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Companies poisoning us with Mercury

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Wow, they really care about people.


Just google search for "Mercury" "Dove Soap" and you'll find this stuff. Pregnant woman should especially avoid this stuff.

Personally I think it would be wonderful to catch some executives responsible for this vacationing somewhere that isn't quite the police state the US is and show some appreciation by bashing their faces in until they cave in so they can have a little permanent damage as well.

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Wake up dude, any food product that comes in a can contains mercury. Which is why I try to avoid stuff in a can and pre-processed food. I also try to get things in bottles and jars if at all possible. I seen this documentary on public television about canned tuna and mercury levels. It stated that children should be given a maximum of 1 can of tuna every two weeks because of the mercury content interupting their developmental growth both mentally physically. Seems like everything in this world is unhealthy for you.

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yes it is true there is alot of harmful chemicals to worry about.
example is DDT, my grandparent believe there water is safe to drink because it is "well water" . well ah no. the area they live in used DDT heavily up until its ban in the 1970's. the area is also filled with numerous small underground caves and crevices, so not much in the way of filtration. i keep telling the to get chemical filters, to remove trace chemicals and such, also on concern is lead, fertilizer, Possible parasites and bacteria.

However they do grow 80% of there own food. something i can say i do. I am trying to find info on cancer rates for the area (sandusky county OH)

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On a related note, one of my stupid friends drank mercury... and lived. It was all over his house. It was on the news and everything. EPA was cleaning his house for like two weeks. He got it all from his uncle who works in mines. The stupid thing is that they let the guy take 6 qts. of mercury home! Where the hell is this guys boss?

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to make matter worse medication can have horrible side effects.

recently i have seen 2 ads for medication that has lymphoma as a side effect! and it is advertised!
WTF how the holy fuck did that get past the FDA?! i dont think treatment of sorisis(spelling) or athritis(more bad spelling) is worth a very serious type of cancer, among other side effects.
as a child i was placed on 2 very addictive drugs, basicly as a means of control. this had horrible side effects of withdraw and a painful emotional disorder that i belive may have had something to do with the 2 drugs.

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Nothing seems to be what it used to be, even bagels are soposed to cause cancer. Now Dove soap has mercury in it, great....

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oh stop whining, nothing is completely clean. Theres dangerous bacteria in the air all around you. Get over it, who wants to live to 90 anyway?

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I dunno, I drink a pint of mercury each day and it hasn't done me any harehefhhheheffhf heeFSDJIGERGJIREIJ ERGEGJIGGERgrEGreepglfggEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Jonathan said:

mercury induced dribble

That's where the term Mad Hatters came from. Like the charcter from Alice in Wonderland. They used mercury in the process of making those top hats and so it would absorb into their body through their scalp and forehead and drive them looney. Not to mention the individuals making them and inhaling that shit all day long.

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Yeaa nothings fit to use anymore the government are such a bunch of fucktards, oh no cant have 2 people per year getting shot in canada make the country pay 2 billion dollars for nothing but who gives a shit about the poisons there eating everyday.

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Tyockell said:

Yeaa nothings fit to use anymore the government are such a bunch of fucktards, oh no cant have 2 people per year getting shot in canada make the country pay 2 billion dollars for nothing but who gives a shit about the poisons there eating everyday.

Can you be any more incoherent?

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ravage said:

Can you be any more incoherent?

Hey its true, we wasted 2 billion dollars on useless gun laws that dont help anything and I 'MEAN' not a god damn thing. We could have boughten over 230 new MRI's and saved a shitload more lives per year versus like 140 shot per year in canada and all of which those weapons except maybe 1-2% would not have been registered and totaly illegal and brought from the states. Dont be telling me im incoherent because seriously our government is a bunch of fucking morons.
Heres something else for you since 1933 when Canada put the ban on owning handguns without a special class 2 weapons license and registering them the police department has not once used that database of weapons owners to solve a gun related crime, yet B&E rates increased by 30% and shooting by 15% in the first 2 years all done with illegal weapons from the states.
Since 2000 roughly when they put the squeeze majorly on rifles and shotguns in Canada, the rates of law abaiding gun owners having there homes broke into and there weapons stolen increased dramaticaly.
Alright now for the food situation. Canned food is horrible shit to eat, they line the cans with so many hormones to preserve the food that it causes cancer, weak arteries and veins along with a shitload other defects and develomental problems in childeren. The cooking oils you use if they are not cold pressed which is not common were extracted using petrolleum products and solvents!. Sugar-free foods that contain apertame what in the fuck are they thinking? wood alchohol, paint thinner, terpintine to name very few of the poisons in that chemicle that have been known to cause cancer, liver failure, brain damage, more develomental issues, skin rashes, heart damage and miss beating like palpetations and pronouncing heart murmurs. MSG in pretty much ever store bought food you can find is horrible on your system, I cant eat the shit it makes so tired and my heart rate increases by 20-30 beats per minute when I consume any ammount of it. Artificial flavour is just all chemicles created in a labratory causes cancer, lowers your immune system and puts an extra strain on all of your filtering organs. The drugs they put on the market for high colesteral which is nothing but more bullshit... get this causes muscular distrophe! what do you think your heart is, just one big muscel talk about making a problem worse huh. My god man I could go on for hours about the disgusting and unbelieveable shit the government alows for people like you and me to consume everyday. They are the damnation of their own people.

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Darkman 4 said:

Oh fuck. I use that daily.

Yeah, me too. But you don't see me losing any Nobel Prize Awards.

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I like the 3rd page because it as a Doom barrel.

Anyways, we've used Ajax, Comet Cleaner, Murphy's Oil, Lysol, and Soft Scrub since I can remember at my house. I think companies are smart enough to know what a dangerous level of chemicals like mercury is in such products. If not, and people got really sick from them, they'd have a bunch of law suits on them.

I say just use your head and use in moderation.

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