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Help me find this PWAD

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I'm looking for a certain PWAD, but I don't remember what it was called, or who made it.

The main thing I remember about it was the custom sky. It was this weird lunar mountain range (the mountains didn't look normal) with kind of a blue outer space field behind it. I think this sky might also have been used in one of the Massmouth levels later on.

The level itself was a military/starbase styled level, mostly grey textures as I recall. I also remember some moderately large (not huge) open, outdoor areas.

I also think it used some rather out of place Quake sounds effects, but I'm not totally sure of that.

Anyone know what PWAD this is?

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Rigel1 is one of my absolute favourite old maps (one of my first demos - and the first on which I worked really hard - was on that map), but I didn't recognize it (or anything else in particular, I'm afraid) from the description.

I would expect a DWer to recall first and foremost that Rigel1 has the old Post Hell music, and maybe that lifts seem to say "thank you" when you use them. And the delightful way it sprays archies all over the map. :)

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Hm.. well, maybe it's not the right one. But it did have:

* Custom sky texture with mountains and (light) blue sky

* A military base style (with marble thrown in)

* Mostly greyish texturing

* Two interconnected outdoor areas, not huge but not cramped either.

* Out of place sound effects (whether or not they're from Quake I have no idea).


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Rigel1 seems good... of course it does get better if you remove the lousy sounds and change the dissonant music.

Draconio said:
The main thing I remember about it was the custom sky. It was this weird lunar mountain range (the mountains didn't look normal) with kind of a blue outer space field behind it. I think this sky might also have been used in one of the Massmouth levels later on.

That sounds like the sky used for amievil.

The level itself was a military/starbase styled level, mostly grey textures as I recall. I also remember some moderately large (not huge) open, outdoor areas.

I also think it used some rather out of place Quake sounds effects, but I'm not totally sure of that.

But it seems like you're looking for something else maybe...

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myk said:
Rigel1 seems good... of course it does get better if you remove the lousy sounds and change the dissonant music.

I didn't notice the lousy music... I never play with music. But the sounds aren't too good.. the first time I played it I thought the lift sound was a modified monster sound, so it freaked me out when I was roaming about looking for non-existant monsters... :-)

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Mayhap it could be Michael Krause's Moon2000. He is known for using Quake sounds and making extremely oversized buildings.

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Little Faith said:

Mayhap it could be Michael Krause's Moon2000. He is known for using Quake sounds and making extremely oversized buildings.

This appears to be the one. Thanks to all who responded.

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