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What is this creature called?

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well i do like old world mythology. many of your favorite children's tales are really watered down parts of older ghost and monster stories and myths.

one of my favorites is a type of monster that i cant even recall what it was called. so help me out.

the story involves a man who is married to a woman only to suspect something. (not sure how long they where married, fact is they may not have been)
what he suspects i dont remember really, or why. anways he fallows here into a sewing room at night and hides. (best part here) she then removes her skin by slowly peeling it off and rolling it on a yarn/spinning wheel. she then walks out the door and flys away. leaving her skin. (she most likly needs to feed on fresh babies or something, i dont recall it saying what it was she did) wel she returns to him in the morning and he plays like nothing happened.
he then asks the village wise man or something like that. the man gives him some fairly odd instructions.
paint the window and door trims blue (cant enter house for some reason, dont ask me. i am very sure about this detail)
also pour pepper into the skin and hang it out (must really hate pepper, like before i am very sure of this detail. how can u forget something that odd)

anywas he does this and the creature is upset that it cant return. however it sees the skin and puts it on. only the skin shrinks and kills the creature.

anyone know what the hell the name of the creature is.

what i know
starts out as woman, but not sure if the monster is always a woman.
doesn't like doors and windows with blue trim
uses a spinning wheel to remove skin and flys around skinless.
you can kill it by putting pepper in the skin?

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Couldn't say; sure sounds misogynistic, though.

It seems like a particularly harsh variant of the selkie myth/legend.

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That sounds like an old japanese tale where a man meets a woman who sews very elaborate silk cloaks or something. She makes them in a room late at night. I'm not exactly sure what exactly happens, but it turns out that the woman is a swan/crane. The man sees her, so the swan flies away and never returns... That's what I remember... :/

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yea, basicly. wierdest dream i have had in a long time. it ate a bunch of people too, but then i torched the SOB and we had a "walk in" chicken dinner. it was cool, and it made me hungry

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i dont recall it being a sucubus, if it was then it was going by a different name.

if this helps.
i belive the tale is from germany, russia or the slavik countries. basicly eastern europe

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