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Characters and Storyline DOOM 3

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The_Aeromaster said:

Dude, edit your post, quick! For your own safety, take out any mention of the novels or any names/events in them!

hehehe.... Well he might be spared who knos.

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The novels are horrid trash and id doesn't even like them. Even if they were not about Doom, they'd still suck. I sure as hell hope that they don't include any novel aspects in Doom 3, well, maybe a corspe of a marine with "F. Taggart" on his nametag or something.

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Recoil661944 said:

does anyone know of the doom 3 characters? in the first games there was just a nameless "marine" but they also had those 4 novels based on the series with characters: Arlene S. and a few odd nick names for the creatures. I'm just wondering since wolfenstien had a character with a name.

Ask Disorder. He lüvs those novels!!`1~

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Job said:

Ask Disorder. He lüvs those novels!!`1~

I DON'T like the novels. I HATE them, but somehow one of the moderators felt it was funny to give me this title.

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doomedout said:

Flynn Taggert was cool.

You testicle faced rectum, you're nothing but a butt-blasting fucking bastard, if I could, I'd crawl up your ass and eat your brain until you die so I feel better about myself.
Choke on your sister's dick.

(Kiwibonga insult generator)

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Fredrik said:

You testicle faced rectum, you're nothing but a butt-blasting fucking bastard, if I could, I'd crawl up your ass and eat your brain until you die so I feel better about myself.
Choke on your sister's dick.

not bad for start of a new Doom novel

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Recoil661944 said:

does anyone know of the doom 3 characters? in the first games there was just a nameless "marine" but they also had those 4 novels based on the series with characters: Arlene S. and a few odd nick names for the creatures. I'm just wondering since wolfenstien had a character with a name.

Well, I doubt iD will include any of the novel characters as they loathed the novels (just like any Doom fanatic with a bit of respect for himself - ok, there are a few exceptions here but...) - unless of course they deliberately want to annoy those of their fans who say that "iD won't include any of the novel characters" - and I can't see why they would do that.

So far, it seems that Mr. Nameless Marine is back (and he's STILL nameless, thankfully - it'll have sucked donkey dicks if they had given him an actual name, though a nickname would be fine). There has been talk about a guy called Sarge, who'll give you mission objectives to carry out, but whether he'll be THE Sarge (from Q3A) or a different Sarge, and whether he'll even be there in the final release remains to be seen.
Then of course, there's a nameless Mr. Nervous Scientist, and a Mr. Offscreen Evil Voice among the other characters, but we haven't got any names yet.

Oh yeah and the storyline will own the sorry ass of the novels' story: It's basically the same as in classic Doom 1, except that it takes place on Mars itself (not the two moons) and is a helluva lot more detailed with plot twists.
For instance, there seems to be some sort of hidden conspiracy within the UAC that eventually causes the gateways to go bad and open the door to Hell, whereas in classic Doom, the gateways just misfired and opened a door to Hell.

Hope that answers your question. Now please, don't mention those wretched Doom novels again and I won't strangle you in your own entrails ok? :-P

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Disorder said:

I DON'T like the novels. I HATE them, but somehow one of the moderators felt it was funny to give me this title.

Oh, ok... I was gonna say, we're gonna haveta split it in 3, but me and Recoil are the two halves I guess.

As dsm said, they've adapted the story from the Gates simply turning on to the much more interesting story of there being a little conspiracy/experimentation going on with the Gates that somehow goes wrong and opens them.

I would like to point out that this is exactly what happened in the novels.

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Fredrik said:

You testicle faced rectum, you're nothing but a butt-blasting fucking bastard, if I could, I'd crawl up your ass and eat your brain until you die so I feel better about myself.
Choke on your sister's dick.


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Fredrik said:

You testicle faced rectum, you're nothing but a butt-blasting fucking bastard, if I could, I'd crawl up your ass and eat your brain until you die so I feel better about myself.
Choke on your sister's dick.

Guys who talk about testicles, hint at masculinity in women, and can refer to a guys ass 3 times in one sentence often are gay.

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The_Aeromaster said:

I would like to point out that this is exactly what happened in the novels.

I forgot to point out that in Doom 3, the humans MADE the gateways themselves - the gates aren't some lameass alien artifacts that the humans just stumbled across (lamest interpretation of Doom's storyline ever!).
Oh and btw, there was no hidden conspiracy in the novels, the humans didn't even turn on the damn gateways like they did in Doom 1's storyline - the gateways just turned on by themselves. IIRC, there wasn't even anything about the UAC trying to use them as teleporters in the novels.

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Tetzlaff said:

Can I read the Doom novels shit online somewhere? They were mentioned so often past the last 3 years that I became curious :)

Get in touch with BBG on irc or somewhere where links to warez stuffage ain't the Deadliest Sin Of Death.
He was the guy to enable me to see the unspeakable horror for myself.

But a word of caution: You won't be able to play Doom properly like a whole month after having read one of the novels, because you keep getting weird pictures in your head whenever you play Doom.

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I just love seeing how defensive people get when I mention them. They're not all bad... just cause they're not your idea of what Doom would be like if it actually happened doesn't mean that it's absolutely no good whatsoever... I admit they're not good Doom, but they're good sci-fi, especially the last one... that gets insane.

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The_Aeromaster said:

I just love seeing how defensive people get when I mention them. They're not all bad... just cause they're not your idea of what Doom would be like if it actually happened doesn't mean that it's absolutely no good whatsoever... I admit they're not good Doom, but they're good sci-fi, especially the last one... that gets insane.

Well, the story is kinda original - I'll give it that. But it is certainly not well-written - actually pretty damn childishly written at times - and it's full of hidden clichés, which, upon identifying them, makes me puke.
If you compare those novel to any decent book, you'll see that the writing is on a damn primitive level compared to a book by a more mainstream author.

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Quite true, but that doesn't mean the story isn't good.

Also, at the end of the first book, the character Bill Ritch does discuss how the UAC was conducting experiments on the Gates, saying something along the lines of "We discovered they responded to microwaves... They were trying to fire the Gates up from their end, but until we 'answered the phone' they couldn't get through, so yeah I guess we're responsible."

As far as aliens vs. demons as the enemy, it being lame is just a perspective. Some people would think that demons coming through the gates would be stupid. Just noone on these forums.

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The_Aeromaster said:

Quite true, but that doesn't mean the story isn't good.

Also, at the end of the first book, the character Bill Ritch does discuss how the UAC was conducting experiments on the Gates, saying something along the lines of "We discovered they responded to microwaves... They were trying to fire the Gates up from their end, but until we 'answered the phone' they couldn't get through, so yeah I guess we're responsible."

As far as aliens vs. demons as the enemy, it being lame is just a perspective. Some people would think that demons coming through the gates would be stupid. Just noone on these forums.

I didn't say that the story was lame - just indicated that some of the ideas thrown in where shitty. And a good story is only part of a good novel - I've seen plenty of good stories that were poorly executed in the fan fic forum.

I never specifically said that it was lame that the demons were replaced with aliens (though I personally DO think it's lame that a novel based on Doom has aliens in it instead of demons).
What I though was lame was that the humans just 'stumbled upon' the gateways and thought "oh wow, look at those shiny artifacts! Let's build some bases around them and mind our own business". It's so far removed from what I think Doom's backstory was all about that it makes me cringe, and it is certainly much less exciting an idea.

Now can we please murder this discussion about those Doom novels? The taste in my mouth is getting sour (and that's a bad sign).

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Uh, one of the main scientists in Doom 3 is called "Dr Malcolm Betruger". According to the PC Gamer article anyway.

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Disorder said:

I DON'T like the novels. I HATE them, but somehow one of the moderators felt it was funny to give me this title.

man i wish i could get the title as being the other half of the fan club!

EDIT: didn't read the aeromaster's post. HA, YOU HAVE TO SPLIT IT THREE WAYS!

also, does anyone notice the cover to the halo novel kinda reminds us all of doom? http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0345459210.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
(copy and paste if necessary).

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I always thought Halo's marine looks like a rip-off from Doom

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999cop said:

I always thought Halo's marine looks like a rip-off from Doom

Ditto. Doom's a big inspiration it seems.

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