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I switched

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Well... DeePsea's my main editor now.

The main reason is the fact that it's a Windows editor. I can't be arsed to go into DOS mode to run WadEd all the time; I've always got things going and I hate alt-tabbing between screen modes to check every other window, etc., especially when it's required about every 10 seconds. The convenience of that alone makes me desperate enough to try anything. The rest of the features are almost essential to me now; the auto-offsets, extensive errorchecking, detailed interface and all that. I'm still not that fond of the drawing but I can definately manage it many many times better than any other editor. There's still those odd occurances but they aren't half as bad as WadEd when it comes "make sector" time, and with an undo feature, they're hardly a problem at all.

So; productivity=up, limits=gone, ease of editing=supreme, frustation=significantly lessened. You win Jack.

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And it took you only how long to realize all of this? (Just kidding.)


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Actually, I cut my DooM-editing eye teeth with WadAuthor, and continue to use it for map building (I'm a strictly sector-based map builder myself). However, a year and a half ago I discovered the wonderful feature of DeePSea that allowed the creation of "tall" skies. Since then I've learned of additional lump management features in DeepSea that are unmatched in practically all other DooM editing utilities.

So, in response to your post I'll say that I'm a die-hard fan of WadAuthor for map building and a die-hard fan of DeepSea for lump management. (I must add that an up-and-coming utility called XWE by Csabo is very promising too.)


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And it took you only how long to realize all of this? (Just kidding.)

I knew what all it's features were all along; I couldn't draw maps with it. It was just too big a step to take. I barely had time for the maps themselves, let alone learning a whole new way to make them. The editor I draw the maps with is what I consider my "main" editor. The editor I touch them up in is just that. I used Deep to touch up and sometimes paste maps after I had made them in WadEd, but now I've had enough time off to figure out how DeePsea's drawing works, and have gotten fairly used to it; the old one I had was Deep97 and I'm not sure but I think DeePsea works a lot better. I had endless troubles drawing maps in Deep97, and it ruined a good deal of them so I stayed the hell away from it's drawing features until I got the latest DeePsea and gave it a try again. It's still a bit goofy but like I say, Undo makes it practically impossible to create unfixable errors or screw up the map. So, me=happy for now.

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