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We've had exchange of ideas on what Hell would be like, but after playing those Painkiller demos, I started thinking about what Purgatory could be like (it seems rather uninteresting in Painkiller - looks too much like Earth) if it, hypothetically speaking of course, existed.

What is your perception on Purgatory? Any ideas on what the place might "look like"?

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According to doctrine, Purgatory is just like Hell, except its inhabitants only stay there for a limited amount of time, as opposed to eternity.

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Bloodshedder said:

According to doctrine, Purgatory is just like Hell, except its inhabitants only stay there for a limited amount of time, as opposed to eternity.

Isn't purgatory actually some catholic creation? It's not in the bible...

meh, I blame our idea of hell on dante and midevil artists...we could really have no idea

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I read somewhere, I think it was the Divine Comedy, it's a feild with a river and you get to frolic naked with Philosophers, poets and Artists and unbaptised children.
Sounds worse then Hell to me.

Btw, I can't find the discussion of Hell what was the name of the thread?

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BlackFish said:

You should check out the hell level itself. It's really cool looking.

Want a screenie? :D

Nope, I'd rather wait until I see it for myself ingame - now I only need to wait approx. a month or so before Painkiller hits the shelves here.

Btw, I can't find the discussion of Hell what was the name of the thread?

Don't remember, "Hell" I think, but I've no clue - the thread is old as Sin itself. Might even be on one of the older boards - I think I remember that this forum was called "Religion & Politics" back then.

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Danarchy said:

I think it would look like nothing cause it doesn't exist.

Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

I don't believe in purgatory either, but I'd like to use my imagination and imagine what an imaginary realm would look like. Quit being such a damn spoil-sport.

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Well, we certainly were denied access to Post Hell. Whether the regular forums are Post Heaven is another matter.

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Janderson said:
I read somewhere, I think it was the Divine Comedy, it's a feild with a river and you get to frolic naked with Philosophers, poets and Artists and unbaptised children.
Sounds worse then Hell to me.

No, it's a mountain on the opposite side of the world to Hell where the penitent slowly ascend and purge their sins. That place you mention is Limbo, and they don't really "frolic" since they are in a bleak and forlorn godless place. They aren't naked either, I don't recall.

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Purgatory doesn't exist. . . in the bible. From my understanding its loosely based off of Sheol, the common grave of mankind, of which there is not a huge explanation. Purgatory was a scam by early Christians... "Well, he didn't go to Heaven, I'm sorry."
"How can that be father?"
"He went to purgatory"
"Oh, I see". Parishoner pulls out wallet.
"Amen! Another brother has been sav-ed!"

I believe that Sheol on the other hand is real, and is name of the place where ghosts reside just a level beyond our reality waiting for the Final (and only) judgement. According to the bible, there is only one judgement of the living and the dead, Sheol is described as a holding place, a common grave of man, and therefore it defies logic that we could be judged right when we die. Therefore we wait here until then. Just imho. So, I believe that it looks like what it did when that spirit died.

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None of that is real, and reality is not the point here. Are you pretending that earlier writings aren't ficitious because the authors from back then are so dead and gone that their works are covered with an air of pretentious mysticism which is lost on newer auhors we can clearly name and pinpoint?

Earlier religions were much more oral (spoken as opposed to written), and thus records of what happened in the past were rare or nonexistent, so people had no way of verifying anying was false or whatever. Now it's still possible to sell bullshit as truth, but harder to make it last, since we have documents of what is said.

In earlier writings the underworld is generally a rather forlorn place for everyone, whereas heaven is for gods, very fortunate heroes, or divine rulers. Evidently christianity eventually got a somewhat more "humanistic" idea where heaven and hell are more applicable to each individual (according to moralistic worth.) This is obviously related to the conditions in which we live; society has changed, and we all can have our own books, our own private contemplation, and society takes all that into account with much more lasting detail.

Roman authors were also forging concepts about heaven and hell that made it into the typical christian picture of said places, since they had a very political, practical or social veiw of religion. Thus hell clearly became a place of punishment for criminals and those opposing authority. Purgatory is obviously an answer to that, from the view that if you repent there is a way for you to get to heaven, even if you kind of failed it a bit during life.

Note how the old testament, right around the corner from oral religion, makes little note of "other worlds" and takes place on this world; with a promised land on Earth. God and the angels come and go as if from and ethereal state that surrounds the world in an impercertible way. And check how christianity's new testament gives more color to heaven and hell; making them separate locations with descriptions and all. As I said above, due to the conditions under which information is tansmitted, God and religion is brought closer to the individual, but also, due to the keener critical eye of humanity, God and his world must be distanced and placed appart from our world, due to the scrutiny.

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deathbringer said:

heh, nothing but the best for the big man upstairs..you didnt think jesus played QUAKE did you?

Heh yeah. However God always uses IDDQD so don't get in a DM with him.

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myk said:

No, it's a mountain on the opposite side of the world to Hell where the penitent slowly ascend and purge their sins. That place you mention is Limbo, and they don't really "frolic" since they are in a bleak and forlorn godless place. They aren't naked either, I don't recall.

Yea, I was probably thinking about LotR.

Purgatory will probably take place in this world until the final judgement. Except now that your soul is free you see things with 20/20 vision, but the tint is like that of sunglasses on a hot summer day. You can't feel the temperature or humidity, but you can still feel the elements. You can see the fellow dead in normal colours but the living are darkened out and part of the background. You cannot move around without leaving contact with your body, unless you have been cremated or your limbs have been scattered or decayed.
Graveyards and boggy areas are filled with arms and hands of the adult dead, reaching out of the ground, reaching for something to feel, invisible to the living passers by, who are constantly hounded by the mobile spirits, which scream out hoping to be noticed. In murder houses where the slain become angry and bereaved, the corporeal bonds are broken as are the laws of purgatory, and the dead can occasionally be heard, seen or felt.
Hunger and physical pain are no longer an issue, but the pain of lost life and being bound to your body are only second to the emotional pain of suicides and unwilling victims of euthanasia. Many are content; lovers together, believers and sufferers to name but a few. But young children and tiny embryos, lost lovers and pets, search frantically for their owners. The sound of desperate screams and mournful crying can be heard over the jovial laughter and chat of the contented.

I was hanging around in a graveyard yesterday and I had this vision (as you do).

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