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Retarded doctors?

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Disabled Students Sue Over Med School Exam
Updated: Tuesday, Jul. 20, 2004 - 4:36 PM

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) - Four learning-disabled students sued the organization that administers the medical school admission test, alleging they were denied extra time to take the exam in violation of California's disability laws.

The discrimination lawsuit, filed Monday in Alameda County Superior Court, argues that students who have trouble reading can learn to practice medicine if they receive enough time and a distraction-free setting in which to complete the Medical College Admission Test.

"Without accommodations, I really can't show what abilities I have," said plaintiff Brendan Pierce, 28.

Pierce and the other students allege that they asked the Association of American Medical Colleges to give them more time to take the MCATs in April but were turned down because the organization said their disabilities were not severe enough to qualify for special treatment.

Retha Sherrod, a spokeswoman for the association, said the group had no comment on the lawsuit but was committed to providing "appropriate accommodations" for disabled applicants taking the test.

Pierce, who has dyslexia and attention deficit disorder, graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2000 with a psychology degree and has completed premedical courses at Mills College. He said he's always done well in school, having been given extra time on his exams since junior high.

California law defines disability more broadly than the federal Americans With Disabilities Act. The plaintiffs in Monday's lawsuit are seeking a statewide order requiring accommodations for learning disabled test takers, as well as an injunction that would give the four students extra time to take the next scheduled test Aug. 14.

(SUBS graf 4 to correct name of group to Association of American Medical Colleges.)

(Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

Am I the only one that thinks if you need extra time on your med tests then you probably cant think quickly enough to save my ass when I am dieing on your operating room table?

PS, only would something like this be an issue in California. ROFL

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note to america
retards are NOT a good idea to train as doctors.

sorry but i want people are mentally able to be my doctor.

example being my cousin. she failed basic math, trying to be a nurse. she could not do simple power of ten stuff. soemthing that is a major part of daily activities. she was pissed and tried to sue but was shot down. I still tease her about it. ironicly if she took a few simple math classes she would be alright and could continue.
some jobs are not for people with mental disabilities and even physical. i wouldn't want a brain surgen who suffers from tremors

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I don't know about you but I wouldn't mind having a dyslexic surgeon working me. And by wouldn't mind, I mean would shit my pants if I'm alive long enough.

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Alientank said:
Am I the only one that thinks if you need extra time on your med tests then you probably cant think quickly enough to save my ass when I am dieing on your operating room table?

Ok, first of all having dyslexia and an attention deficit disorder dose not make you 'Retarded'. Secondly, not every doctor is a surgeon. I'd say he's studying to be a General Practician. A General Practician is the guy you go to for check ups, or when you have a cold. He doesn’t preform Surgery. You don't need to think quickly to write a prescription.

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It's ironic these will be the people prescribing medicine left and right for kids who cause problems and beat up other kids arguing they have something called "ADD" or "ADHD" AKA, the scapegoat disease.

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I dont see what the problem is. They have difficulty reading and "ADHD/ADD". There's no mention of decision-making or judgement impairment.

However, I also dont think it's fair that they should be allowed extra time. If a dislexic person can complete the exam as quickly as anyone else, then by all means he or she should be admitted to medical college. But it's the person's responsibility to overcome their limitations when attempting to do something such as practice medicine.

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insertwackynamehere said:

It's ironic these will be the people prescribing medicine left and right for kids who cause problems and beat up other kids arguing they have something called "ADD" or "ADHD" AKA, the scapegoat disease.


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Never mind the fact that they will probably all fall out later on when the going gets REALLY tough when they have medical histories and reports to draft.

Amaster is right - they have to overcome their diffculties somehow. I was diagnosed with dyspraxia at 11 but if you train yourself to overcome, and it takes a fucking good deal of hard work, you can.

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I think discrimination in this case would be quite logical.

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I have add and i think doom 3 should accomidate for me, i want more time E.G. when a monster sees me i want it to wait 14 seconds before it moves or attacks me

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