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Spawning Demons

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As ive been reading here, ive noticed some people talking about spawning demons. what are they talkin about? I can spawn a demon anytime i want? If thats true, it gives me some hella ideas. If theres a way to do it, could someone be so kind and explain how... please?

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Go to console and type :

Fat zombie: spawn monster_zombie_fat
"Yellow Jacket" Zombie: spawn monster_zombie_maint
Chaingun Zombie: spawn monster_zombie_commando_cgun
Tentacle Zombie: spawn monster_zombie_commando
Imp: spawn monster_demon_imp
Pinky Demon: spawn monster_demon_pinky
Trite demon: spawn monster_demon_trite
Maggot demon: spawn monster_demon_maggot
Hellknight demon: spawn monster_demon_hellknight
Tick demon: spawn monster_demon_tick
Arch-Vile demon: spawn monster_demon_archvile
Mancubus demon: spawn monster_demon_mancubus
Flying Cacodemon: spawn monster_flying_cacodemon
Pistol: spawn weapon_pistol
BFG 9000: spawn weapon_bfg
Shotgun: spawn weapon_shotgun
Chaingun: spawn weapon_chaingun
Machinegun: spawn weapon_machinegun
Rocket Launcher: spawn weapon_rocketlauncher
Plasma Rifle: spawn weapon_plasmagun
Soul Cube: spawn weapon_soulcube
Cyberdemon: spawn monster_boss_cyberdemon
Spawns a cherub: spawn monster_demon_cherub
Spawns an imp that starts out in crawling position: spawn monster_demon_imp_crawler
Spawns an imp in a weird position, doesnt move: spawn monster_demon_imp_crawl_armdoor
Spawns a revenant: spawn monster_demon_revenant
Spawns a lostsoul, sorta low to the ground: spawn monster_flying_lostsoul
Spawns a flaming Bernie zombie: spawn monster_zombie_bernie
Spawns a strong, boney zombie: spawn monster_zombie_boney
Spawns the hell boss, the Guardian: spawn monster_boss_guardian
Spawns the floating blue thing above the Guardian: spawn monster_boss_guardian_spawner
Spawns the Guardian's Seeker: spawn monster_boss_guardian_seeker
Spawns an immobile, untouchable, unremovable Maledict, the thing you see in the ending cinematic of the game. There is no point in this one: spawn monster_boss_maledict_cinematic
Spawns Sabaoth: spawn monster_boss_sabaoth
Spawns Vagary: spawn monster_boss_Vagary
spawns campbell holding his bfg case: spawn char_campbell_bfgcase
spawns the evil betruger: spawn char_betruger
spawns swann: spawn char_swann
spawns campbell holding...nothing!: spawn char_campbell
spawns a hazard suit scientist: spawn char_hazmat
spawns campbell holding bfg: spawn char_campbell_bfg
spawns a bloody spine: spawn env_gibs_spine
spawns a bloody human torso: spawn env_gibs_torso
spawns a bloody leg: spawn env_gibs_leftleg (or right)
spawns a bloody arm: spawn env_gibs_leftarm (or right)
chair: spawn moveable_chair (1,2 or 5)
table: spawn moveable_ktable
computer: spawn moveable_computer
base: spawn moveable_base_fixed
barrel: spawn moveable_base_barrel
domino: spawn moveable_base_domino
boulder: spawn moveable_base_boulder
open burger box: spawn moveable_burgerboxopen
closed burger box: spawn moveable_burgerboxclose
wad of paper: spawn moveable_paperwad
burger: spawn moveable_burger
base brick: spawn moveable_base_brick
wrench: spawn moveable_wrench
base: spawn moveable_base
canister: spawn moveable_cannister
laptop: spawn moveable_blaptop
carton: spawn moveable_cartonbox (1-8)
coke can: spawn moveable_cokecan
monitor: spawn moveable_monitor
gizmo: spawn moveable_gizmo (1-3)
weapons: spawn moveable_item_(any weapon here)
armed guard: spawn_marscity_marine_helmet_p90_walking
guard with a pistol: spawn_char_security_goggles_pistol
oxygen tank that explodes when shot: spawn_moveable_burningtank
oxygen tank that explodes when shot: spawn_moveable_explodingtank
highly explosive barrel: spawn_moveable_burningbarrel
explosive barrel: spawn_moveable_explodingbarrel

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Is there a way to spawn multiple(same type) monsters with one command using the console?

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No because the spawn command spawns the object on the point specified by the position of your crosshair, so spawning two objects would cause them to clip.

And uh, instead of trying to memorise that big assed list of stuff, in the console type spawn <letter> and press tab. It'll show you a list of everything you can spawn starting with that letter. You can write more to narrow it down. Yay for auto-completetion.

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how do I spawn the Zsec and labcoat zombies, the ones on this site give me INVALID CLASSNAME when used.

I would like to spawn normal (not hazmat) scientists for entertainment with zombies, demons and to shoot myself.

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