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Scabbed Angel

Which monster ...

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Are you looking forward to seeing in action the most? The least?

Mine was the pinky up until recently, when I saw the Cacopic, my least would be the tentacle marine. He just doesn't seem to fit in the post alpha Doom 3 from what I've seen.

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The cyb, of course!

Well, then there's the last boss. I'd like to see it, of course, too.

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The "Jurassic demon", the baron of hell, and of course the Cyberdemon.

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Cyber and spidermastermind, i really wanna know how the new renditions of the classic doom bosses turned out.

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Most: Spider Mastermind
Least: Revenant (IMO the lamest monster in Doom II - and they brought him back?!)

Also looking forward to the Cyberdemon, this "Jurassic Demon" everyone's talking about, and that spider-thing with the egg sac on it's back.

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The monster I'd most like to see is the Baron of Hell, because I love the Hell Knight, and the BoH would undoubtedly be even more badass. after that, the cthulu-like monster.

Most of the other monsters I think are equally awesome, with the exception of the trite which I think is kinda lame.

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I don't.
In the recent video you get an even closer look at it, and it's nothing like the trite.

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I mean I belive that the demons manipulate it or something to create the trite.

Or perhaps you can take control of those to scout around an area.

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Caco-Puff said:

I belive the trite has something to do with those little robots you see walking around in the videos.

That sounds unlikely - I think it's more likely that the Trites are just decapitated human heads that got warped by "Hellish energies" (or whatever), grew legs and mutated so it's jaw became capable of opening wider than before.

There's absolutely nothing robotic about the trites which kinda kills your reasoning, don'tcha think?
Now if you suggested that the lost souls could've been the product of a decapitated human head and a robot of sorts, then it'd be more plausible.

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Personally I'm looking forward to battling the 'Pinky'. I dunno, I just think his mechanical hind legs look awesome (not to mention how they remain after the organic parts disintigrate *drool*). And, like everyone else, I'm longing to see the Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind.

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dsm said:

That sounds unlikely - I think it's more likely that the Trites are just decapitated human heads that got warped by "Hellish energies" (or whatever), grew legs and mutated so it's jaw became capable of opening wider than before.

I think I read somewhere that the trites are "offspring" of a larger spider creature. But I can't remember where, and who said it. Smacks of Headcrabs/Gonarch from Half-Life if you ask me.

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AirRaid said:

I think I read somewhere that the trites are "offspring" of a larger spider creature. But I can't remember where, and who said it. Smacks of Headcrabs/Gonarch from Half-Life if you ask me.

Yeah I remember that - fancy the "mother" eats humans/human corpses, swallows the bodies and spits out the now mutated human heads which have turned into trites :-P

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Trilinear said:

Least: Revenant (IMO the lamest monster in Doom II - and they brought him back?!)

Not only did they bring him back but he appears to be the only monster they didn't change?! WTF?

I'm looking forward to the Cyberdemon but I'm really curious about the Cherubs, I know they'll scare the hell out of me.


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I don't know why everyone h8s the revenant. I hated the thing, but thats coz of those rockets. :)
But i think the rev looks class in Doom3, translucent body makes it look great.

Do you think the cherubs spawn in and sit somewhere nearby, and the illusions/hallucinations only stop if you find it and kill it?

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AirRaid said:

Smacks of Headcrabs/Gonarch from Half-Life if you ask me.

And headcrabs smacked of facehuggers from the Aliens movie series. On top of that, Half-Life's story was pretty much just a rip-off of DooM's anyway (teleport technology gone wrong unleashes an evil that takes over the complex? please). Everybody steals from everybody else! :-)

The demon I am looking forward to the most of course, is good ol' Cybey.

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Most: Baron of Hell
Least: Haha, this is such a tough one. I have to say hell knight, just the least interesting. ;)

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DD_133 said:

Most: Baron of Hell

But we've already seen and heard it...

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mje said:

But we've already seen and heard it...

Eh... don't tell me the baron and hellknight are identical again.

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I predict that the baron will be the same as the HellKnight with the exeption that he can hurl fireballs.

I look farward to the Mancubus. that thing in the PC Gamer mag is the Mancubus. I saw the mag in real life and pulled the margin back to reveal the cannon, which wasn't too clear in the scans. and it looks pretty close to the old mancubus cannons with the exeption that the hole which fires the fireballs is now lit up inside. with blue light

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AirRaid said:

I think I read somewhere that the trites are "offspring" of a larger spider creature. But I can't remember where, and who said it.

It says that in the PlanetDoom enemies section http://www.planetdoom.com/doom3/enemies/

Shapeless said:

I predict that the baron will be the same as the HellKnight with the exeption that he can hurl fireballs.

The hellknight CAN hurl fireballs. It was shown in one of the latest videos, not sure which one.

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Dron said:

The hellknight CAN hurl fireballs. It was shown in one of the latest videos, not sure which one.

Really? Cool

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Dron. I meant that perhaps only an variant of the hell knight could hurl fireballs. let's call this variant the baron of hell.

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