniature maps, as in the player is mini-fied by making the map an outrageously huge bedroom or something. I always loved these in games like Counterstrike.

I remember a Quake III Arena map like this... it was INSANELY fun!!!

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2 hours ago, holaareola said:


See, I was sort of considering doing that kind of theme at some point because I remember Blood had at least one, or one in Deathwish which involved you going through a mall. A (sort of) infinite Ikea level would be an interesting idea as well for a DM map

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Sometimes you can look to other games for inspiration. The inside of a hollowed out tree, a dark cave with glowing crystals as the only light sources, a refrigerated factory with ice gimmicks (meltable walls, freezable water, etc...), a steampunk/gothic clock tower, abandoned and overgrown churches, or a zero gravity space level where you must use the recoil from your weapons to propel yourself.

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Levels that are entirely made out of flesh/skin. Makes me feel crawly.

I don't think there's a lot of levels like that.

Nothing artificial, just flesh n bones.

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I know that some shining examples exist, but I'd love to see more of these:


-Purple. Cant get enough of that.

-Platforming maps. Good for practice. 

-Gimmick practice maps: 2-shotting cybers, dodging multiple revenant missiles at once (endurance), fights like the end of sunlust map32

-Extremely realistic stuff, like the furnished mansion in sunder map32 

-Modern-textured atmosphere maps like btsx hubs

-Cavernous maps, especially slaughter (take death in excess map15)

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We need more maps in the "night theme" like night blue, silver and a thrid color like brick. With lights.pk3, and even without I think, it just looks gorgeous. The only map I can think about is aa' map22, and it's still pretty lit. And there's even a good quantity of night-themed midis to go with. I'm currently making a map like this though, but would love to see more.

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39 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

imagine firing a nuclear bomb in one map, and then the next map is the aftermath of the bomb. 

I feel like maps that directly affect another are the best. Like the Hubs in BTSX Ep. 2. It would be cool to play a megawad that takes place all in one area, just that the place gets more demonic, or destruction occurs, and new areas of the place open up. 

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A number of years back, I was working on a level that was intended to be a mancubus production facility. I imported assets, including the mancubus gibs, arms, corpses, etc from Brutal Doom (would've requested permission/credited for release), the meathooks and other decorations from PSX Final Doom and Doom 64, and so on. It utilized rusty metal and Doom 2's ceramic tile textures, blood flows and more, which created a pretty convincing aesthetic. When it got lost due to a harddrive corruption, I lost all my progress and motivation to complete it. Shame.

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22 hours ago, Gaia74 said:


Definitely thirding this. I've not fought demons in Heaven outside of fare like Diablo III and Eviternity, and I know that DOOM Eternal (which I haven't played yet) has Heaven as a battleground, albeit a more alien space god version of Heaven than the kind you normally associate with things. And as mentioned before, OTEX does have textures that lend themselves to something more celestial than the standard Doom fare. Perhaps you may have to fight angels alongside the more standard monsters from Hell.

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I feel as though I’m repeating myself but I think there is a shortage of strictly red and black hell maps, too many seem to be guilty of being overly colourful or Christmassy if you prefer.

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1 minute ago, jointritual said:

...there is a shortage of strictly red and black hell maps...

You think? I feel the opposite, especially with tex packs like Gothic featuring that style quite heavily.

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6 hours ago, holaareola said:


Man I hate it when imps attack me at my local shop n bag.

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41 minutes ago, SiMpLeToNiUm said:

You think? I feel the opposite, especially with tex packs like Gothic featuring that style quite heavily.

Are you sure, done well? hmm maybe I’m not looking in the right places.

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Kremlin. You've cleansed Red Planet. Now it's time to cleanse Red Square. Make it redder.

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O Symmetry, o Symmetry
How perfect are thy fractals

O Symmetry, o Symmetry
How mirrored are thy sides


Just kidding! :D


Maybe more Star Wars themed maps. Maps set on Venus or Titan with realistic outdoor environments surrounding a base. Maps with more usage of vine textures plus BRICK11 and BRICK12, both rather challenging textures. Even more PSX themed maps too, especially PSX versions of DTWiD and other megawads etc.

Edited by pcorf

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More heaven a la AA's Culture Shock, more cyberpunk-styled levels, and more hell that isn't just red, generic caves, something more like Doom 64/3 hell.

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i can't really think of any airship levels, while that would be a PITA to pull off it'd also be real cool i think

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I'd really like to see more Greek / Roman temples (and other ancient cultures that aren't egypt (although I am always up for more egypt), imagine playing in Babylon, climbing a ziggurat, in the Aztec jungles, etc).


oh, and more brutalism. Always more brutalism.

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I personally haven't seen any arabic fantasy themed wads,and by that i mean based on the aesthetic from 101 Arabian Nights. You know Brass Cities,Caves full of treasure that sort of stuff.I'm personally a huge fan of that type of theming and would like to see something like that.

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2 hours ago, danidf96 said:

I personally haven't seen any arabic fantasy themed wads,and by that i mean based on the aesthetic from 101 Arabian Nights. You know Brass Cities,Caves full of treasure that sort of stuff.I'm personally a huge fan of that type of theming and would like to see something like that.


The IK Texture Pack on Realm667 includes textures from the IK Blue texture pack for Quake 1 that were specifically intended for use in an Arabian setting. I can't think of any prominent wads that make use of them, though.


I'm not sure if all the IK Blue textures are included in the IK Texture Pack, and someone else has since made a IK White pack. I'm unable to find a link for the original version of the latter, but both IK Blue and IK White were remastered in HD a few years ago; these can be found here: http://quakeone.com/forum/quake-mod-releases/works-in-progress/11906-hd-textures-for-sp-maps

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