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doom eternal positivity tread

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Does anyone remember when Slayer's Club had an article for MGR Revengeance?

I wanna see them do more game recommendations.

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I love how fast-paced it is. Doom 2016 may have had fast-paced gameplay but Doom Eternal takes it up a notch. Things like quickswapping and killing the marauder for the first time, it's satisfying and great.

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i've found that most people who 'dislike' eternal,haven't even given it a fair chance.

i think a lot of classic doom fans(not all,obviously)can't admit that doom eternal IS evolving the series gameplay for the better.is it a perfect game? no but it's probably the best FPS game to release since the 90's.


just a thought.

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18 hours ago, map11has2names said:

i've found that most people who 'dislike' eternal,haven't even given it a fair chance.

i think a lot of classic doom fans(not all,obviously)can't admit that doom eternal IS evolving the series gameplay for the better.is it a perfect game? no but it's probably the best FPS game to release since the 90's.


just a thought.

Nobody is obligated to give something they have an immediate negative gut reaction to any "chance" at all. What is this? "Let the game annoy and piss you off long enough and it'll grow on you"? Nobody has to do that.


Doom Eternal did not evolve anything so much as it threw out what existed before entirely and created something new, with both its own merits and problems. Pretending it is on some kind of spectrum with, or in tune with, classic Doom's combat is just that, pretending.


Most of this thread is a hugbox for people that cannot countenance even the slightest criticism toward this game. Just a thought.

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sorry.i just meant some people will project what THEY want from this game,instead of respecting it for what it is.(a really solid action game,in my opinion).

when i said the series gameplay was being 'evolved' i should have said doom 2016 to doom eternal.

as i'm typing this,i'm realizing how a lot of people must have felt in march 2020.i must have come across like a passive aggressive jerk,i apologize.

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To be fair, most of our complaints and negative points can be found elsewhere in this topic of the site, so this thread alone sort of sets itself apart with a purpose.

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When the trailer for Doom 2016 released, I was taken aback. I'd never played a Doom game, but I had played FPS games for over 15 years. Doom 2016 pulled me back into the genre where no other game could've. I adored it from beginning to end. The industrial environments. The Gauss cannon. The final cutscene of BFG'ing the Spider Mastermind's brains. When I completed it, I thought to myself, "This was really cool. But the difficulty curve stopped halfway through. It'd be nice to see a wider variety of environments, and a more challenging difficulty curve. The bosses could've been more challenging, too."


4 years later, we got that with Doom Eternal. And Jesus H. Christ, did it deliver. The gameplay went from "quickswapping power trip" to "use all of your utilities and make every decision count." It's hellish chess. We got a larger scope of environments, all being more colorful and a delight to gaze upon than the last. Many classic designs returned in full glory: Plasma gun, Mancubus, Archvile, Tyrant/Cyberdemon, Soul sphere, you get the idea. The Gladiator and Icon of Sin made me their bitch on Nightmare. The Icon took me +30 attempts.

Is Doom Eternal perfect? No. The story is garbage (2016 was much better at being immersive and not thrusting more cutscenes into the campaign than a dog dry humps his stuffed duck). We never got to find out what took place after 2016's events, or how Eternal's demonic takeover actually began. The DLCs' ideas feel forced and less polished than the main campaign. My biggest personal gripe is removing the Gauss cannon - seriously, that thing was perfect. They should've kept it with the Siege mode altfire, and maybe changed the other mode that I don't even remember at this point.

BUT. I'll be damned if it isn't the most satisfying thing ever to overcome a particularly challenging arena of demons that takes me multiple attempts to figure out. Dashing and meathooking your way through the frenzy of demons, especially the quick moving ones that have been possessed by the Spirits, is a heavy metal delight. When I zoom in on my heavy cannon rifle and fire a shot at a Hell Knight, tearing the flesh off his shoulder, I can hear God echoing through the Heavens as that gun makes its sound. The meathook delivers swift, brutal justice that gives a new level of utility to what has been the most utilized weapon in Doom for decades. The runes and upgrades allow you to play the game exactly how you damn well please.

Anyway, I like Doom Eternal.

Edited by captain caleb

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On 12/29/2021 at 5:47 AM, Quasar said:

Nobody is obligated to give something they have an immediate negative gut reaction to any "chance" at all. What is this? "Let the game annoy and piss you off long enough and it'll grow on you"? Nobody has to do that.


Doom Eternal did not evolve anything so much as it threw out what existed before entirely and created something new, with both its own merits and problems. Pretending it is on some kind of spectrum with, or in tune with, classic Doom's combat is just that, pretending.


Most of this thread is a hugbox for people that cannot countenance even the slightest criticism toward this game. Just a thought.


IDK dude, I really feel like most criticism I see were from people who didn't want to learn the playstyle. It's so much more entertaining and frenetic and varied than every other FPS I've ever played, that I have a hard time accepting every youtube commentator's insistence that "It was easy but it's just sucks It's dumb the 1ups are arcadey".


Because every one of us had to wrestle with those feelings the first 5 hours, "what's going on here why can't I take cover why are these mobs so tanky and aggressive why is it so hard?" until all that nonsense melts away and your brain puts it all together and you get to feel like an overpowered maestro. There is no power fantasy like Doom Eternal. It's not going to have Doom 1/2's longevity of course because those games are very special in that regard, but for a modern title, it's so good.


I agree that it doesn't play all that much like Doom 2. But thank god. I have Doom 2 for playing Doom 2.


Considering how hard it is for iconic IP's in any medium to be given worthy successors decades down the line, the fact that we have a competent "current" Doom game is a minor miracle - that they changed the formula so dramatically took balls of steel, and its success is a unicorn and a half. IDK how I'm going to play any game that doesn't have double dash and meathook equivalents.  

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1 hour ago, Kute said:


IDK dude, I really feel like most criticism I see were from people who didn't want to learn the playstyle. It's so much more entertaining and frenetic and varied than every other FPS I've ever played, that I have a hard time accepting every youtube commentator's insistence that "It was easy but it's just sucks It's dumb the 1ups are arcadey".


Because every one of us had to wrestle with those feelings the first 5 hours, "what's going on here why can't I take cover why are these mobs so tanky and aggressive why is it so hard?" until all that nonsense melts away and your brain puts it all together and you get to feel like an overpowered maestro. There is no power fantasy like Doom Eternal. It's not going to have Doom 1/2's longevity of course because those games are very special in that regard, but for a modern title, it's so good.


I agree that it doesn't play all that much like Doom 2. But thank god. I have Doom 2 for playing Doom 2.


Considering how hard it is for iconic IP's in any medium to be given worthy successors decades down the line, the fact that we have a competent "current" Doom game is a minor miracle - that they changed the formula so dramatically took balls of steel, and its success is a unicorn and a half. IDK how I'm going to play any game that doesn't have double dash and meathook equivalents.  

this is exactly what i meant.

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In a way, it's good that Eternal has flaws because if anything, it still makes it so each Doom game has its own ups and down, both in comparisons and individual aspects.

Makes discussion and even prespectives on Doom more interesting.


Sometimes a game doesn't have to focus that much on "less bad" if it still nails "more good".

Even people thiking of "here's how i'd fix this problem" or something seems like a game still inspiring some sort of creativity, whether or not you'd agree with them.

It makes me look back at that "document" i once wrote: there is no such thing as the ultimate Doom game ever and there will always be some flaws.

At the same time, some may never be satisfied with what an ultimate Doom game would be.

But even then, that also made me a bit more acceptable for new Doom games. (which in a way is ironic because it involves the same prespectives and awareness of other "takes" related to mods and the fanbase)

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At 1:22 they had concepts for a melee weapon and one version of it almost resembles the Slayer mark.

And the supply drone almost had small guns attached.

Seeing concept for weapon upgrade chambers of different themes is also cool, specially because of how some weapons are of different themes.

The Slayer tech theme is also interesting on its now, makes me wonder if it can be seen as an extension to the Sentinel theme.

Always interesting to see objects, both ingame elements and otherwise, with different themes and aesthetics.

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On 12/29/2021 at 8:47 AM, Quasar said:

Most of this thread is a hugbox for people that cannot countenance even the slightest criticism toward this game. Just a thought.

Well the idea of the thread was just to talk about what you liked about the game.


I dont think it is a perfect game at all. But most of my problems are more about the narrative then the game itself.


Like i dont like how they changed characters to make them more important to the world of the game.


Samuel hayden for exemple... Not only do i think its kinda lame how he is the seraphim but i think that kind undermines tbe story of doom 2016 too because its no longer a human trying to solve an energy crisis, now, its a holy creature trying to find his warrior to defeat god.


Vega too is kinda lame as the father. In 2016 he was just an AI who was almost deleted and now he is probably the most important character to the plot after the dark lord.

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One thing i wonder if id thought of is exploring or being influenced by real planets that have more radical conditions compared to Earth:

Whether it means the UAC gets even crazier by colonizing them or Hell does something weird on them too.


Going back to some of those shoulder cannon concept art designs, i wonder if in a post Eternal game, it will be established that UAC military got better because of Sentinel influence.

They saw the Slayer's weapons, so i can see different themes on certain weapons being expanded, like how the Unmaykr is Urdak's take on the Unmaker of D64.

I also think a way to develop a new playable character is to use 2016 MP weapons as reference.

And the latheral thrusts could inspired a "slow fall" ability that contrasts the double jump/delta V jump boots, for a character that could suffer from fall damage. (and lore establishes UAC trying to move away from parachutes, though possessed soldiers with parachutes is a funny image but i also recall RTCW having soldiers use that as an entrance; maybe if even enemies could suffer from fall damage and platforming/altitude stuff is expanded on)


If they also ever do a "healer" enemy, one way to make it coexist with Arch-viles is that Archies can revive enemies but not to the fullest: like Arachnotrons would still have broken turrets and Doom Hunters would still lack their sleds. (if the player destroyed them firsthand)

So imagine if an Archie and a healer demon team up, because depending on some enemy types and the depth of destructible demons, it could take both support demons to bring back an enemy to their peak.


Also, id now has a chance to do Heretic/Hexen stuff i guess.

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I know there is a thread for this but the post above reminded me of this idea.

I would really love to see a Enemy Territory Doom Wars. Wolf ET and ETQW are seriously underrated gems that deserve some sort of recognition. 

Something like the ARC vs the UAC Cultists at the beginning of the Earth Invasion would be interesting. We have some ideas of how cultist troops would look from Doom 2016's MP. From a lore perspective It would give more information on the Cultists, the ARC and the invasion, personally that's what I care about more than anything in the lore. I also think seeing more vehicles would be awesome (I know hugo loves his cars and mechs). Finally I just think its prime time for a Doom Spinoff after the success of Doom Eternal. 



1 hour ago, whatup876 said:


Also, id now has a chance to do Heretic/Hexen stuff i guess.

This would also be a major W.

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I guess spin-offs like those are a great way to expand the universe because being gameplay stuff, it feels more literal.

Like how you fight against or play as something makes it "exist" beyond just cutscenes and codex pages.

Any MP focused stuff also needs some bot/off-line stuff in mind too of course.


I guess each army would have its differences but i like when certain weapons/mods/items/etc have their own aesthetic and themes because it all comes down to how classic Doom had stuff like UAC Keycards and Hell Skullkeys and such.

I also think even Sentinel could be playable as a faction.

Beside vehicles, stuff like Titans or some giant demons on large fields could be cool and even have them fight mechs while smaller soldiers are nearby.


When it coes to Cultists working as enemies for Hell, i wonder if this lore idea could work: if a human dies, they always end up in Hell right?

what if it turned out that those that suffer the most or become brainless zombies are innocent while the most evil and sickening humans are "rewarded" as slightly stronger members of Hell's armies?

Could have been the lore for Immora: a paradise for sinners and stuff.

They'd still have some demonic powers corrupting their brains and such, so they're not entirely as free and are still Hell's puppets.

At the same time, how would that lore correlate with the Wolfenstein stuff in Doom? maybe Hell would still give Nazis their own seperate tier just because but on a lower rank than Cultist soldiers, because during WW2, Nazis tried to do some experiments and control over demons instead, so they didn't get the process of dying and being rewarded for being evil or something.


I guess the stuff i think of goes for more a "sandbox" kind of direction where it may not be about any lore event in particular, at the same time.

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On 1/20/2022 at 11:26 PM, whatup876 said:


At the same time, how would that lore correlate with the Wolfenstein stuff in Doom? maybe Hell would still give Nazis their own seperate tier just because but on a lower rank than Cultist soldiers, because during WW2, Nazis tried to do some experiments and control over demons instead, so they didn't get the process of dying and being rewarded for being evil or something.


I guess the stuff i think of goes for more a "sandbox" kind of direction where it may not be about any lore event in particular, at the same time.

it seems that if my memory serves me that there are notes in the new colossus that the Nazis met creatures on Mars, is it possible that they were demons?.

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I guess, thought the thing with Wolfenstein and Doom is that, because the Slayer is classic Doomguy, TNO might as well star a different BJ and not the classic one.

Classic BJ being the guy that succeeded killing Hitler and married Marie Julie Petersen and had a son, while TNO BJ married Anya and had 2 daughters.

Both lead to Keen (one trapped in a cancelled mobile game unless it's brought back yet reworked into a proper game; just give the IP to someone experiended with platforms, i mean shit MS even got Toys for Bob now) but not sure if there is a native reboot timeline Doomguy.


The idea of alternate slayers based off skins makes me wonder if that would lead to a Marathon Infinity-like situation, where Doomguy is eventually toyed with, by reality warps, he ends up with different roles and stories.

It could fuck up Doomguy's mind if he went to alternate enough universes where roles were switched and the story was rewritten differently.

At lead it'd be an excuse to explore stuff in art designs, lore, gameplay etc without much coherence, like just because.


Also, when i watched Shadow Warrior 3 footage of Lo Wang ripping off parts of enemies as weapons, that could be a cool idea for Doom, even if this comes off as an idea done in mods like Brutal Doom. (but at least, can also be seen as an extansion to former humans using ingame guns or like 2016 demon runes done differently)

Now i remember the Dark Claw from the Doom bible.

A weird feature suggestion in a Doom game (that could contradict the focus on speed) would be a subweapon/item system where some stuff only exists to "extend Doomguy's potential moveset and just add variety" but it'd be weapons/items not part of the main arsenal.

Like "oh that exists in Doom" kinda way. (at least you could make Doomguy's moveset potential increase so hard, Nintendo will be like "damn we need a Smash 6 just for Doomguy alone")


edit: i was just thinking about how you had to build the Crucible in Taras Nabad and how that could be compared to Hexen's "power weapons" for each class.

imagine if that was more elaborated in a later Doom game.

Edited by whatup876 : adding more

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Just discovered https://www.artstation.com/austincline Austin Cline's ArtStation page and noticed the examples of DE textures.

Like if anyone wants references fo DE's level aesthetics, these texture examples could be useful for projects.

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It's an empirical fact that the most recent entry in any game franchise is Objectively And Obviously The Worst, until the next game comes out at which point it becomes Good And Underrated. It's part of the gamer cycle of life.


(Doom Eternal is a good game; every Doom game to date has been good)

Edited by Gifty

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Swimming. A very rare feature in the Doom franchise. Moments like these are priceless:



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I think i will start a new run of Eternal soon. Love this opus, better than 2016, in peculiar the Doom Hunter Base, the Super Gore Nest, Arc Complex, Taras Nabad, Nekravol and the Final Sin. Fighting Marauders and Arch-Vile is pretty cool, with caffeine, it's gonna be one more time, hot^^

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Also, all those references and Easter eggs are definitely worth to be mentioned. The barrels from Classic Doom, Dopefish, Commander Keen's head etc. I listed couple of them in my recent video:



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Doom Eternal is probably the most secret-heavy game in the franchise. It goes a long way toward making secret hunting worth your time. I especially like how the fortress serves as a space to view your collectibles; it's a perfect way to display your findings. 

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Doom Eternal is my favorite video game from at least the last 5-10 years, probably longer than that. It does everything I want a Doom game to do, while managing to turn the sort of things you expect from a boomer shooter (player aggression, agility, juggling multiple weapons) into actual usable mechanics, with an art style that's absolutely terrifying and hilarious all at once.


Sure, the Marauders are awful - I had to fight the temptation to go get my picture taken with a super good Marauder cosplayer when my band played DragonCon last year, just because I hate them so much even if their costume was great - but it's not enough for me to mark the game down as whole, that would be silly.

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On 3/22/2023 at 7:32 AM, PrinceOfBrains said:

Doom Eternal is my favorite video game from at least the last 5-10 years, probably longer than that. It does everything I want a Doom game to do, while managing to turn the sort of things you expect from a boomer shooter (player aggression, agility, juggling multiple weapons) into actual usable mechanics, with an art style that's absolutely terrifying and hilarious all at once.


Sure, the Marauders are awful - I had to fight the temptation to go get my picture taken with a super good Marauder cosplayer when my band played DragonCon last year, just because I hate them so much even if their costume was great - but it's not enough for me to mark the game down as whole, that would be silly.


I got to disagree, I love the Marauders. They're an interesting challenge that's not just "Hi I'm a bullet sponge" which most hard enemies are. Put multiple of them at once and god they're a massive b*tch to deal with, which really puts you under pressure like nothing else. Especially if they're buffed too, dear lord.


I went into Eternal the first time as a skeptic, and I think it was about the Arctic Citadel level that I realized, my god this game is really, really something special. I must've played the campaign many, many times by now. I've done all the DLC on UV and when I come back I do them on Nightmare, I'm on Fallen Urdak right now. I've beaten the Arcade mode on UV, and I think the multiplayer Battle Mode is sorely underrated (if hard to get into because of a high skill level needed).


In my view, not only is it a near-perfect game, it is one of the most innovative, and THE greatest shooter of all time, as of yet. Perhaps not so in terms of legacy, only Shadow Warrior 3 has followed it so far, but in terms of elevating the genre, it is simply unmatched. Nothing else gives you the same lightning/break-neck speed action, with so much thinking on your feet and skill going into each fight. You rarely, almost never feel deaths are unfair. You know either a) you screwed up or b) enemies were just too hard for you, they got the better of you. But either way you feel the death was deserved, not surprising. The Mick Gordon soundtrack is just legen--WAIT FOR IT--dary! And I think it spawned a whole new genre of music, Argent Metal. I haven't heard music like the Doom 16 and Eternal music anywhere else, although it does take some inspiration from djent, a genre I don't follow much.


The pacing is perfect. Every single level is so creative, unique, and interesting, except for the first and the last which are a little generic, but the last one is just really tough waves of monsters before the final boss.


There's so much content, and all of it is brilliant. 


Even the story is perfect. Cutscenes are short, sweet, and skippable (but I never feel the need to 'cause they rock!) I love reading all the collectibles because they're actually really well written an tell an engrossing tale. 



The ONLY criticism I have of the game is the Master Levels. They're just way too freaking long, and you aren't allowed to save and come back later. If you quit, back to beginning. WTF? Is this an NES game that I have to beat it all in one sitting? I kid you not the Taras Nabad ML on UV took me like 4-5 hours to beat, I'm not exaggerating. I wanted to quit half-way through but the game forced me to finish it after I would've stopped. There's just no excuse for this. It makes me rarely want to play the ML's because I know I have to sit down and play for a ton of time if I start it, which is a shame since the ML's are supposed to be a good way to play the game once you've beaten everything.


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