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what do you think was the most classic and memorable moment in doom?

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Assmaster said:

As everyone else has stated, the Baron and Cyberdemon encounters were pretty memorable moments. But theres a third that will always stick out in my mind:

The halways behind the blue key door in E1M4. I used to be so terrefied of going in there because it was so cramped and mazy. Plus there was a demon in there too.

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for me it was the whole feel of the game. I had never before played a first pers on shooter. I had seen wolf3d once or twice but hadn't played it. The whole idea of running around having firefights with zombies and monsters really hit home. The graphics and effects also made me come back to the same levels over and over. Just one of those things. :)

Gavin J. C. Doherty

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1. Seeing monsters teleport out of nowhere when either picking up a power-up or a keycard. Oh, my GOD! RUUUNN!!
2. E1M3, the SoulSphere out of reach. I stared at it, even fired at it, and was scared half to death as I got hit! I thought it was another monster! Damn imps... didn't figure it out until 10 minutes later what hit me.
3. The CyberDemon. Period.
4. The end of Episode One. Where you teleport and ... well, die. And you see the text type up.
5. Hearing the Cacodemon ambush you on E2M2 (?). Man, that's a bone chilling sound the first 50 times. Even scarier in packs, like Episode 3.

Those are my big ones. Although it's now only once a week I jump out of my skin (Those custom level designers have that little edge I'm looking for... damn!), it's still the greatest thing.

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prdarkfox said:

5. Hearing the Cacodemon ambush you on E2M2 (?). Man, that's a bone chilling sound the first 50 times. Even scarier in packs, like Episode 3.

no cacos on E2M2, must be thinking of somewhere else.

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There's one in E2M1. And there's a quote link on the right hand side beneath every person's post.

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I will never forget, the day, I finally beat the spider mastermind and woke up on a land of smoke and a dead bunny head. I also will never forget the SECOND time I beat it @ e4m8, the bloody gloves, the shot gun, the bloody face, him carrying a smaller version of the rabits head. I love gore.

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Manga Girl Marchelle said:

I will never forget, the day, I finally beat the spider mastermind and woke up on a land of smoke and a dead bunny head. I also will never forget the SECOND time I beat it @ e4m8, the bloody gloves, the shot gun, the bloody face, him carrying a smaller version of the rabits head. I love gore.

E4?? ^^ I don't get it, there's only 3 episodes...
BTW, I love Manga girls...

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LeX said:

E4?? ^^ I don't get it, there's only 3 episodes...
BTW, I love Manga girls...

Try update your doom.wad to ultimate doom...

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Orignally playing the game when I was like 5 and getting scared to shit on the Sega 32x,I remember running from all the monsters and going to a little corner with the shotgun and hiding.

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Ledmeister said:

Yes (he forces himself to admit)... First time I ever even knew about E3M9 was playing the SNES edition of Doom... "Wait, I played through this level already!" I thought it was a major bug in the conversion of the PC game.

The same happened to me. It was a suprise when I got to where the changes to the level took place. I expected the level to end (I too thought it was a glitch)

I had no skill at all, so when I got to the barons in E1M8 I unloaded my rocket launcher on them and hopped they died before me.

I remember that the furthest I could make it in doom 64 was level four...

For a long time, having to confront a cyberdemon was a big deal.

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Easily E1M8. I hit the switch and stood on the elevator. Thats when I noticed these two doors. Walked forward and ROAR! I was like "Fucking hell!"

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The Baron encounter didn't faze me because I found a shareware version of Doom 1 in '95 and it had included the Doom FAQ. I was at someone else's house and I couldn't install it onto their computer so I read the FAQ for two days in feverish anticipation.

One thing that did surprise me was the "shocked" marine, like Assmaster's avatar. The first time I saw it I couldn't believe what I saw. The second time I saw it I tried to pause the game but his expression wouldn't stay frozen. I eventually read it in a thread here that it had to do with picking up health and getting hurt at the same time.

The weapons were bliss. Emptying a shell into an Imp's midsection and knocking him over was something I relished over and over. Splattering the zombie marines with rockets was loads of wholesome fun. The chaingun cha-cha wasn't quite what I was expecting since each monster had one pain frame so they ended up looking like they were having seizures.

I never understood why the end of E1M8 was like that. I remember stepping into the goat head with god mode on and being utterly owned by demons and zombie sergeants and imps in the complete darkness, then the screen fading into the "Buy the next two episodes of DooM!" screen. I suppose it was meant to reform me from my IDDQD ways.

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The barons at the end of episode one, definitely.

And then, of course, finally obtaining the registered version and playing through all of episode two in one night.

One more that's kind of odd, from Doom 2 - Map 10, with it's music, was a pretty memorable play.

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Honestly, the first time I reached Map30 in Doom 2, I was like catatonic when I saw the big ass goat head. The sound he made scared the crap out of me and I just sat there in a coma like state while some demon ate me. I was just like "....holy shit"


EDIT: But that would be for Doom 2!

In old Doom, I suppose the most memorable moment was actually getting sound. I had PC Speaker for quite some time and it wasn't until like 1994 when I finally got a Soundblaster. The game totally changed for me after that. Scared the crap out of me seeing familar enemies, but with screaming roars and growls now.

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Rubilacxe said:

In old Doom, I suppose the most memorable moment was actually getting sound. I had PC Speaker for quite some time and it wasn't until like 1994 when I finally got a Soundblaster. The game totally changed for me after that. Scared the crap out of me seeing familar enemies, but with screaming roars and growls now.

Same here. Except I first played it on my friend's 4 meg PC Speaker machine and then he lent me his disks for getting it to work on this 4 meg. Took it home, at first i was scared to turn on sound, but then I finally got up the nerve to, and I was like "woah, kick ass!".

Thing is, though, that I played Doom2 before I ever got around to E2 and E3...and that was only in ultimate doom, so unfortuniatly the cyberdeamon wasn't nearly as scary.

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The double baron encounter in E1M8 and the Cyberdemon match in E2M8 are among the most memorable.
It was also a thrill to play Coop in Doom for the 1st time too. I think my buddy and me played coop something like 20 hours in row when we 1st tried this mode.

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I played doom for the firsttime long ago. The best thing that worked on my young brain was the berserk powerup that made fleshes fly around in parts .

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1) The music of e1m1
2) when I was playing the shareware Doom for the first times and seeing one of the demos at the start (e1m3) and thinking: how can anyone be good enough to survive that level with ultra violence! There are those shadow piggies and so many shotgunners at the beginning of that level!!!
3) getting the chainsaw for the first time
4) when I noticed that archviles revive monsters (I had played Doom quite reqularly for at least half a year at that point, but had never seen that before)

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The upside-down cross in E2M1.
I don't know why, but that is the most memorable to me.

Probably because it's the first "new" level I ever played outside of the shareware episode.

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My most memorable time was when I finally installed a soundblaster card and heard the digital sounds for the first time instead of the PC speaker tones. That along with the creepy music of E2M4 (first demo in v1.2 I think) about made me piss my pants. All those hellish growls and yells!

Of course there's also the standard E1M8 Baron fight and meeting the Cyberdemon on E2M8 (or should I say meeting his rocket!) Plus the first time I saw hell (E3M1) it really creeped me out with all that hanging flesh and red sky plus the demons,imps,ect... no other FPS has really recaptured the feel of Doom back in the day yet.

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Several, really-

-Hearing the Cacodeamon hiss for the first time. It still scares me today when I don't expect it.

-Hearing the Doomguy die. His sound effect gave me 2 consecutive nightmares (I was about 9 years old at this point.)

-Seeing the Rabbit's head (Daisy! No!) on a pike. I never saw it coming!

-The Muzak for Doom II map 01. I still hum the tune today had have 3 remixes on my comp.

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Those corridors in E1M2 - they were dark and scary. I remember just hanging out by the entrance for several minutes trying to psyche myself into going in. That was fear like I'd never felt before, but then again Ultimas 3, 4, and 5 used to scare me too.

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